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250W SOG-Uzbeki,Trainwreck,SDxA11,Molokai Frost and more!!


Active member
well I figure I ought start documenting this one from the begining, So First off we'll take a look at the clones I have currently vegging under the 250W HPS.

first up two different clones of G33bx#2 pheno3

heres pheno 5

heres pheno #4, male

two clones of pheno #2, male

heres a couple close ups, this dude started flowering under 24 hrs light

Now we take a peek into the veg cab, under 115W CFl's for now
Here's my 303 clone, dont know sex yet but shes got a cutting in the bubbler so we'll find out soon enough to breed :)

heres the mother plant of Rez Seeds Sour Mist thirst for water

and a couple hours later

a couple of SM clones just out of the bubbler and into some cups

And finally here we have the first shots of my seedlings, forgive the HPS orange. Top tray is Trainwreck on the left, Uzbeki on the right.Middle tray is all SDxA11 bottom tray is Molokai frost and 3 SDxA11.

This is a close up of some Uzbeki twins, I tried to split them last night only to find that the two stems fuse just below the surface. Several seeds of teh Uzbeki have done this can't wait to see how they grow up.

Plan is to wait till the seedlings are big enough to take clones off of and then flower ASAP. Once I remove males I will fill any gaps I can will clones of SM or G33.

peace love positivity
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Very Nice strain selection.
Similar setup to mine.
Very interested to see how you make out.

Good luck with this grow gOurd


Active member
Welcome aboard TML and JWP, the spice of life indeed.

Just a shot of the seedlings that I planted into Keg cups on Saturday. A few of the SDxA11 seedlings have been burned cause the mix they went into was pretty hot for seedlings, but I think they'll pull through. I will probably transplant the TW and teh Uzbeki either tonight or tomorrow.

peace love positvity


Snow Grower ~OGA~
You are using the 250W HPS to flower also gOurd?

How many at a time to be flowered?

P.S. I can see your toes!


Active member
Time for a little update, We'll start this one off with the males. Down to one of each now and they have been transplanted into 64oz cups.

Now for the G33 Females. teh bushy twins first of pheno #3

Heres pheno #5 after a bit of trimming to keep her nice and columnar

Now on to the seedlings, first a group shot showing mostly SDxA11 and Molokai frost, the green square pot is Uzbeki

Now for some Close-ups

First is Molokai Frost, very impressed with these so far, great vigor. Nice velvety smooth feel on the leaves and a nice smell too.

Now we have SDA11, also growing vigorous and developing a nice smell

Here is my big Uzbeki that got transplanted before all the rest, looking ood no?

Gotta show the bad too, heres a couple of the slightly burned SDA11, I've lost three, but I think these will all pull through.

and finally, just for grins, a little nug I toked the other day, H3ad seeds G33bx2. pheno #3.

Peace Love Positivity


Active member
Hey TML, Yes I only have teh 250 to flower with. I can potentially fit 40 of teh Double Gulps in my cab but I dont think I'll do quite that many, I will be packin'em in though. The big females will get transplanted into 3.4L square pots and the rest of them will be finished in the Double Gulps. I expect I will go for around 30. Currently I plan on supercropping/hurd crushing to keep them small while I promote lower shoots to grow so I can cut them for clones, then I will switch to flower. Once females show they will get transplanted to the Half gAllon Gulps for finishing, I will remove males and keep the best males elsewhere for making seeds. Once I get an idea of how many M/F I will decide how many clones to put in replacing the spots left by males. sounds like a plan?? anyone got input??
high and happy, hope you are too :)

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Active member
you're gonna love the frosts! one of my fav strains. very floral smell in flower and great taste and strength. i'll be checkin in on ya from time to time.


Active member
well after a tumultuous Veg period I guess I'll update...sorry its been so long but shit happens ya know? Had our cooler go out and temps soared while the seedlings were still in Keg cups, this slowed them to a crawl and even regression for a few, there were cooler repairmen, electricians, and landladies around the house on and off for a couple weeks so things were kept on the lowdown and suffered a bit more for security sake (poor ventilation erratic lighting etc.) well they got through it all, after our cooler went out AGAIN! needless to say they were very ready to leave their 16oz cups and get into their final homes of 64oz. Thing is my tap water is about 7.5pH and my mix didn't bring it down enough so more suffering was endured, and a few plants lost (RIP). However after watering with some PH6 water (ty lemon tree!), things have perked up. LIght cycle has stabilized at 12/12 and I have seen a few preflowers on some SDA11 seedlings, all my clones are getting some pistils out too. So now on with the pictures :)

We pick up on Aug5th with some group shots, I think this is right after? the heat waves, not sure

Then jump a week ahead to Aug12th and stressful transplants, those males you see on the end have been removed, I'll have plenty of pollen to play with

now onto some line-up shots first is SDA11

and some closer shots

next up is Uzbeki

and heres Molokai frost

Now for Trainwreck, the two in the smaller cups were left outside for awhile to fend for themselves and fend they did so they are still kickin

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Active member
and now to the clones, first up is Sour Mist from Rezdog, Can't get enough of this lady!

heres the decrepit males of G33bx#2, they're gone now and you can see why, RIP boys

Finally we have the big females from G33bx#2 by Grat3fulhead, thanks again H3ads! shorter more G'ish pheno #3

and now the taller more Diesely looking pheno#5, she got STOLEN last run so I haven't finished her before, really looking forward to it she smells heavenly

and after a little trim to keep her columnar

well I gotta run but I'll get current in the next couple days, maybe take some new line-ups if I can find the time....
peace love positivity
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Active member
ok here we got some shots from a couple days ago first shots of the G33bushes to compare to 10 days previous, not a whole lot goin on but they've been getting supercropped to keep em short and when the lowers shoot out I trim them off

now the whole setup taken out for a neem bath, also you can see a couple mothers and clones in the front, they are hanging in my veg box...

finally I snapped a few shots after they were all tucked back into the closet, I know they are cramme in there, but with the taller ones on the outside and the short guys directly under the lights they dont shade eachother out too bad...plus I still have untold males to remove

I'll update again when I can, keep it growin.

peace love positivity


Active member
Well things keep on truckin around here, I think I've got all the males out but I'm still waiting on my shorty tw and one of my MOlokai Frost to show their stuff, My last surviving 303 turns out to be a male and will be getting jiggy with a few females for some sativa jungle bushes...I hope anyway.

Heres the show
startin off with a group shot

first lineup is Sour Mist cuts

cant wiat for this to fill in

Heres the TW, tall stretchy showed balls and hes out ahere medium height is a confirmed female and im still waiting on the short& stocky one, heres hopin

Now up Molokai Frost, two confirmed females and waiting on two more to confirm, but Im pretty sure about em.

Heres SDxA11 six nice strong uniform females and one shorter slight variance can be seen on close examination/smell but they are generally quit uniform. I think That three will get pollinated by 303 and three by Molokai frost, sound good?

two Uzbeki females is all Ive got, one is nice and compact while the other stretched a bit and topped herself. The compact one will Definantly be getting pollinated with several nice males from this supposedly pure line, infact they may be dropping pollen as I speak....



Active member
last but not least we have the big clones, one short/G pheno G33 to be hit with Uzbeki pollen, tall pheno I'll probably keep sensi, although I've another smaller cut to put in still that I Haven't decided which pollen to hit with.
tall first

hoping for a crown of buds from this gal

now the short bushes

keepitgreen yall

peace love positvity


Active member
Ug, sure seems like my pics are going down hill, anyway I tried out anew background, alittle too small though. Heres the most recent shots in lineup.
first Sour MIst

Next Trainwreck

Molokai frost


and SDA11

Hope someone's out there lurking....
peace love positivity
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Jam Master Jaco

Good stuff man. I'll probably end up with a setup similar to yours. Whats the average yield off each of the plants you flower in 64 oz cups?


Active member
Hey Jam Master, I haven't finished in these cups before so I don't know what I'll yield, in fact my final numbers may not even be very useful since most of it will be seeded to some degree or another. I can say that I yielded 7-10 grams off each of these plants in. Im not sure but I think the pots are 5quarts. I think that most of my plants will be in just the 2-3 gram range really. Although with a good strain all dialed in I'm sure that 5g+ per plant is doable. I will have at least a couple Sour Mist clones unseeded in there so I'll have a rough idea of what a set-up like this is capable of. Thanks for dropping by and stay tuned.

strains are Subcools fiesta mix and Spice Bros BlueberryxC99

peace love positivity
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Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I'm interested in the results for sure. I run a 250 and always wondered how a decent size SOG would do. I ran two clones of Diamond Head last grow and they filled out nice under a 250.