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Cree cxa3050 test cabinet journal


Hey everyone interested in growing with leds. Ive started to experiment with cree cxa's and i thought i would share my progress with you.

I have two cxa3050's. One 2700k and the other 5000k (i think,,,,). Powered by two mean well LPC-60-1400. Cooled by two 80mm fans.

I am currently designing the new light version 1.2 in a cad program, maybe i will show that another time. The leds are going to be enclosed in a aluminium framing. Opposite to this, where both leds and wires are out in the open enviroment.

I popped some beans, not all got out alive, but four managed.
Out of those four, i got one male, one hermie and two females. Which was actually pretty perfect for this test-run.

The reason i call it test-run i because i knew from the beginning heat was going to cause problems. Since the leds are exposed openly, they give more heat,,, plus i have the leds on the smallest possible heatsinks. That also increases heat in the cabinet.

Therefore the tempature has sometimes reached up to 32C (90F), but the plants have done super well, even though they have had a warm run. But that will be fixed along the way, as i countinue my way torwards cabinet version 1.2

The light was at 18/6 the first 1-1,5 weeks,, then it was switched to 12/12 on approx. day 10.

The plan is to integrate my arduino, a raspberry pi and some other stuff, and then try to autonomise it as much as i can.

But remember, much of this is only for hobby purposes, so i really dont mind spending more money, for less right now. Im in it for the fun, nothing major. So keep that in mind if i ever start throwing out prices of the cabinets total costs and what not.

Here are my two babys. Nr 3. is Sweet Tooth x Ice (2013, from friend). And nr 4. is Alien Soul Diesel Kush Auto. :ying:

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Active member
It's looking good in there. If the heat gets to be to much you could look into the cxb3070. They would put out more light and less heat with your existing drivers


Hey grouchy, thanks alot for the info. Ive been looking into the 3070's a bit. Prob. going to use those on the next lamp. This is great i love the internet.

Here's day 46 from seed(ling)ish,,,,,



Tiny update from today. It is approx. day 53 from seed(ish). Plants are loving the cree cxa's. This lamp only spits out 110w total. So thats 60w with 2700k and 60w with 5000k. Next lamp i am going to use cxa3070's, with two 2700k and two 5000k leds. So when i veg i have 110w 5000k, and then when i have to flower, i power off the 5000k and turn on the 2700k's. I will maybe post pictures of this lamp, we will see :)



pure dynamite
hey man! nice project. I just edited your thread title so it fits the model of the leds you are using.

good luck! :wave: