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rabbit alpaca hot compost to worm bin


New member
Used the Berkey hot compost method on some rabbit and alpaca manure . Some I ran though worm bins. Now I have a cubic yard of rabbit alpaca compost and 130 lbs of worm casting. Given the how hot both manures are would these work as stand alone. Example for soil 1/3 rabbit alpaca compost 1/3 peat moss 1/3 perlite. Rabbit alpaca worm casting aact for the fertilizer all the way though. Any thoughts or additional additives I should be using. Tea , soil recipe using this as a base would be helpful.


Active member
Bring up the Potassium levels, kelp that shit. Might need a little N and P supplement but you should know a little better after a test run.

Lime your peat of course...

And if your compost doesn't have any "grit" aka topsoil in it, i would add like 10% local dank earth. A bit of clay and char help bring it together too.

best of luck,



New member
Thanks will differently give that a try on the non control was going to kelp everything. Does any have any experience hot composting minerals like rock phosphorus or green sand to up the P and K in the finished product. I've read other university studies were it makes it more water, bacterial and fungal soluble in the full activity off a hot pile. I was trying to get more off a all around fertilizer. If anyone has had success let me know