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Garlic's Tin Can greenhouse



Here we Go :woohoo: This will be a part itme thread because of work. I will try and post and reply as much as possible.

First off the Greenhouse. I made some changes from last year.
1. Vents in the roof

2. I built a box around the intake fan and sealed it to make it run more efficiently.

3. I built a raised floor with 6x14 inch vents in each corner. Sorry no pics.

4 I built tables with wheels to move my plants around.


2 parts FF happy frog
1 part light warrior
1 part power flower
1 part perilite

My plants are in 24 inch diamter pots, so no more transplanting.

Let's see what Garlic has growing?

Left to right TW, BBW in the corner, bagseed next to her and 2 urkles in the front.



Afgooey? I think I got it from a club and everyone is saying it's a fake.




Trainwreck inthe back and Urkle up front

Bagseed left Afgooey? in the corner

And another look at the girls

OK so let's have fun. Isn't that what it's all about?


hey looking good did you build your greenhouse by yourself? If so how much did it cost?


No bro it was an old aluminum shed I had on my property. I removed the roof and put corrugated fiberglass on it for light.

I had to vent the roof because it got hotter than hell in there last year. Still hot, but not as bad.



Voluptuous Trichomes
Gonna tag this...the club cut "Afgooey" is actually a good plant....it started flowering slowly....as in baby buds at week 5....then it just started busting out...it flowers similarly to C-99 (closest plant to it I've flowered anyway)....in that it has nice nugs spaced on the branches....anyways I'll let you know how the smoke is when I chop the "Afgooey" (in about 2 weeks)...I bet the Afgooey flowers differently for you in that Greenhouse (also I leave veg nutes in 1st week of bloom which may have messed her up)

The club Trainwreck is legit...man the smell is just awesome....strong lemon piney smell...like fuel almost lol....strongest lemon scent I've ever smelled...the trim I've been smoking from some ealry test colas is better than some of the stuff I've paid good money for :D

Good Luck with the grow


:wave: Hey VT thanks for stopping by.

And thank you for the update on the Afgooey. She is one of my biggest plants. The only one bigger is my Blackberry widow.

Please keep me posted on the AF I want to know what the smoke is like? I am always lurking on your thread for new updates.

Thanks and don't be a stranger


The Tri Guy
Hi Garlic, do you have any form of lighting in there, or is it all natural lighting?


Looks killer in there Garlic. The mobile tables are great, you are gonna be glad you made those a bunch of times over. The plants look good bro :woohoo:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
"Where did Garlic go.." "He's out in that shed again..comes out of there with a grin, drooling on himself.." :biglaugh:

ScrOG-o-matic..should be sweet..can you remove th fiberglass panels easily for more sun and cooling?.. :wave:


:wave: Hey Gro glad to see you make it over here. I thought By making the table on wheels It would be easier to take care of the plants and I can move them around so they are all getting the same amount of light.

:woohoo: Looks like they party is getting started my friends are starting to show up. :woohoo:



:wave: whatsup PN2P? Scrogomatic huh? :chin: Kind of like shanti town? I like it. :woohoo:

No I don't want to remove the panels because I don't live far from a small airport and there is always a lot of small planes flying over real low. :mad: If it wasn't for that I would leave my babies outside.

OK Pn2P let's keep this party going.

Oh I'm leaving for Lake Shasta tomorrow so I will post new pics and reply to everyone on Monday.


hello garlic :joint:
ahh glad you desided to run the shed grow this time out, i see a couple missing in those pics my friend, very sorry to hear about those....

this will be my first garlic shed grow viewing and i'm sure its going to get good in the coming months....
peace bro :yoinks:


ICMag Donor
Looks great Garlic, thanks for takin our advice in the other thread seriously. Thats a good idea having the lower vents too. Do you have any circulation fans in there?


Active member

great job, GCG!! :woohoo:

scrog on wheels...hmmm...could be the answer to the internal combustion engine! :pointlaug :chin:

very jealous over here!! :sasmokin:


Active member
Nice grow bro...very nice and clean. I was wondering about the Happy Frog you got. Is this your first grow with it? Im asking cuz i just picked it up from the hydro store. Im thinking about mixing it up with a bag of light warrior for veg then adding 1 cup of peace of mind in flower. I guess its real close to your mix. Any info appreciated


:wave: Thanks for all the tips last year Pipeline. They are really making a difference. It is still hot in there, but not half as bad as last year.

:joint: Hey Jaws what's up Brotha? Need some popcorn? :lurk:

:confused: Sleepy if anyone should be jealous it would definatley be me jealous of Mr. 31 flavors. Thanks for coming by. Better hurry up and grab a seat I'm sure the roughnecks will start fighting pretty quick. :yoinks:

mysta177 I have never used or even seen the happy frog before. I wanted Ocean forest, but the store said FF had a prob with their bagging machine so that is all they sent. It is supposed to be the same mix without all the goodies from the sea. We will see if it works or not.

:sasmokin: :kitty: I will have a better update for everyone tomorrow . I just got back from a weekend on Lake Shassta and all the beer and smoke has me in a fog this morning. :badday:



:wave: Alright Garlic finally got his lazy butt out of bed and got something to eat, so I feel better now. :violin: Let me explain. This Weekend I went to Lake Shasta on a house boat for my cousins bachelor party ( funeral).J/K So after 2 days and 2 kegs of coors between 10 guys and all the weed we smoked Garlic is a little beat up. :bat: :friends: :violin:

Now back to the Tin Can.

All the plants are doing fine and look like they have started to grow. :woohoo: I have 2 problems though.

1. My Trainwreck and BBW look like they are already starting to bud. I am not sure if this is transplant shock or what :fsu: well I will keep an eye on them and let you know what is up.

2. I have F**king spidermites again. I am ordering some spidermite predators and some mite destroyers to combat that.









Let me know what you think? and any advice will be greatly appreciated.



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Man I've been hearing the words spider mite a bunch these days..ladybugs should be cheap and plentiful this time of year..
In the mean time I hear keeping the plants wet will slow um down..knock on wood..I haven't had to deal with the Borg yet..
In cali..so lots of daddy long leg spiders..put every one you find in that shed..they'll eat everything..and they most likely won't web up your plants
Ladybirds teamed with daddy long legs..friendy, easy to see predators..I bet they could clean that shed fast..and keep it clean.. My :2cents:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Forgot to say..we grew some plants in the late 70's outdoors in central Cali..got attacked by white flies and aphids too..Ladibirds love aphids as well.. :wave: