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V leaves or "praying" leaves - what is the census?

Alpha Phase

After a long and long winded thread on another forum about praying leaves, I want to know the facts about it.

If the plant does NOT have a mag deficiency and it does NOT have heat stress. When the plant appears to be 100% healthy, happy, mean and green, all variables are in check and the leaves are still praying like they're at a sermon in church? Please educate me.

I've heard about heat, magnesium and other factors causing it. What about other factors?

It seems when my plants are happy as pigs in shit is when my plants are doing a V with their leaves. Someone please enlighten me. I know there are other threads about this, but I want a solid answer and not anything mentioning a deficiency or environment factor because my environment is fine and my plants are healthy.

So why are my leaves praying?

Sorry for sounding pissy lol, not my intention, I was just was told that praying plants mean something about the plant is unhealthy. Period.

So I want to know what is wrong?
I agree with john doe. Praying is good but tacoing is not.
Is the leaf fold straight or is it curling? Curling would be tacoing
usually due to heat stress. How about a pic
Praying leaves are a sign of a plant reaching for more light penetration in response to a raised metabolism demanding more chlorophyll production. It is straight forward in this ability if all needs are provided at optimal levels.

Magnesium deficient leaves act totally different as they are being subjected to stress. They tend to roll and show the typical tie died appearance due to the exchange of this mobile nutrient taking place from lower growth to the growing tips.

Alpha Phase

I'll get up some pics in a few minutes, the leaf stems are at a \ / angle and the leaf is also at that angle and green healthy, no folding or curling or anything. I have a 1000w light about 15" or so above the tops and it's aircooled. Temps are 75 at most directly under the light and about 70ish under the canopy. I always thought they were happy when they did this too :/

I'll put pics up in a sec, hang on

Alpha Phase

Here's some pics, sorry the color is a little off, they hps is on and I had to take the pics through some grow room glasses

I've always thought the V meant the plants are growing vigorously but at a troll site some people were saying leaves are never supposed to do this if they are healthy and leaves should be limp.... :/ so now I'm like wtf have I been screwing up my plants the past 10 years :comfort: tmp_8825-20141219_125213-147996518.jpg


those look fuggin perfect alph, when leaves fold upwards like that - thats what you want.
beware of those pesky troll sites

Alpha Phase

Oh man you don't know how much this puts my mind at ease!! I've been scratching my head in confusion all night second guessing things. I'm gonna leave that troll site alone, I swear there is never any help there, just lots of wrong info. What happened was someone else asked the same question i just asked about his leaves and I told him they look fine and plants do that when they are happy and holy shit, the shit storm that rolled in saying leaves are never supposed to do that and only do if something is wrong. So thank yall for solidifying this IS a good thing :)

I know that occasionally they do the praying when something is amiss, but I've never actually seen a unhealthy plant do it personally, it seems they praying happens much more when things are going well.

Thanks again! Much appreciated!
I use to think the praying leaves in veg meant the plant was reaching for light wanting more light but eventually realized the plant wanted slightly higher ppm level and maybe a little tweaking of your nute regime. The praying leaves thing does not seem to be harmful except I find the leaves are too pale for my liking. I use Plant Prod 7-11-27 + cal nit + Groteck pro-silicate, finally got the ppm's pretty close to where the plants are happy then added pro-silicate which made the leaves look more lush with a bit of a downward arc just the way I like to see them.

Alpha Phase

Hey cannabacca, they're greener than the pics make them look (method 7 glasses) but i'm entering week 5 of flower and going to be cutting down on the N very soon. Some leaves were experiencing N tox (leaf tips curling on a few leaves) so I figured it was best to lower the EC. I am using silica blast and love it! First grow using a silica product from start to finish and will always keep it in my regimine now. I am running 1.2 EC ( was at 1.3ec when the tips started to curl).

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