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Bushmaster / Gravity Users Post Results!



Anyone use these products? I have been for the past three weeks. OMG is about all I can say! I have buds at 3 weeks that are looking like they are finished. I am absolutely jaw dropped. I used the label directions, for hydro, at day 5 til day 10, 5 days in the resevoir. Just like it said. I can absolutely not believe what I have seen. What does the Gravity do for the bushmaster product? I am so amped to see what the total weight is going to be. I have 4 eurogrowers growing 5 different strains.

The strains are superfunk, chocolate trip, sensi star, blue thunder, and bubba kush. They are all looking absolutely different than any other time I've run them, and the superbud I've used in the past didn't seem to give me the size I'm getting from these. However, I did prune each branch, measureing 12" from the top, everything below 12" (thanks DDoc!) got totally removed, as well as any fan leaves. I did not want any blocking of the lower potions. So far I have some SERIOUS buds! This stuff is going into my other larger rooms, as this was a test run for this product. I'm simply amazed! I'm curious as to what is in the gravity. If anyone knows the ingredients and how well it works in conjunction I'd really like to know, or better yet, see!



You guys have no idea what this looks like in person... pics do NOT do this stuff justice!


the keeper of the creeper
looks like you are about to get some serious chunk outta those plants... The pics do do it justice, i just cant wait for upcoming shots!!


Active member


impressive for sure!

"Based on the feedback we have received from our customers, Bush Master does exactly the same thing as Phosphoload and Dutch Master SuperBud and is much less expensive.

Customers have been raving about the results and effectiveness of this product. Bushmaster slows down and halts the vertical growth, creating more compact plants. At the same time the vertical growth ceases, the plant starts to become very bushy, producing lateral branching and eventually producing much more surface area for flowers to form, thus greatly increasing the yield.

The first point that needs to be emphasized when using BushMaster is that the plants should not be under stress at the time of application. If the plants are loaded with mites, for example, get rid of them and give the plants time to recover their vigor.

The use of kelp extract is strongly recommended. It contains a plant hormone called Kinetin as well as other compounds which complement the action of Bush Master. The best time to apply the kelp extract is about 3 days before the BushMaster. The kelp should also be used when watering with Bush Master. The best way by to apply kelp extract is by misting the tops and bottoms of the leaves rather than by watering it into the soil or growing medium. The effects are noted much faster with the use of kelp.

BushMaster is particularly well-suited for use in vertical grow hydro systems such as The Cage or The Coliseum or the Omega Garden where vertical growth must be controlled to avoid disaster.

Apply Bushmaster at a rate of 3-5 ml per gallon of water, use plain water for 3 days (do not run for longer than 5 days) before switching reservoir to bloom cycle nutrients. This will result in the fastest full transition to flowering. After 3 days change out the reservoir and proceed as usual with bloom nutrients. BushMaster may work just as well by putting it in the reservoir with grow nutrients for three days and then switching to the bloom nutrients. Kelp extract will definitely improve the performance of Bushmaster in hydroponics. Running kelp and BushMaster in plain water as mentioned above works well as does misting.

Fine tuning the dosage for your particular application can make a big difference in your results. For soil start with 10 ml per gallon and adjust accordingly. Some aggressively growing or lanky plants or cultivars which are slow to flower after changing the light may require up to 2 waterings with 10 ml per gallon, but it's highly unlikely.

...just curious, did you also use kelp with the bushmaster??

nice room!! :yoinks:


Active member
I was real interested in this product until I read that there is a noticeable reduction in trichomes, and potency. (And an increase in pistil hairs.)

Can you guys post macro shots of the buds? I'd like to see what I've been reading about... how bad it is...


ive used alot of gravity in my day....... if you want your buds to look and taste the best they possible can dont use gravity..... now if you dont care about the look or taste and just want mad weight then by all means use the gravity... but know that if you didnt use the gravity your shit would taste 10x better. and be carefull on the doesage, an overdose of gravity will f#$k your shit up.. im sure some others will chime in that feel the same way.

Well in my experience if u follow the package direction on the gravity you will burn your plants up this has happend to me on two runs my very first run and my second i used it as reccomended and it ****ed shit up, i have heard that if u use it at 1/5 strength it will work but im not into trying it again cause instead of adding weight it has cost me wieght as it burns up the plants and they dont stay healthy the last two weeks to completely feel in


Registered Cannabis User
I just had some weed that was bush/gravity grown. People thought it was the fake weed you buy in high times. No crystals, No smell, and a load of hairs! The guy obviously used too much. i see what gravity does, so what are the negative side effects of bushmaster...? And which of those products actually increases your weight? Is there a way to increase weight with that stuff and still pull off a respectable crop that tastes,smells, and looks good?


I haven't tried Gravity, and so can't speak to it's effect on bud, but I've used Bushmaster on and off for years (just depending on what I was trying to do with the grow) and never noticed a change in taste or potency. I grow for myself, so quality is much more important that quantity; based on what I've read I probably won't use Gravity any time soon.

I've been told that if you use both Gravity and their stacker product, Purple Maxx, then the quality reduction from the Gravity gets evened out, but having used neither product I can't confirm that.


I think if I used Bushmaster with a Lowryder strain, the world would ASPLOOOOOODE!