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Manala Cream and Lebanese Vert


Active member
The fat girls are leb and the skinny ladies are Manala. Surrounding 250w and 400w bulbs.



Active member
RSC genetics, not available right now, maybe from resellers but doubt it. The one reseller I am aware of is selling problematic 5-packs of Manala, 4/24 germed and two died from damping off (never seen before). Two that survived, stressed as hell.

Edit: Both available from RSC right now


Well-known member


hello quitelost,very interested in the lebs as i have a pack of these.are you feeding them anything or just potting into fresh soil?have heard they are very sensitive to liquid ferts,have you grown these before?


Active member
I have never grown these before. Ferted with organic's using approximately 1/5th to 1/4th the recommended dose with everything except the worm compost, kelp and fulvic acid(aprox 1/3-1/2 dose); worm compost(mixed in substrate top dressed and tea), fish powder(Top/T), fish hydrosalite spelling? (T), organic fulvic acid from wine extract(Add to watering when felt like), kelp powder(Mix,Top and T), tiny bit of dolomite lime(mixed), bat guano (mix, just top dressed, T later?), seabird guano (top dressed with the bat) and palm ash for K (mix, just topped, T later?)The Manalas haven't been top dressed with anything yet, they had less veg. Biobizz lightmix used as a soil base which comes very weakly ferted.

In the beginning the Leb's were very sensitive,they burned as seedlings just using plain biobizz light mix soil, but they had a very long veg and since 6 weeks veg or so, a couple weeks after being put under HID they demanded more nutes. The lebs seem to be very sensitive to root-bound and some phenos seem more sensitive to certain nutes than others. Please understand that the lebanese's were left vegging for 3+ months and let rootbound intentionally so your mileage may vary.

One leb showed male and female prefowers and was eliminated another showed clear female preflowers but in flower was all male, it too was gotten rid of. One hermi manala showed male flowers in 12/12 and was beaten to death.

Will clean this post up, notes were not taken.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Glad you started a thread over here QL!

Man some of the fan leaves on those plants are huge!

When the pocket book allows grab yourself a chunk of pondliner from homedepot and cover up them pretty hardwood floors. Then you can get your deposit back when you move.

Again if you can afford it you might also think about getting some reflectix to make a wall and bounce those precious bits of light back to the plants where they belong. Somebody here in vertville did it recently, I cant remember who.

Whats the flowering time on these ladies?


I grew a batch of RSC's Lebanese last year. Started them indoors and took them outside late May (at 45 degrees N). Had 8 out of 12 germinate, one of which I killed by mistake. Of the 7 that remained 4 were males. Grew the females out in a mix of FFOF and light warrior. They didn't like too much fertilization, but I did give them the occasional dose of Pure Flowers.

Ended up harvesting them in late September, but I wish I'd let them go to Mid or late October. The hash I made smokes like a crazy potent sativa. Not sure what to compare it to, but it's not the most pleasant buzz. I've resorted to smoking indica bud to mellow out the high, otherwise I feel like I'm flying around naked in the stratosphere.


Active member
Thanks for stopping by high life.
The plants are on day 18 of 12/12 in the pics. A hand pump is used to fill watering jugs and very few drops spill, the topdressing of coco chips really helps with watering and during 12/12 there has been hardly any runoff. Grower already has some black and whiteplastic for the walls, don't know if/where they sell reflectix here, will check it out. The Lebs had some big main fanleaves as well but they mostly fell off, only the big one still has them. (due to rootbound and/or lack of mobile nutes?).

Thanks for the quick report Rubba.
Please feel free to post anything else you can share about the line, or smoke including photos, a link to a thread here if you've got them. Here 12/12 germed but 2 didn't make it out of the shell and some were stressed because the shell didn't come off easy, grower had to take a few shells off seedlings. Maybe, before germinating these seeds should be skuffed?

Grower feared to train the Manala, possessing the hollowest most fragile stems he had seen they streached 3-5 or so times in the first 18 days. They were supercropped once or twice but the stems crunched like fresh lettuce and split vertically. They are all tied down. North indians seem to grow lanky X-mas tree like with big "main fanleaves"(what do you call these?), or atleast the Parvati, Nanda devi I saw outside last year.

This grow was put together quickly, on a modest budget. The coming photos should show some changes.


Well-known member
Nice setup, and nice strains, have both of them laying in my drawer.. Anyways it´s interesting to see the leaves on the leb, cause it seems much more sativish than what it felt when I smoked it. About 3 years ago went to the dam, and picked up some "red" leb at a coffeeshop, and after the first few tokes i suddenly felt a relief, I sometimes come in the mood of feeling a lill bit of anxiety or deppresive, but there was nothing it felt so nice very dreamy and very comfy. Looks forward to a good solid smoke report on both these pretty strains best look.

Peace on earth.