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I need help ASAP!!!

5 ml per gallon of Flora Grow, 2.5 ml per gallon of Flora Micro, and 2.5 ml per gallon of Flora Bloom. Also added 10 ml per gallon of Liquid Karma. It comes out to 450 ppm of Flora series and 150 ppm of Liquid Karma.
Air Temp is around 77
Humidity is around 45
Not sure what the res temp is. Should be around 69 since that is the temp of the room.
Plants are 22 days old.
They are from seed.
DP Oasis Feminized.
Plants are 20 inches from 400 watt MH

Here is the problem. About a week ago I noticed some browning on the top of one of the bottom leaves on the big girl. I wasn't able to take care of it right away and it got worse. Later that night I checked the pH and it had drifted from 5.9 to 7.0. This was not good. I gradually changed the pH till it was 6.1. Not knowing exactly what it the problem was I lowered the ppm to about 450 from 600 where is started.

A few days after that the spots on the leaves started getting worse, and started spreading to the upper leaves. I have been gradually decreasing the pH till I got to 6.2. Then I flushed the plants with pH adjusted water and flora shield. I then filled the res with fresh nutes. (Flora series at 450 ppm and liquid Karma at 150 ppm) The pH in the res was 5.8. I took away both the Dark Energy and the Nutriboost nutrients, because I am trying to KISS.

Yesterday morning. I woke up and checked the ppm. The ppm dropped from 600 to around 515 during the night, and the pH dropped down to 5.5. Last evening when I got home the ppm rose to about 540 and the pH dropped to 4.2. I don’t know what the hell is going on here. Can someone please help me? There is no way for me to monitor the plants all day long and I can’t keep adding pH adjusters to keep the pH in check. Another think, and I don’t know if this is normal or not, but the water in the res smells like soil or earth for some reason. I don’t know if this is bad or not.

Checked the pH again that night right after lights out and the pH rose to 5.8. The ppm was still around 540. This morning however the ppm had dropped to 510 again.

I was also told by someone else in my other thread that I may have spider mites. After checking for an hour and a half, I came to the conclusion that I very well might have mites. I went out and bought some of this stuff, and sprayed them right after lights out. After looking at them more this morning I am not sure whether I have them or not.

Please help me. This is my first grow and I dont want to lose my girls. Especially the big one. Thanks everyone.

Here are the picture. This is the first picture when the problem started.

These are pictures of each of the plants today.
If you are wondering what the gleem coming from the top of the plants is, it is from the spray for the mites.

This one is the only one that seems to be affected.

Here are the close up problem picture of that girl.
The brown and yellow spots

Here is some discoloration. It is a light green.



the keeper of the creeper
Check yer Roots out man make sure they are not roting.Some of mine looked like that(bit of root rot) Mg is best uptaked by a plant at a higher PH. 5.8 is said to be the sweet spot. I adjust down to 5.7 and let the PH swing to 6.2. I dont think you have mites they attack the core of the leaf system, on lower limbs, clearly this is not the case with your plants.They do have a lockout but not Mg get your PH down. More nutes, the less PH down you have to use.
Thanks for the reply

The roots have reached the water below. I took a look at them and they looked like they had a little brown stuff on the middle part of them. It didn't look like the roots themselves were brown. It looked like there was some brown matter on them. The bottom part of the roots are white though. I don't know if its root rot or if it is from the liquid karma.

What exactly does root rot look like?


Active member
either way.. add a few teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to your res that should keep the rot at bay... also check your res temps and keep them under 70... above 55.. that won't let the bacteria grow as well if it is root rot.


Active member
Here is the problem. About a week ago I noticed some browning on the top of one of the bottom leaves on the big girl. I wasn't able to take care of it right away and it got worse. Later that night I checked the pH and it had drifted from 5.9 to 7.0. This was not good. I gradually changed the pH till it was 6.1. Not knowing exactly what it the problem was I lowered the ppm to about 450 from 600 where is started.

A few days after that the spots on the leaves started getting worse, and started spreading to the upper leaves. I have been gradually decreasing the pH till I got to 6.2. Then I flushed the plants with pH adjusted water and flora shield. I then filled the res with fresh nutes. (Flora series at 450 ppm and liquid Karma at 150 ppm) The pH in the res was 5.8. I took away both the Dark Energy and the Nutriboost nutrients, because I am trying to KISS.
Your pH was off, the plant didn't get the nutes they needed, then you corrected the pH and reduced nutes? Then you flushed?

Why didn't you just set the pH? That was the original problem, not an overfert...

KISS: 4-5ml of FN Bloom per US gallon in good conditions for veg, leave the rocket fuels out of there ;)




Active member
hey jedi,
good that you are trying to correct things early on but I totally agree with mace on this one.
Seems like you are just worrying a bit too much and taking too many precautionary actions. Not that that is bad, but you need to find out the problem first imo and doing 10 things at once won't narrow it down...

I reckon your ph caused the problems and I would monitor that closely from now. Blunt has already stated what your ph should be at and you have told us it has been above that its entire life...

Ps: the hydrogen peroxide would be a good idea if the brown spot on the roots gets any worse. Have you inspected it closer yet?
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the keeper of the creeper
Root rot will be slimy roots(brown) to the touch, and it has a strong odor to it as well.Liquid Karma can turn roots brown but they will feel the same as the healthy white to touch. let us know!
Yep, you were right blunt. I do have root rot. Last night I put on some sterilized gloves and rubbed off some of the brown matter on the roots and it didn't smell too good. So I added some Hydrogen Peroxide and will try to figure out a way to lower the water temp.

Thanks for all they help by the way everyone.