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Burn Ride...4400+watts of Horse Power


One of my favorite past times was taking those long burn rides to no where. Just roll up a couple hooters and drive. Listening to good music. Damn near perfect. Im a hunter and we take some awesome burn rides, 9k miles high, 20 miles back in the middle of no where. Almost as good as it gets. Only thing is missing is the deer to make it that perfect day. Anyways got me thinkin about what to name my journal.

This is my first journal, Were gonna call it the Burn Ride...i have high hopes its gonna go for a long time. Ive been growing for about 4 yrs now off and on. a soild 2 1/2. Well i got back going full time now now with a 3 room setup. My plans are to harvest once a month. 4400watts flower power total. 1 room 4 600's other room 2 1ks.

First room is the veg room its about 5 1/2 by 12 ft. it has a 8bulb T5 for clones, and i have some T12 for my moms. This room still needs to be set up fully, but it works for now and is getting the job done. Its gonna get over hauled during summer time im gonna shut down flower/veg rooms in late july though august getting it all fine tuned.

Second Room is Flower Room #1 8ft wide 12 feet long. 2 1ks lights, Air cooler with 8" blower exhausting air out of the room. Horti bulbs. Home made corrugated sheet table. its 5x8 ft it will hold 60 2 gal buckets. I wont be running this much but its nice to know how many will fit. I just completed this room last week for the most part, just need to rip up carpet now. I wont use this room intill September just wanted to get everything set up, with all intake and exhaust duct ran and hooked up to room 2. My plan is to run a a 30 to 40 plant scrog. with drip set up. fully automated.

Third Room is Flower Room #2 10ft x 12ftft. 4 600watt digital ballast, air cooled hoods, 8in blower for the hoods. 6in intake blower. 6 in exhaust with carbon filter.14kbtu portable a/c.1 3x6 table, 2 3x3 tables, 55gal res. A Coco mixture i made, ill talk about that later on. DTW useing the KISS method 7grams maxibloom p/gal, some pro-tek and kool bloom dry when needed. Right now i have 60 plants. intend on 64 to fill the trays but a couple didnt make the cut when the time came and i had a few that were out preforming so took the bigger ones and mixed them up on the 3x3. so far so good. Right now im growing out Grape Ape. not gonna be around long great smoke and good buds but slow as hell and yield low-medium. i have 1 run finished at my new spot it was with the ape i had 36 plants in this room with rockwool cubes and slabs, top drip fed and used cutting edge nutrients. recirculating. 2 3/4ib s For the first run and trying to dial everything in i was happy with results but something wasnt right. I wanted to give coco a chance and came a cross a good recipe so i gave it a shot and this rounds buds are waaay out preforming last run and the maxibloom is doing wonders. I have this room set up to where i dont have to go in there but once a week to add back nutes to my res. The reservoir is hooked up to a RO system with a float valve so it stays toped off. My pumps run for 2mins a time, 1 time a day for now trying to dial that in a bit but this seems to work with keeping coco wet but not soaked and plagued with over watering. i have 2 overflow reservoirs for the run off. they both have sump pumps with float valve in the so when they get full pump kicks on and drains out. it has worked great so far but im gonna go a bit father and take some 2in abs pipe and run it to the trays and then out to the veg room it has a 3in clean out i can hard pipe into and i wont have to worry about pumps not working and standing water in the tanks for bugs. The more automated everything the better i live about 30 mins away and can only check on it every couple days. my brother checks on it daily for me but doesnt know shit. as long as he can see the pumps running and light shinning were good. Damn summer is coming and these plants will be done June 10 or so. Im gonna shut down couple summer months really dont wanna pay 700+ in elec and i could use the time to clean up and per fect somethings like the drain system. and i need to set u some new racks in veg room. Ill keep some moms going though summer and i have a couple new strains im testing, purple wreck and a purple diesl x og purps that i wanna figure out if there gonna be keepers when fall comes around. Think ill just run i tray with 1 600 for a few plants 6 to 10 im guessing and see what happens. Well shit its 12:45am im gonna stop now if you have any questions or comments feel free....Burns
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thanks alot. trying to figure out how to put these pics in full or bigger atleast,instead of thumbnail any ideas


PH Perfect COCO mixture..

PH Perfect COCO mixture..

Ive been useing this mixture for a couple runs and it has worked great, i had to come up with some way to ph my soilless mix becuase i wouldnt be around to ph my water everyday so i wanted my mix to buffer it for me. I now water with a ph of anywhere from 5.2 to 6.0 and have seen nothing but good things and my run off always come out around 5.5 to 5.9. my mix includes a premium brand coco mix, a peat base mix, some mini grow cubes (croûton size) and large perlite. The way this works is the peat mix has a natural low ph level, coco has a higher level of 6.1 to 6.8 and the perlitle is neutral at 7.0. While rockwool cubes you can ph what everr you want i soak mine for about an hr before i add to to my mixture and ph the water to 5.5 that way i have two low ph numbers and two high ones to level out to 5.7 to 6.0. The grow cubes and perlitle work great for perfect air to water ratio, and helps with not over feeding or over watering because the cubes hold alot of air and the large perlite create air pockets. If you were an organic grower this recipe would be great just mix in some EWC,kelp meal,bat guano, compost and you would be set, microbiology would thrive.

Here is what i use, you can use other brands to get the same reults.
1 bag COCO-GRO
1 bag sunshine #4
large perlite
gordon mini grow cubes

First thing you do is get 2 5 gal buckets, drill holes in the bottom of one of them. Put the one with holes inside the one without and add grow cubes. I add a slight nutrients solution to water mix and have it PHed to 5.5. soak for 1 hr. while i got it soaking ill get the rest of the mix going, i usually do this in a kidddy pool. Use a 5 gal bucket to measure out, you want everything in equal parts. Ill take a 5gal full of sunshine mix pour it into the pool, spread it around then ill add a 5 gal full of perlite, mix it slightly. Then add 5gal full of coco and last ill add the grow cubes. Mix for 15 or so mins and thats it. start filling buckets. this method was a bit cheaper to do then straight coco product, and i have been very satisfied, it has a great air to water ratio, holds water well but still allows it to breathe.. i think the grow cubes play a big roll into it. Thats all any questions id be glad to answer. Ill try and take some pictures of the mix next time i mix it up. i got a similar version to this outta the maximum yield magazine. and i tweaked it a bit to my preferences. People are always worried about ph levels and so am i, so i fiugred the best way to go about this would be start with a mix that has the right ph already, rather then useing coco that starts out high or peat that starts out low, then your continually fighting ph levels, this way here the mix is already phd, just add back some ph water and your set. i like to have my ph fluctuate between 5.3 to 6.0 for ideal nutrient uptake.


Drip Manifold

Drip Manifold

For my drip setup i used 3/4 pvc pipe and drilled 1/16 holes. 2 holes per pot. I have an inline filter to try everything i can do not to have holes plugged up. its been 4 weeks and not 1 yet. The manifold conects to the nutrient tank. I have dual inlets to the manifold controled by shut of valves. first side is piped to the pump in the tank and second side has a garden hose connection on it, incase i need to flush pipes and/or plants. i believe in the picture it just has the hose hooked up, thats because i ran out of pipe that day the pic was taken. Its now all hard pipe. The tank it all connects to is a 55gal blue barrell, with a float valve coming from ro system. The tank has a few airstones, and a 1/3h sump pump. I top off with maxibloom every 2-3 days and pro tek once a week. thats its. with this setup i basically dont have to touch anything but add back some nutes, if i was in supersoil or something that held its own nutes i wouldnt have to do a damn thing. It fills its self,drains its self,water its self.grows it self. I have to do things this way since the greenhouse is 30mins away from here. cant go everyday. i tyoically only go out there fridays unless my brother calls and advises other. Its closer to his house he checks on it daily to make sure pumps and timers are working right....thats about it.....Burns


Active member
Pretty sweet setup you've got burns. I like all the simple automation. Also digging your corugated table, looks just like mine :biggrin:. One thing, and it could just be the picture, looks like you have the plastic hanging too far over the gutter. It's a delicate balance, but if you don't have it just right water will spill over the gutter instead of in it.


ya it is hanging over a bit but i cut little v shapes in middle of the humps i guess u say. Its working well. I screwed that up and screwed it in place before i tested my fall and i guessed at where i thought would be good. and it would be at a slow rate but when i wanted to wash table off it would spill over..dumbass... so instead of unscrewing all of it. i just cut little v shapes outta there and its working great. good advise though, wish i was on here before i made table. or atleast checked my fall before screwed the table down.



Day 34 Anyone know how to make pictures show up bigger in the thread?



New member
Beautiful grow, I'm trying to make sense of everything. How many watts over how many plants in flowering rooms 1 & 2 are you doing?


Beautiful grow, I'm trying to make sense of everything. How many watts over how many plants in flowering rooms 1 & 2 are you doing?

Sorry dont think i really made it clear. flower 1 has 2 1k lights and it is undecided as of yet how many will go on that table, it holds 60. i thinkin more like 30 or so with a scrog.Gonna wait till summers over to fire this room up. and Flower 2 has 4 600w lights. there is 16 under each light. to make 64. I took out 4 becuase of slow growth so 1 table has 12 for a grand total of 60 plants in that room under 2400 total watts.


Active member
Burns - To post big pictures go to your album, click on the picture you want, and copy and paste the BB code (it's just below the picture) into your post where you want the picture located.


Day 42

Day 42

Heres a couple pictures i took today, didnt catch it in time for the lights on. Gettin pretty chunky 2-3 weeks to go

Day 42 Grape Ape



Chunky for sure Burn, looking great. Always down for a good burn ride. We always called them "county routes". Good luck with your grow, your setup looks badass.


Thanks alot, country routes.. thats cool. i bet every group of friends has a different name for it, all inside joke type things where you had to be there for the name to happen.


Fucked up

Fucked up

Fucked up bad.. was pulling my moms out for monthly cleaning of dead leaves and to top and train them a bit..so i forgot last week i lst'd the top branch just a bit to far so i had to tie it up. no big deal grew the knot and recovered nice.WELL my dumbass forgot it was tied up, i pulled the mom out and SNAP!! broken the whole damn thing off. I did what i could, cut them down and tryd to clone them all, not gonna save everything but will gain some clones, bad part i dont need any for 2 months. I was gonna take summer off, i dont know if it was a sign to keep growing through summer or what. Ill figure something out...

This was 31/2 ft

A Bouquet Of Buds

2 1/4 moms left

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