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Rippers got me


h^2 O

checked my secret garden and the plants were gone - all cut along the stem. By the looks of it, it happened about 6 weeks ago. So it was either A). a stupid ripper who doesn't know what buds are or anything about growing, or B). 5-0
Did some Googling but didn't see anything in the news. Really disappointed. Won't get into specifics for obvious reasons, but was under a dozen plants lets just say that. And they were NICE. I have shots of them from 3 months ago in veg - were gigantic, knew they would be quarter-pounders.
So yeah, it was either a stupid ripper thinking leaves get you high, or cops. For some reason I'm thinking cops...because you just would have to be a complete idiot or a child to cut plants at the base during veg. You would wait until harvest time.
Now I'm paranoid that there were one of those wildlife cams set up by DEA or something...may have seen it from the sky, went in, chopped, and set up a motion sensitive camera. IDK. What do you think?
By the way the plants were from a (uhhhh here we go) bagseed<<< that had ROCK HARD buds and smoked like a champ. Someone was thinking it was a bog strain idk. But yeah, so much for this years outdoor season.


I dont think karma plays a role in police eradicating plants...Or rippers.

Karma will hit them, not the grower...Sorry for your loss man. Been there, done that.

If only we all had a piece of paper that would allow us to put up a fence and have guard dogs out to grow our plants.


Or whoever owns the property found them.

There have been instances of wildlife/buck cams being used by leo. My face is always covered on the way in and out of a patch. Whether it be a bug mask in the spring or a bandanna when the bugs are down.

bummer man, good luck


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
karma is a bitch(what r u talkin about)???????ya i dont think going back there ever again would be smart...........


in the thick of it
man that really stinks. I'm sorry to hear about it. Better get your indoor situation up in running (if not so already)....there's no such thing as karma. things just happen. i believe it's called life. though it is true that we reap what we sew, that's still not karma....that's simply life. best wishes h2o, i truly hate that this has happened.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hey man there are all kinds of folks out there. Some who stumble onto pot plant growing will play the drama card and call 911 to be the hero. Others will wait and let ya put in all the work and then rip em before you can. Some folks will admire your work and wish you luck. Still though there are other people like myself who will water your plant on the way through the area if they look thirsty.

Karma really "is" a bitch tho. I heard about a couple of 20 something kids who were out ripping off OD last week and slid off the gravel road. They were emptying the bud from their vehicle when the US Border Patrol drove up. Apparently it isn't a legitimate defense that they found the plants growing wild, and it was interesting to discover that they will prosecute the guys based on un-dried weight of the plants, which was allegedly over 100 pounds stuffed into trash bags.


Well-known member
Been there before. What's sad is when they steal plants that haven't even begun to bud.

Went with a good bro to check his patch years ago. Found an empty patch with a stick stuck in the center. Attached to the stick was a business card from the head of the Narcotics division of the local PD

Yeah, we hauled ass and never went to that spot again

h^2 O

That's some crazy shit man. Did you call? Lol just kidding. Fuck man, such a bummer. Never using that spot again for sure. I hope I'm not on the news or something, have you seen this man? For under a dozen plants though? I wonder if it really was a ripper who didn't know their shit. In veg dude, just strange.


Been there before. What's sad is when they steal plants that haven't even begun to bud.

Went with a good bro to check his patch years ago. Found an empty patch with a stick stuck in the center. Attached to the stick was a business card from the head of the Narcotics division of the local PD

Yeah, we hauled ass and never went to that spot again
can almost guarantee it was a ripper that did that (prolly got the business card one way or the other). he was just trying to instill some fear in you so you would think it was LEO and just leave it at that.

@h2o, honestly that sucks man. i would be devastated if my grow got ripped.


Sorry to hear that man. There are a lot of really low-life individuals around these days, too bad they crossed paths with your garden.


can almost guarantee it was a ripper that did that (prolly got the business card one way or the other). he was just trying to instill some fear in you so you would think it was LEO and just leave it at that.

@h2o, honestly that sucks man. i would be devastated if my grow got ripped.

I have seen a video of the DEA ripping out a HUGE patch and then at the end of it one of the agents grabbed a stick stuck it in the ground and cut a slit into it and put a business card in it, so this does happen.


here in oz, if it was the cops, they would pull out the rootball, not cut it off, prob just teens, cheers and good luck oz


if the stems were really thick, than it sounds like you would need some heavy equipment to chop down all 12 plants... that makes me think it was the cops. if it was someone dumb enough to chop them down in veg, why would they have the equipment nessery to cut down those plants??? espically in the middle of the forest were u would have to hike somewhere carrying big ass shears or a machete? seems like only people who kno what they are doing would be carrying around the equipment like that.

i wouldnt worry about the whole wildlife camera thing. that would take a lot of effort on the police's part, and they are looking for the big grows not some random growers personal stash. also those wildlife camera's cost money, and im guessing cops have some kind of budget they probably have to adhere to. i would think they would save the fancy equipment for grows bigger than urs.


That's some crazy shit man. Did you call? Lol just kidding. Fuck man, such a bummer. Never using that spot again for sure. I hope I'm not on the news or something, have you seen this man? For under a dozen plants though? I wonder if it really was a ripper who didn't know their shit. In veg dude, just strange.

Somethings, we will never know. I think the key here is to count your blessings. We're all sorry for your loss but more thankful that you didn't get pinched with your plants.

Good luck on the next one.


that sucks dude....good that you protected your identity. I don't do that for my current spot, while it is fairly hard to detect, much less to get into unless you dont mind fighting your way through posion ivy and blackberry bushes, I should take that extra precaution.

Last year on my way out from the spot I was using than I ran into a game camera set up by a property owner. He was not trying to catch me, but I was caught by the camera carrying water jugs. I thought about jsut removing the memory card, but I wasnt sure if the camera had any kind of built in memory so I took the whole fucking thing and threw it into a lake.

Always wanted to protect myself from karma by leaving a couple of franklins some where that property owner would find them, but never got around to it.

h^2 O

I am wondering how you determined it was 6 weeks ago?

by the look of the main stems that were left. Decay. Were brown and decayed.


I still have some seeds, and have harvested here in mid-November...still have some indica beans, wondering if I might still be able to get a few ounces before winter comes. What do you guys think? Sep, Oct...then half of November. Would they star flowering pretty much right after they had a few sets of leaves? Would it be a waste? Have about 10 weeks of growing weather left...could veg for 2 weeks maybe? Not sure how it would work. Anyone ever done this?

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