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Precious Predators - the Praying Mantid/Mantis


Taken from my OverGrow thread

Praying Mantids (or Mantis, "Mantids" refer to the whole group and Mantis refers to a specific few) are ultimate killing machines and will destroy any bad bugs on your plants. They're one of the best all-purpose predator bugs to have on your plants.

Mantids are variable insects in sizes ranging from 15mm in length to whopping beasts at around 15+cm in length, their diet consists of insects mostly but the larger species are quite capable of taking out small lizards, birds and mice without any difficulties. Typically the life span of a praying mantis is a 'season' from where they originally come from, this is usually between 3 and 9 months although some specimens can live for over 12 months. The average life expectancy of a typical African praying mantis is around 6 months as a freshly molted adult (kept March - November).

The mantis is a very useful insect to have in your garden; it eats flies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, roaches, and other pests.

The two front legs of the mantids are highly specialized. When hunting mantids assume a "praying" position, folding the legs under their head. They use the front legs to strike out and capture their prey. Long sharp spines on the upper insides of these legs allow them to hold to on their prey. The impaled prey is held firmly in place while being eaten. The spines fit into a groove on the lower parts of the leg when not in use.

During mating the smaller male often jumps on the back of the larger female. Miscalculating the jump may mean the male becomes a meal. If the jump was successful, the pair mate and during copulation the female may turn and devour the male's head. The body of the male is capable of completing the mating, when complete the female will finish eating the male.

One or two pics.. There were lots more!




Active member
predators rule....i've tried toxic sprays, organic sprays, neem....for thrips,mites ect. and nothing beats the predators.....if you got a problem there is a predator for all of them....they work everytime.



Active member
Nice post HOTC :)
I have a few ladybugs in my vegg area, I use the horrid no cancer strip, sorry I mean no pest strip, I hear it can cause cancer, but I am never in my flowering room long...
I once considered introducing nematodes....

I introduced 2 or 3 ladybugs about 2 months or so ago in the vegg area, and they are still there going strong, they are always tending to my ladies :)
I love beneficial insects!

Again great post!!


Praying Mantis egg pods are available at Home Depot (So.Cali) for $4.00.... around 200 of the little medieval bastards per egg pod.

Lady bugs are cool...spray some coca cola on their wings so they are sticky and they don't fly off ..... it wears off after a while and they will get back to whoring around after the cola wears off in a week or so .......


Active member
Somebody must watch Mythbusters, lol

Very welcome HOTC, I think they are reproducing..
I hope so anyway!
A lil ladybug info ;)

The pupal stage may last from three to 12 days depending on the temperature and species. The adults emerge, mate, and search for prey or prepare for hibernation, depending on the availability of prey and time of year. Adults may live for a few months to over a year. The more common species typically have one to two generations per year.

Take care and happy growing HOTC!!

Oregon Mtn.

New member
The problem with mantids is they kill everything, even other beneficials such as ladybugs.

Re: "no-pest strips"--
you may not spend much time in your growroom but I bet your plants do.
Using a no-pest strip means your plants and buds will be covered in insecticide.
The use of those no-pest strips is restricted and are not to be used where food is prepared or eaten, because they will make people sick if ingested.


no-pest strips dont do jack against aphids or fungus gnats either.

and wait till spring before you order insects shipped via ups ground if you live in zones 6 and up (north) otherwise they'll die from the cold in those unheated delivery trucks.


Active member
I read the mantis will NOT eat the ladybugs because they are bitter tasting. Not experience just what I read but between the 2, it could make for a great coexistance in the garden.


that picture of the mantid eating the mouse is sick! :D

What are the uses for these in indoor gardening situations?

Pure MoFo

Great thread ! Anyone know where I can order Praying Mantisis online? This thread totaly jogged my memory of me wanting to aquire some !


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