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Stoner's Spring '06


Active member
It's the dead of Winter, outside nothing survives the frosty grip of white death.

Inside, it's a different matter. :D

I two confirmed LUI females and one new White Widow seedling in progress.

By the time March arrives, the average temperatures are high enough to place the plants outdoors and let them grow using natural light. Of course, the night time temperatures are still too low to leave them overnight, so I have prepared a dark and heated shed for night time use.

My plan is to get 12 weeks of vegetative growth and begin flowering in early April. That means they will not have enough time to complete flowering before the nights get too short in the Spring, but I have my photo period regulating dark shed.

If all goes well, I hope to harvest these plants on 6/21/06, the Summer solstice.

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:wave: Stoner..

How goes it oldtimer?

Kinda chilly up there huh? Nice and warm down here:wink: OG has been down awhile I guess.Havent been able to get to PC like I would like to lately.Its nice to see ya bro.I Look forward to your solstice Harvest:D.


Active member
Hey Wolfshadow, great to see your still about.

My flowering plant is knocked up, so I am giving her all the time she need to mature.

Secondary branch, what pollen their was, has clearly left the building.


Captain Skunk

Active member
The server is too busy and keeps erasing my posts......CS is getting a little edgy!

good to see the LUI is alive and well stoner....geting settled in for the summer are we?



Active member
I am in the final stages of my Winter grow, got my Spring grow in progress and you ask about Summer? Of course I will enjoy.

Dissected another bud today. Still looking pretty immature, but much better then last weeks sample. One more week should do it. No rush, they get all the time it takes.

I am looking forward to starting some Derailed Blues soon. The Train Wreck side can be elusive to finish, but 'exit wound at the back of your head' kind of special.

Captain Skunk

Active member
I'm glad to hear your seeds are progressing.

A few DB's will be started here this weekend, I'm anxious to see what I end up with.

When I said setlle, in for the summer....I meant here at IC.

Most likely I start a grow thread here aswell.



Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hey guys!

Stoner just keeps on going, nevermind the speed bumps! Heheh

Looks like this will be home for a while, I guess it it time to start checking out the growing forums here. I too will be starting some threads soon.

Peace and victory, Overgrow the planet!

try comb

Active member
good to see your thread over here stoner.......the server on og went down the day before i was gonna post pics of my harvest......guess ill continue over here for the outdoor season........glad to see you guys around.........peace


Active member
The way they keep chasing us around the planet, we better bookmark a forum server in China. Even the DEA doesnt have that kind of reach.

ND never was that 'puter savey, I think I should send him a snail mail and let him know where we landed.

Welcome to our new home, hope the Dutch government has the balls to stall the DEA for many years to come.


I can find my way around a keyboard..you old fart..LOL...it's good to see everyone again...looks like I will have to get a few pics up..
Hey Stoner...no WW for me this year...couldn't get them to germ and grow...oh well still lots on the go..
Cap't Skunk..the mail finally got here and things are germing as I write this...I'll keep you posted..
Hey BC...It looks like we might be able to catch up with Stoner now as far as posting goes...good to see you

So is anyone letting the others know where things are happening right now...I'd like to get ahold of oldsterone...and a few others...let me know...stay safe..



New member
i'm just gald to see i'm not the only one starting plants this early, when I get my cam i'll post some pics


after all the problems with OG, nothing feels better then finding a Stoner133 thread with a new grow going on. kind restores a little balance to the universe. glad to see so many others from the old OG outdoor forum. looking forward to the season ahead sharing all of our summer fun.


Active member
slyfoxberg said:
... kind restores a little balance to the universe. ...
Thank you for your kind words.

I hope a lot of our old friends will feel that way too. Nothing says home like a six month old grow diary in progress.

Our new hosts are not optimized for the numbers of images we can create to document our progress. I will do my best to encourage bandwidth conservation, we are talking intercontinental transmissions now.


Active member
yea its always good to see are old Outdoor Mentor is kicking back and making himself at home along with captain skunk, back country and northern dude and the rest of these lovely og members

guess this is were ill call home to for now

your LUIs are looking fantastic Stoner, so were talking about another 30 to 40 days veg then placing them outside? just wondering as my North #1s are around the veg times as yours and id like to see what theyd do outside in the spring weather :)

got down to 29degrees last night was raining this morning and were supposed to get hit with 3 to 5 inches of snow but all i see is mud :p

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Hey PureSativa420,
Nice looking plants buddy..hope they grow big and the buds hard and covered...and I guess home is where you hang up your hat so we're here for awhile..keep growing hard..stay safe...



Active member
PureSativa420 said:
your LUIs are looking fantastic Stoner, so were talking about another 30 to 40 days veg then placing them outside? just wondering as my North #1s are around the veg times as yours and id like to see what theyd do outside in the spring weather :)

Thank you, nice looking plants in your cabinet too.

I plan to postpone flowering until later in the Spring. My deadline is finished by Summer solstice on June 21. That means I can postpone flowering until mid April. In my climate, March is still Winter and there is precious little direct sunlight to use. That also means, I will have to move them into a dark shed daily once May and June arrive.

I found another hermi, I am down to one positive female now.


Captain Skunk

Active member
Have you destoyed the hermi or do you have other plans for it?

I ask because I always notice you have a knack for making lemonade from the lemons.


Active member
Not yet, the first one looked male from the start, the second one showed her pistil first and then the anther. One anther had pistils emerging. Those two are gone, and this last one was a surprize.

There is a new variable in the nursery. The TrueAir has a green LED indicator. It is tiny and not directed on the young plants, but there was something different. The LED is covered now and the final female is looking pretty good.

One good plant. That is all I need to make Spring a success.


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