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Seed Licensing, New Restrictions Come Into Play:


Shit! They're also putting some kind of restrictions on heirloom fruit an veg seeds, They can shuv their rules and regs up their anus.

Dr. D

Active member
Cannabis Sativa L. ?
Seems to me they are referring to cannabis hemp not the drug type.
Its listed on there as Hemp, no Cannabis Indica....maybe it only refers to it in its industrial form for oil and fibre production.
One thing i notice about the list is there is no reference to any drug/medicinal/phsychotropic type plants maybe they fall under different law....any ideas anyone, this could be serious shit!!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Cannabis Sativa L. usually means all strains of cannabis sativa... but I can't say whether or not they classify indica seperately....

I wonder if SB 510 passed in the states...


This worrys me read somewhere about bill gates geneticly engineering seeds and us goverment crop dustin everything with stuff that makes everything infertile so if wanna buy seeds for anything at all has to come from Microsoft/us gov I'll get more info when not on iPhone stock up now guys you never know


ICMag Donor
We own a small seed company that sources and provides heirloom seed genetics to home-growers... ... 100% Organic , at seedbay now,, click the butterfly below for info.

(note : back in the day we used to sling weed off blocks to fiends,, which is highly illegal,, more so than selling veggie seeds to veggie growers.. how times change.. lol) :D

No-one,, no process,, no system.. no vampires.. will stop FRT distributing food (and ganja) genetics to the masses,, (they are already out there kids). As a seed collective this is what motivates us the most.. rebelling against any oppressors of the natural process.

We collectively shit on them,,, because it is a natural birth-right to use the plants around us as food and medicine! Only the ppl that wish/do control us ALL realise this fully and don't want let it up as a good thing, For us to grow our own food naturally,,, will be their biggest downfall (since at present they'd rather we ate non-nutritional/dumb-shit-food like microwaved pizza) !!!

These vampires,, could lock us away in HMP,, but we already got plans on breeding inside (cause dem mans are stupid as pig shit . oink oink) ,, and to be sure we'll make sure a photo get's posted up on IC... HMP Erb,, if it ever happens. Cause it isnt like they dont have blackberries in pen these days.. lol

Otherwise we've been aiming to warn ppl about Codex Alimentarius for years,, just most of the time it falls on deaf/dumb ears or ppl just think we are plain old crazy :joint:

But it's very real,,, see : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhON1WN48tQ

Dont let the bastards grind you down!!!


ICMag Donor
is it only in england ...if it is then us scots have got off scot free excuse the pun lol

The Scotish parliment is paid for by England,, it's not like they bought all those fancy chairs on salmon sales.. lol

Don't kid yourself,, self-autonomy is a powerful tool.. often utilised by Empires.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I don't think it will affect the sale of cannabis seeds in the sense of them being 'Souvenir Items' In that gov document it states Cannabis sativa L. hemp.:

From Wikipedia:

The Cannabis genus was first classified using the "modern" system of taxonomic nomenclature by Carolus Linnaeus in 1753, who devised the system still in use for the naming of species.[32] He considered the genus to be monotypic, having just a single species that he named Cannabis sativa L. (L. stands for Linnaeus, and indicates the authority who first named the species). Linnaeus was familiar with European hemp, which was widely cultivated at the time. In 1785, noted evolutionary biologist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck published a description of a second species of Cannabis, which he named Cannabis indica Lam.[33] Lamarck based his description of the newly named species on plant specimens collected in India. He described C. indica as having poorer fiber quality than C. sativa, but greater utility as an inebriant. Additional Cannabis species were proposed in the 19th century, including strains from China and Vietnam (Indo-China) assigned the names Cannabis chinensis Delile, and Cannabis gigantea Delile ex Vilmorin.[34] However, many taxonomists found these putative species difficult to distinguish. In the early 20th century, the single-species concept was still widely accepted, except in the Soviet Union where Cannabis continued to be the subject of active taxonomic study. The name Cannabis indica was listed in various Pharmacopoeias, and was widely used to designate Cannabis suitable for the manufacture of medicinal preparations.

In 1924, Russian botanist D.E. Janichevsky concluded that ruderal Cannabis in central Russia is either a variety of C. sativa or a separate species, and proposed C. sativa L. var. ruderalis Janisch. and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. as alternative names.[22] In 1929, renowned plant explorer Nikolai Vavilov assigned wild or feral populations of Cannabis in Afghanistan to C. indica Lam. var. kafiristanica Vav., and ruderal populations in Europe to C. sativa L. var. spontanea Vav.[25][34] In 1940, Russian botanists Serebriakova and Sizov proposed a complex classification in which they also recognized C. sativa and C. indica as separate species. Within C. sativa they recognized two subspecies: C. sativa L. subsp. culta Serebr. (consisting of cultivated plants), and C. sativa L. subsp. spontanea (Vav.) Serebr. (consisting of wild or feral plants). Serebriakova and Sizov split the two C. sativa subspecies into 13 varieties, including four distinct groups within subspecies culta. However, they did not divide C. indica into subspecies or varieties.[22][36] This excessive splitting of C. sativa proved too unwieldy, and never gained many adherents.

In the 1970s, the taxonomic classification of Cannabis took on added significance in North America. Laws prohibiting Cannabis in the United States and Canada specifically named products of C. sativa as prohibited materials. Enterprising attorneys for the defense in a few drug busts argued that the seized Cannabis material may not have been C. sativa, and was therefore not prohibited by law. Attorneys on both sides recruited botanists to provide expert testimony. Among those testifying for the prosecution was Dr. Ernest Small, while Dr. Richard E. Schultes and others testified for the defense. The botanists engaged in heated debate (outside of court), and both camps impugned the other's integrity.[29][30] The defense attorneys were not often successful in winning their case, because the intent of the law was clear.[37]

In 1976, Canadian botanist Ernest Small[38] and American taxonomist Arthur Cronquist published a taxonomic revision that recognizes a single species of Cannabis with two subspecies: C. sativa L. subsp. sativa, and C. sativa L. subsp. indica (Lam.) Small & Cronq.[34] The authors hypothesized that the two subspecies diverged primarily as a result of human selection; C. sativa subsp. sativa was presumably selected for traits that enhance fiber or seed production, whereas C. sativa subsp. indica was primarily selected for drug production. Within these two subspecies, Small and Cronquist described C. sativa L. subsp. sativa var. spontanea Vav. as a wild or escaped variety of low-intoxicant Cannabis, and C. sativa subsp. indica var. kafiristanica (Vav.) Small & Cronq. as a wild or escaped variety of the high-intoxicant type. This classification was based on several factors including interfertility, chromosome uniformity, chemotype, and numerical analysis of phenotypic characters.[23][34][39]

Professors William Emboden, Loran Anderson, and Harvard botanist Richard E. Schultes and coworkers also conducted taxonomic studies of Cannabis in the 1970s, and concluded that stable morphological differences exist that support recognition of at least three species, C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis.[40][41][42][43] For Schultes, this was a reversal of his previous interpretation that Cannabis is monotypic, with only a single species.[44] According to Schultes' and Anderson's descriptions, C. sativa is tall and laxly branched with relatively narrow leaflets, C. indica is shorter, conical in shape, and has relatively wide leaflets, and C. ruderalis is short, branchless, and grows wild in central Asia. This taxonomic interpretation was embraced by Cannabis aficionados who commonly distinguish narrow-leafed "sativa" drug strains from wide-leafed "indica" drug strains.

So......from what I am reading they want to control/regulate/licence 'Cannabis Sativa L.' which is only hemp. All other cannabis comes under a different category and therefore the sale of seeds (of a different kind for souvenir purposes) won't be affected....(fingers crossed...lol)


So......from what I am reading they want to control/regulate/licence 'Cannabis Sativa L.' which is only hemp. All other cannabis comes under a different category and therefore the sale of seeds (of a different kind for souvenir purposes) won't be affected....(fingers crossed...lol)
I hope you are right in that it won't affect souvenir seeds. I'm not even close to getting started on the souvenirs I'd like to buy for my collection :)


Active member
Otherwise we've been aiming to warn ppl about Codex Alimentarius for years,, just most of the time it falls on deaf/dumb ears or ppl just think we are plain old crazy :joint:

But it's very real,,, see : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhON1WN48tQ

hell yea docleaf, CODEX.......thats some tinfoilhat shit there.....except it's not! it's nice to see some others on here checking into such things.

imagine if we had a little icmag lecture where everyone got an hour of Codex being explained to them and what it means...there would be a lotta racing stripes in the panties....

for those who dont know what Codex is, you should read about it now before you have to learn about it the hard way.

the 'tinfoil' theory around thisis interesting; geo-regionalcontrol of the masses cant be done with armed force...unless you wanna kill lotsa people.....so the best way to control people is with food and/or a 'pandemic' of some kind.

both suck.


Defiantly some sick shit. Cant say I'm surprised though. I have never fully trusted authority figures esp anyone working for our Government and or Bush himself. They fail to mention that Starvation also leads to violence. & They leave out all the factors on the Rich people & the deaths they will receive from those that are hungry. Killing for food is and will be the only thought on the minds for the thoroughly starving people & family's. I believe AreoSmith said it best, Eat the rich.


ICMag Donor
But it's very real,,, see : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhON1WN48tQ

- - -

hell yea docleaf, CODEX.......thats some tinfoilhat shit there.....except it's not!

the 'tinfoil' theory around thisis interesting; geo-regionalcontrol of the masses cant be done with armed force...unless you wanna kill lotsa people.....so the best way to control people is with food and/or a 'pandemic' of some kind.

Indeed , that is their aim / plan. To restrict people from the nutrients that nature provides... including ALL species of cannabis regardless of genotype

These ppl want it all in their palm !!!!

Positive vibes will survive,, with all those that resist this,, so join in, and cultivate seeds for your family and friends for the future.

Overall we need to re-empower ourselves with nature :canabis:


"the rich are straight robbing the poor" [Chester P] ,,

, it's called the Military Complex,,, and Monsanto work for them!
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rocket high

Active member
The Scotish parliment is paid for by England,, it's not like they bought all those fancy chairs on salmon sales.. lol.

The english took our north sea oil and sold us down the river ..we also have scots law which is different from the rest of the uk.

So what might effect england might not effect scotland .

I see we arent getting a holiday for the royal wedding but you guys are ,thats a good example .


ICMag Donor
Basically,, should the Scottish Parliament decide upon something the Queen doesn't like,, she will leash the Scott's Guard on them... maybe that places the reality of the situation back into perspective.

Btw. i agree with the north sea oil stuff,, and disagree with the programs of displacement that toook place in the high-lands during the 16th-17th centuries (King James's time was it,, one of them)

Yeah,, i saw we got a national holiday for a wedding ,, (she best look fly),, what a joke.. haha

peace n love


We own a small seed company that sources and provides heirloom seed genetics to home-growers... ... 100% Organic , at seedbay now,, click the butterfly below for info.

(note : back in the day we used to sling weed off blocks to fiends,, which is highly illegal,, more so than selling veggie seeds to veggie growers.. how times change.. lol) :D

No-one,, no process,, no system.. no vampires.. will stop FRT distributing food (and ganja) genetics to the masses,, (they are already out there kids). As a seed collective this is what motivates us the most.. rebelling against any oppressors of the natural process.

We collectively shit on them,,, because it is a natural birth-right to use the plants around us as food and medicine! Only the ppl that wish/do control us ALL realise this fully and don't want let it up as a good thing, For us to grow our own food naturally,,, will be their biggest downfall (since at present they'd rather we ate non-nutritional/dumb-shit-food like microwaved pizza) !!!

These vampires,, could lock us away in HMP,, but we already got plans on breeding inside (cause dem mans are stupid as pig shit . oink oink) ,, and to be sure we'll make sure a photo get's posted up on IC... HMP Erb,, if it ever happens. Cause it isnt like they dont have blackberries in pen these days.. lol

Otherwise we've been aiming to warn ppl about Codex Alimentarius for years,, just most of the time it falls on deaf/dumb ears or ppl just think we are plain old crazy :joint:

But it's very real,,, see : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhON1WN48tQ

Dont let the bastards grind you down!!!

Respect mate I feel the same way they can change the law but they cant change us or our way of life!

El Toker


edited to be nicer.

I find it sad as a toker that these forums are full of people who subscribe to batshit crazy conspiracy theories like Codex and the Iluminati.

Seriously, you've got to be really stoned and more than a little narcissistic to think that you've picked up on something missed by WHO, the UN, every world government, every doctor, nurse, nutritionist, medical research scientist and non-toker on the planet.

The real problem though is that it just takes one thread like this to damage the credibility of the forum (and every intelligent and rational post challenging the propaganda and misinformation around cannabis prohibition) in the mind of an open minded reader. Or, maybe I'm missing the point and cannabis does push people in the direction of paranoid psychosis.