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Calling all keif masters



DISCLAIMER: Many tips have been posted as well as methods on curing and extraction, please read the thread before posting something. If you have some nice dry sift / resin / kief shots please feel free to post them up, I am looking for strains that pack more punch then normal! Original post below

I have some basic questions about kif if you know the answer please post up

A year ago I switched up my smokin habits from mostly herb to only concentrates(I might smoke herb once every 2 months only 1 hit). Have found the best high I can get comes from elusive high grade kif(I smoke strait kif off a screen in a metal pipe, sometimes I will use glass or a bong or other but MOSTLY metal).

I have had alot of trial and error trying to find quality kif. I have bought many a gram of what looked and smelled like amazing product only to find smoking an entire bowl of it straight does nothing to me. I have tried going off price, I have paid 39 bucks for 1g of kif to find it did NOTHING, and bought a 15 dollar gram that was better then most I had tried. I have only found 2 kif's that I can honestly say where exceptional, I mean you smoke it all day for a month and at the end of it the shit hits you just as hard as it did the first time you tried it.

The first strain was called purple kush kief, it was a dark purplish brown and smelled like granddaddy(Sorry if that explanation sucks) I had never seen a kif so dark that smoked good, this one is still the best I have had to this day, I believe it was pressed, maybe a few diff strains together. They didn't know much about it at the dispensary other then it was from nug and not trim. Second strain is just called Pressed Kief, its 2 strains together I believe seni star and something else. Basically these two strains smoke different then over 30 different kifs from all around my area, WHY?! IS THERE CRACK IN IT OR WAT LOL

Now the questions

Are there sure fire ways to identify amazing kif without smoking it first?(Hah dispensaries wont let me smoke their shit before I buy it go figure :p)

Lets say I wanted to grow my own incredible kif, does the strain have ANYTHING to do with the quality of the resin glands other then the amount produced? AKA Does the strain I grow matter, or is it simply the extraction process(using buds VS trim, smaller mesh screens or different methods?)?

I have read posts from peeps who can sift stuff that looks like kif but melts into domes(AKA FMCD(Fullmeltcleardome or just fullmelt)) and the stuff looks top notch. If I get just the perfect glandular heads and little to no plant material will it smoke like the crazy kif strains I explained above? I partially believe that the shit I got smoked so good because it was just the right amount of both, not simply trying to remove ALL plant material.

If you have any tips regarding kif I would love to read them, so far in my journey no one I have met smokes this way, most people can't even hit the shit I smoke out of a metal pipe, they cant hold it(I have alot of practice :p) so if you smoke like me or got a reason why I shouldn't(Health reasons) let me know, THANKS! :dance013:


Life is one big grow........
it has a lot to do with the quali of the bud/trim ...the worst bud will not make good kif!!

but also it depends a lot how the kif was made!! the best bud can get turned into a quite bad kif!!

so a lot of factors will affect(?) the qualiti of the kif!!

use good buds/trim...
short runs will give you a top product (fullmelt)
the mesh size is very important too ...but it depends on the bud/strain (sativa/indica..outdoor/indoor)
curing will make it better!!

may i could help a bit.....


juicepuddle : you arent grower, am i right?
the most important thing is strain, processing is much less important (if you dont screw it totally)

precisely made kiff is just as good as bud it came from, but is more concentrated... typical bud has 10-30% of its weight in resin, so kiff made of it makes you as high as the bud, but is 3 to 10 times more concentrated (so equally stronger)
probably a little less, because of plant matter contamination (under 10 percent in good kiff), but it will still deliver the same high


juicepuddle : you arent grower, am i right?
the most important thing is strain, processing is much less important (if you dont screw it totally)

precisely made kiff is just as good as bud it came from, but is more concentrated... typical bud has 10-30% of its weight in resin, so kiff made of it makes you as high as the bud, but is 3 to 10 times more concentrated (so equally stronger)
probably a little less, because of plant matter contamination (under 10 percent in good kiff), but it will still deliver the same high

I am not a grower like I said I want to figure it out to grow my own. But I don't understand how after over trying 40 kinds of kif only 2 hit me this way. So your saying I am going to have to try a ton of strains till I find the right one for kif processing?(I know thats strains exist for this purpose but its due to the amount of tichs produced, not how they hit you)

I am also aware of how kif is made and that yes it will be 2 - 10 times stronger then the bud it came from, however I figure everyone here is missing something big if only 2 types of kif I came across where actually worth smoking.
it has a lot to do with the quali of the bud/trim ...the worst bud will not make good kif!!

but also it depends a lot how the kif was made!! the best bud can get turned into a quite bad kif!!

so a lot of factors will affect(?) the qualiti of the kif!!

use good buds/trim...
short runs will give you a top product (fullmelt)
the mesh size is very important too ...but it depends on the bud/strain (sativa/indica..outdoor/indoor)
curing will make it better!!

may i could help a bit.....

When you say good buds / trim do you mean quality genetics or quality growing? Meaning lets say I give the plants all the love they can take, how big of a factor would it be to be growing high grade genetics compared to say topshelf / fire ?

Yeah I have read alot about mesh sizes from bubbleman's posts and whatnot, he has posted so much useful information about fullmelt haha, wish there was a dude like that for kif!

Really guys, the kif I am smoking is better then anything I have tried and I have smoked everything from dirt weed to amber glass haha, its INSANE I do not understand.According to berrea the buds that made this kif would be a similar high just less concentrated? Its weird its just so diff from any herb high ive had.


there are two explanations :

1) ive noticed, that everyone has some "holy grail" strain... some strain, that exactly fits into his needs although overall quality of that strain is not necessary... maybe its just about the fact, that every single man is original

2) it has somethin added into it... i dont know how much is mediweed in cali regulated and controlled but in many countries dealers mix things into weed to get new customers... for example coke, crack, meth, heroin, opium... is it just a really strong high or do you experienced completely different state?


there are two explanations :

1) ive noticed, that everyone has some "holy grail" strain... some strain, that exactly fits into his needs although overall quality of that strain is not necessary... maybe its just about the fact, that every single man is original

2) it has somethin added into it... i dont know how much is mediweed in cali regulated and controlled but in many countries dealers mix things into weed to get new customers... for example coke, crack, meth, heroin, opium... is it just a really strong high or do you experienced completely different state?

The high is still definable to MJ, I meen its just like a super strong high, the purple kush strain lasted 1.5 to 2 hours which is nuts for me.

I think your probably on to something with the holy grail thing, it could be, if so I have a mission haha. Thanks for your help man I appreciate it :thank you:


Bump for kif, still smokin the same strain, tried some "afgooey kief" this week, only thing I could even feel, it had a nice sativa head lift thing which was cool but was short lived, and then shortly after blasted away by the "Pressed Kif" I have been using for over a month now, I gotta look for more kif!!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
As already noted, some strains suit individuals particularly well and seem like the holy grail.

At my tolerance level, some is way better than others, but none of it knocks my socks off.

The last time someone provided me with dark kief that knocked my socks off, it tested positive for PCP. Wonderful cannabis like effects, just more intense and puts some folks over the edge.

You can also treat kief with cannabis oil to make it more potent and it will darken it.

That leads me to my point, which is that unless you grow the cannabis and produce the kief yourself, you really don't know the history of your meds, including it's insecticide history, or any adultrations.

If it is just too, too good, Occum's razor tells us that that may indeed be true.


Green Mujaheed
One thing to enquire abot when buying is about how fresh is the "kif". In order to developp & and express its full organoleptic & therapeutic potential, the resin needs some curing time and 1 month should be a minimum (although not ideal).
Resin sieved from just dried buds will produce only a fraction of the effect experienced with a cured resin.

I remember few years ago Grey Area coffeeshop in A'dam had some "grey mist" sieved resin which had the reputation of being quite potent. The day I had the opportunity to sample some was with a friend who bought 5gr of loose resin powder. It was obvious it has been sieved from uncured buds, it was wet, tasted like crap and produced only a foggy high with blurry mind, not reaaly enjoyable. I felt sorry for my friend for buying so much of that quite expensive un-finished product...

Irie !


One thing to enquire abot when buying is about how fresh is the "kif". In order to developp & and express its full organoleptic & therapeutic potential, the resin needs some curing time and 1 month should be a minimum (although not ideal).
Resin sieved from just dried buds will produce only a fraction of the effect experienced with a cured resin.

I remember few years ago Grey Area coffeeshop in A'dam had some "grey mist" sieved resin which had the reputation of being quite potent. The day I had the opportunity to sample some was with a friend who bought 5gr of loose resin powder. It was obvious it has been sieved from uncured buds, it was wet, tasted like crap and produced only a foggy high with blurry mind, not reaaly enjoyable. I felt sorry for my friend for buying so much of that quite expensive un-finished product...

Irie !

This is really spot on, I have purchased many a wet gram of kif because they dont let you touch the stuff just look and smell, however after trying to smoke it and burning my lungs I realized how wet it was, cured it and it was great! Curing really does affect bud as well as the glandular heads, everyone should take note!

Thanks and bump!


Overkill is under-rated.
Just so's you all know:

I made a batch of QWISO out of 85 grams of kief. only 30 grams of it came back as QWISO oil.

That means, by weight, kif is 63% crap. Plant matter, waxes, dust dirt and hair. It may look clean and pure, but if if it were it would have dissolved and not got caught in my filters instead.

I know some guys like the taste of dry sift, but it's hard to beat extracts for purity.


Green Mujaheed
Curing really does affect bud as well as the glandular heads, everyone should take note!

Yep, curing turns resin to hash, just like fermentation turns grape juice to wine ! No curing, no hash !

I know some guys like the taste of dry sift, but it's hard to beat extracts for purity.

Maybe, but it's not all about purity...

By the way, "kif" is a traditionnal moroccan preparation consisting in a mix of chopped buds & chopped black tobacco, smoked in a small clay & wood pipe called sebsi.

Irie !


Just so's you all know:

I made a batch of QWISO out of 85 grams of kief. only 30 grams of it came back as QWISO oil.

That means, by weight, kif is 63% crap. Plant matter, waxes, dust dirt and hair. It may look clean and pure, but if if it were it would have dissolved and not got caught in my filters instead.

I know some guys like the taste of dry sift, but it's hard to beat extracts for purity.

That meens the kief you used was crap, not all kief's are created equally.

Also really well done kif can still have a tiny amount of plant mat in it, the plant mat changes the high and makes it perfect.

However I havent tried oil except for at dispensaries, I assume some of the ICmagers home made stuff would blow my socks off, but I dont know how it would compare to the kif I smoke.

I tried wax, fullmelt, oil, they all sucked, but I assume its because the guys who made it either did it wrong or just used bad material.


Just as no two cultivars of weed are exactly alike geneticly and otherwise, I'm willing to bet our personel CB1, CB2 and all other as yet unidentified cannabinoid receptor sites are as un-alike among us as individuals. A weed that rocks one person's world may be unimpressive or paraniod inducing to others.

If you liked the kief presented as being from purple or kush-type strains, I'd start with growing that. Go back and bug the hell out of the staff, ask questions, be a pest if necessary. Do they sell clones there? Ask if the purple kief folks also bring in any clones as well. Get to speak to the manager and polite-like ask them to give you some kinda contact info or at least which day/time the purple kief people bring the goods in and then "bump" into them there. Shit, bribe the staff if all else fails - it might be worth it.

OTOH, if your too nice and polite to go that route (like me) just start growing kush-type strains. They do have a good rep. Growing is fun as hell and even if it does take a few years of experiments to find your dream strain you'll be in good company meanwhile. Once you find (or create) her, she's yours forever if you treat her right. Then you can send me the genetics, right?

Good luck!


Just as no two cultivars of weed are exactly alike geneticly and otherwise, I'm willing to bet our personel CB1, CB2 and all other as yet unidentified cannabinoid receptor sites are as un-alike among us as individuals. A weed that rocks one person's world may be unimpressive or paraniod inducing to others.

If you liked the kief presented as being from purple or kush-type strains, I'd start with growing that. Go back and bug the hell out of the staff, ask questions, be a pest if necessary. Do they sell clones there? Ask if the purple kief folks also bring in any clones as well. Get to speak to the manager and polite-like ask them to give you some kinda contact info or at least which day/time the purple kief people bring the goods in and then "bump" into them there. Shit, bribe the staff if all else fails - it might be worth it.

OTOH, if your too nice and polite to go that route (like me) just start growing kush-type strains. They do have a good rep. Growing is fun as hell and even if it does take a few years of experiments to find your dream strain you'll be in good company meanwhile. Once you find (or create) her, she's yours forever if you treat her right. Then you can send me the genetics, right?

Good luck!

Thanks for this, this is great info! Funny thing is I started doing this a month after I tried the kif :laughing:

I got alot of info but nothing direct, its been almost 2 years of me going to this club, all the staff know me, I have been waiting to bring it up with the manager but its rare for them to be there, if I ever get a hold of the strain you KNOW i will be sharing hahah!


Bump, smoking some platinum purp kief, really crappy, alot of plant, I think I might throw it in the bubble box.




Currently smoking some GDP kief, its the best kif I have had in a while, I simply press the powder slightly, then use a tool to scrape it back into a powder pile, and then when I smoke it, it melts however looks like kif still, good stuff.



i love kif, i gotta start taking more pics of what i collect. nothing like some good canadian hash. i collect this stuff in a grinder with a screen. im thinking about investing in a bubble box for some more dry sifting goodness.
maybe you could make some oil like bho from some mid grade smoke and mix it into the kif that you buy for a stronger smoke, I like to make oil and mix it with my kif, all I need is one hit and Im nice! but then again I get stoned pretty easy, my friends will do 2-3 and I hear no complaints. only problem I have is some of it comes out rock hard w/hex.
grow your own, if you can, you'll save lots a $$$$$$ and make a little too(or alot)