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My 70 watt MH grow


Ok my first grow isnt looking to good , So I started a new grow and figured I make a thread here about it.

First off im using 70 watt MH at the moment . I do plan on getting at least a 150 watt hps soon.

My grow medium for this run is a mix my buddy swears by so I thought I would try it out. I have no clue whats in it . I will find out when I see him again.

So heres a pic of 5 days since I started germing it . It took 2 days just to get it to crack open so growth has been slow and I tried putting it closer to the light but I burnt the leaf tips in doing so.

Pics of my cab will be up in a few days , I have to move it and thats when I will get some pics of it.
Edit: its from bagseed if anyone is wondering.


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Heres a pic of day 10ish lol lost track. But its growing quick now and staying low. still no pics of my cab I cant get a good pic from where it is .


Ive also dropped it a bit lower from the light cause it seems to be getting to much heat , I have an exaust fan and a pc fan blowing straight on the plant but it still gets to hot.



Recovering UO addict.
it looks pretty healthy to me. looked a bit stunted in the first pic, but she seems to be pulling out of it now.

be very careful not to overwater. Get in the habit of picking the plant up and seeing how heavy the soil is. Only water when it needs it, less is more. goodluck :)


it looks pretty healthy to me. looked a bit stunted in the first pic, but she seems to be pulling out of it now.

be very careful not to overwater. Get in the habit of picking the plant up and seeing how heavy the soil is. Only water when it needs it, less is more. goodluck :)

Yeah its taking off better than my last try. I was worried at first but now it seems to be doing better.

I actually just watered it before the pic. I hadnt watered it in 2-3 days the soil was light and dry.
Im trying to get some good rootage going on.

Thanks for stopping by. :joint:


wow this thing is taking off . Ive started lsting it and im surprised at how thick the main stem is getting, I thought the MH would make it thin and stretchy but its staying short and bushy.
I started another seed just incase this turns out to be male.
So far ive been on 12/12 for 3 days and no signs of sex.

Pretty sure I got nute burn . I fed it 7 drops of 12-4-8 to a liter of water and probably shouldnt have but she seems to be getting better. I flushed as soon as I noticed the brown leaf tips.


Nice could you get some pics of the set up hows the heat off of the 70w? How long since seed mine is know where near as bushy wounder if it is from the lack of light or what will see soon keep up the good work man and happy smokin


ya I will try to get a pic of my Cab tonight or tomorrow, I keep saying I will and forget to every time I climb in the back of my closet. The 70 watt keeps it around 80F but im working on gathering supplies for a better cab . My air circulation kinda sucks and my ghetto cab is kinda small but i think with lst method I can get a good amount of personal smoke.

That last pic was about 22 daysish. It started out real slow the first few days but then took off and is still branching out like crazy.

Im lsting it as much as I can and trimming all fan leaves that cover new growth.

Ya your plant was lucky to survive under the light you had at first.
Im new to this 2 so I cant tell you if it will get better but if I was you I would still try to grow it out. And heck if its female maybe you can get a few clones and have your next round ready to go without starting from seed.


Active member
that might be nute burn but i think its potassium defeciency starting. you might be overwatering a little bit too. aside from that looks good, might wanna start easing back on the nitrogen now too.

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