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Bubblegum, Who's got the "Real Deal"?




I'm curious to know who carries the real deal IBL bubblegum strain? I know Serious offers an IBL but is THSeeds also an IBL? What about Sagarmatha, where did they get their BG from? Who had the first Bubblegum released? Who's bubblegum did BOG use in his strains (perhaps this questions should go in his forum)?

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If you use tha search engines provided by this site , you will find a wealth of info . Tha nug on tha bottom is BogBubble coconut pheno ! Nug above is LS Thanks
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steel savage said:
If you use tha search engines provided by this site , you will find a wealth of info .

Now why didn't I ever think of that?

anyone else have any other insight ?
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white lable old stock is sensi. Check out overgrow.com. I believe there is a post in the Thseeds section where the grower clames to have much experience with bubblegum. This person apparently feels that Thseeds veriety is far better than the rest, excluding BOG.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
BOG used a few different bubblegum strains I believe... I know that white lable has been used in a few of his crosses. I think THseeds bubblegum is very nice imo...


Thanks....that's what I want to hear! Keep it comming.

I will check out the THSeeds section.
the story of bubblegum is very mixed up , like the bible ..there is alot of mystery

some say bubblegum was developed in Indiana & some say California

i was given original bubblegum seeds , back in 86 , in the Ashbury Str ..by a very good hippie broad , okay stop with the chimes already man ,there relaxing but to a point , oldfriend !

and the story was told differently then what i read on the net & it made its way to holland in the mid 90's

all the first dutch breeder use the same IBL ..as far as i know ..

it's just who has managed to breed it the best so far , is another story !

were you pleased with Mau's (nirvana) BuB ! ..notice how Mau's is called Bubblelicious ..because thats the real name ! ....named after the famous bubblegum Bubblelicious ...everyone else has to use the Bubblegum name for trademarketing reason's

Nirvana's BuB Rules ! ..peace
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Plant Manager
I've got the top three in flower right now...serious, TH, and Bog. I can tell you that at 30 days the Bog smells the best by far.


fluoro funkster said:
Nirvana's BuB Rules ! ..peace

It sure does!

I really enjoyed the bubblelicious, thanks for taking the time to clear a few things up :)

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beautiful plants man ..petiol's , stems ..everything is triched up !

next time around ..top a few ..you will be amazed ! ..but dont give them very much veg slack ..maybe 3 weeks ..or 20 cm's at the most ...or you'll get monster's like this ..

4 weeks veg ...3rd week flower i think here ..you can get the idea of how huge she finished :yoinks:

and iam using only about 400 watts & a couple hours of sun ..with colas as thick & long as your forearm's ..;o} ..peace

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Burned real nice after a good months cure. Taste was mild bubblegum, but with more of a spice. The high was very delightful, not too hard hitting, a good morning or daytime smoke :)


Active member
Original Bubblegum, in seed form, is from Serious or THSeeds I believe. They have a FAQ in their website about it, check it out.


newbgrow said:
Original Bubblegum, in seed form, is from Serious or THSeeds I believe. They have a FAQ in their website about it, check it out.

There's no FAQ on THSEEDS.COM, however here's their description for BG:

"Bubblegum was our first contribution to the seed world in 1993. Over the last decade it has proven, through numerous awards and world wide fame, that this plant is here to stay. We successfully inbred and stabilised this plant for it's most desirable characteristics, it's fruity smell, thick lingering flavor and short soldier like stature. Bubblegum breeds true, and has been used by many seed companies to produce award winning hybrids, and will make a great cornerstone for your breeding program.This is a true superplant !"
They state it breeds true, but does this really mean it's an IBL. Sounds to me like THSeeds aquired a BG cutting or seeds and then created an IBL perhaps. Could they have aquired the same BG cutting as Serious Seeds?

Here's the SeriousSeeds description of their BG:

"Bubble Gum is a medium tall, usually not too branchy (some- times stretchy) plant, producing compact, crystal covered buds. Originally the Bubble Gum was developed by growers in In- diana, USA. From there the genetics moved to New England and eventually Holland. lt took many generations to finally produce this stable Bubble Gum, with the characteristic, sweet smell (truly resembling a typical Bubble Gum taste) and euphoric high; the original trademarks of this famous strain.

The only inbred strain (no F1 hybrid) on the Serious menu. Winner of two awards in the High Times Cannabis Cup of 1994, a 2nd place in 1995 and again a 2nd prize in 1999, gives Bubble Gum a total of 4 awards from the judges."
Sounds like Serious seeds started with the strain from Indiana and also made it into an IBL. I'm still not sure if THSeeds and Serious shared the same unstable Indiana strain and each stabalized it into an IBL using their own methodes.

Is this a feasible assumption?

Also, I have not found a "FAQ" section at either of their sites:




Great info and contributions everyone :)
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i think Sam the Skunk man was the person who brought it to Holland with the help of THseeds

Sam & Positronics are probably responsible for most dutch breeding

Nirvana was way before Serious seeds ! ..peace


Active member
i thought i read somewhere
thseeds and serious seeds bubblegum both originated from the indiana line,but different phenotypes were worked with during stablization

sound right ?