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Autoflowers & nutes

Ok, I had thought that I had read everything concerning nutes that I needed to know, but I ran across a comment from a seed co. that mentions that when you start adding nutes to your grow that you should go right to the bloom formula (for whatever brand of nutes you use). The comment was in regard to some people having flowering issues with their seeds. Is that the right way to go, or should you start out with grow nutes then change over to the bloom after a week or two? Or, should you jump right to the bloom formula a week or so after the seeds sprout?

I am wondering if this is what caused my first two feminized lowryder seeds to turn out male. I was using just bloom formula and was waiting to see definite signs of sex before I started adding bloom formula to the mix. If these autoflowers essentially skip the vegetative stage and go right to flower, then I guess it makes sense to start using bloom formula right away.


I believe the key to high yields from autos is to get them as big as possible during veg. I feed veg nutes through the 1st or 2nd week of flowering and have gotten yields as high as 36 grams outdoors on Diesel Ryders and White Russians, and over 2 ounces from Mi5s.


The dwarf phenos sort of skip veg, but i wouldn't say they miss it all together. The bigger autos for sure veg!!! Feed like any other strain low veg nutes 1 to 2 weeks in, then keep on veg nutes until flower starts to set in. Then start on the boosters and flower nutes..

IMO if that seed co is telling you that autos don't veg, i would stay away. Your telling me they haven't seen ANY autos from their line that vegged? i call BS on that one, ither that or small yeilding dwarf line. You WANT them to veg, so they get big and yeild well. No different than any other strain only they don't flower based on light.

You can't tell me this didn't veg..

The smaller AFs skip the vegging phase and go strait from seedling to flowering. When they do this I only give them flowering nutes. Flowering nutes have higher amounts of phosphorous and potassium which seedlings need to develop their roots system and flowering plants use for flowering.
I definitely agree with Bighill, vegging plants should get vegging nutes with high amounts of nitrogen for vigorous leaf and stem growth whether they are autoflowering or not.

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