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Here we go!! Im getting sick of this

Allright... Here comes the instant death. This started two days ago, was hoping it was heat from lights, so I moved it up high. This morning I go in and even the lower colas are dying.Everything dying ad getting crispy even the buds. Whatever it is its quick. I keep having these issues every grow. Not heat related. My timers are perfect, water good. Could this be the off gassing crap. Im running a CAP Ebb&Flow system. Shiny black 1/2 line with no markings. Heres my info and pics.
Ebb&Flow/ Hydroton Water every 4 hrs for 10mins (hydro not dry)
Roots look nice and white(little staining from nutes)
GH Nutes (I follow their website nute schedule)
PH 5.8-6.1 PPM 1200
REZ temps a little high at 78
Room Temps 78-80 on 68-70 off
RH 40%
31 Days into flower Bubba Kush
No bugs. I pulled off one small cola and inspected. Last week I had Thrips and I bombed with Pyrethrum
I have 9 other plants in room with these all looking good. One might have beginning signs... Ill let you know tomorrow.

PS... Plantsin background are all last crop that went south... Im harvesting them as we speak as you can see crap all over floor and cuttings

PPS I just noticed I put this in wrong forum sorry should have been in Infirmary


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johnny beegood

New member


look like too much ppm....to me

you have nute burn your plant

drop at 1000ppm with a green up...or revive....and wait 4-7days


Looks like that bullshit off-gassin ta me Bro........1000 ppm`s ain`t real high for Bubba in flower as she`s a heavy eater........

You got some of that bullshit tubin killin yer plants........Go look at UGU`s thread on page 3.........Identical to your shit.......

Get rid a that shit and re plumb with somethin safe......

Good luck......DHF.......:ying:......
More info.... This is starting from the topmost cola and going down the plant. Doesnt start from the bottom. Im gonna shoot someone if i dont have at least one sucessful grow... lol.... This is rediculous. This is my smallest plant.... My big girlies have the fattest nugs I have ever gotten.

EDIT... I just changed out my tubing in whole system to some stuff UGU suggested. I also dropped my PPM to about 1050. If this is the off gassing is it in my plants and am I gonna lose this crop, or did I save them by changing out hose? Any help is always appreciated!!


Active member
Check my sig for the off gassing issue. Basically, if you have any NGW tubing in your setup, it could be the issue. It does look exactly like it.


Flush again like a mofo and drop your ppms down to 500-600 to see if they`ll recover........Damage might already be done.....

At least you know what caused this now........or so it would seem.......

Good luck....DHF........


New member
Even if the plants recover, I just watched half a room get pulled because it had gone herm from the tubing. It definitely looks like the other off gassing pics to me. Hopefully they'll bounce back soon, but I'd look up their skirts. Good luck. And anything you can do to lower your res temps? A little reflectix or whatever around the res to insulate it goes further than you'd think.
its midnite, lights about to come on, so i had a peek and others asking for pics of room to see if they could see other possible problems. 5000w flower....1000w veg.... its screwed up now due to changing hoses out. Im cleaning tomorrow. Im posting pictures of my sick plant, other plants, and my massive babies in my veg room. I only have two babies starting to grow and as you can see from pics theyre massive. Everything else is beautiful, just one plant and possibly one other is going south. The other sickly looking plants in flower room are the past failed grow that im harvesting now.


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Please post up pictures and your experience in the off gassing thread here on IC, found in Herborizer's signature. Sorry to see that hose ruin more nugs....
Just a few more of room and 'Small' two week old girls!!


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Pure.... Id like to post in that thread, but do I know for sure wether or not thats it? I have gone to extremes today. Changed hoses, dropped PPM's harvested old plants. Id love to have the answer. If these pull through, Im going to bet on the off gassing theroy. I have fresh hose never used from my kit and it smells like the chemicle/plastic smell... Does this sound right. My new hose is nice and soft, doesnt smell, kinda dull not shiny like the other. UGU recommended where to get my new hose


question: why would you put the PPMs that high? maybe you are on a .7 scale rather than .5 or vice versa? 1500 ppms in one = 1000 ppms in the other. So you could be significantly be too high in nutes. this would kill your babies FAST. HOURS to DAYS. Looks like it.


My veg room goes great. Right now I have only one rez, and i keep it consistent through the whole cycle, leaning closer to the flower recipe from GH. My little ones always do incredible as you can see from pictures. Its my month old Flower girls that are having the problem. How do I find my scale for PPM Heres a link to my meter:


i don't know the brand but it's EC and PPM so give me the PPM and EC and we can convert it. EC is a more reliable number when transferring information from one person to another as it's a standard.


The leaves look very much like the ones in the gassing off thread. They get that yellow working toward the center leaf.

If everything else is in line, and your roots have no bugs, its a pretty good bet.

Just for shits and giggles it never hurts to throw some mychorizae in the rez too, to help with the nutrient transfer.
A little update....Day 38 into Flower.... Bubba Kush
After all of my problems I hope I got them figured out. PPM's at 900, PH 5.9. The one plant still looks like shit and is prob gonna get worse. Heres some pics of the current grow, and ive got a couple of other plants with drying edges. Hopefully it wont continue!!


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