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Sour Saver 2.5 *bong* Report



High there great people of I.C. Here is my smoke report for Sour Saver 2.5 from Swan Song Seeds. It has been in jars for around a month now. Im not the greatest writer so if you have any questions or feel i left something out, please let me know. Load up them *bong*s, here we go.

Garden Details
Light: 250w hps
Nutes: Fox Farm-Grow Big and Seabird guano (veg) and Fox Farm BigBloom (flower)
Medium: Soil
Grow Method: Topping and breakin inside of branches
Veg time: A long ass time lol. Had a few probs in the begining of veg.
Flower time: 9weeks
Yeild: medium
Odor level: very strong, from around 2 weeks in flower till the end.

Sour Saver 2.5 Smoke Report

Breeders Description:2 of my favorite breeders crossed out.... rez's sour diesel and bog's lifesaver are sure to please. the flower times are 8 weeks and if a kick ass expansion level and sour strawberry flavor turn you on, sour saver is for you ~ ;)

Appearance/ Texture: Lime dark green, orange hairs, rock solid buds, breaks out to a lot. Crazy ass colors towards the end of flower. Reds purples, greens, yellow. Very cool looking.

Taste: Skunky on the inhale and on the exhale its skunky,fruity, and sorta has a lifesaver taste. Very tasty herb for sure

Smell: Like the taste. Here’s a few words to describe the smell. Skunky, sweet, fruity, and some other smells that are hard to describe.

High: Comes on fast in the head with the first couple tokes. Keep tokin and you'll be locked to the couch but your head will feel likes it floatin away from your shoulders. Eye lids will be feelin real heavy. Feels like ya took a muscle relaxer. Puts a smile of my face. Usually toke it at night or else i'll be nappin all day.

Medical Properties: Works well for insomnia and body aches.

Peace and *bong* :friends:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Very very nicely done Dev. Beautiful plant nice work :) Thanks for sharing !!
Hey Devi, them are some nice pics and i liked the smoke report, i may pick up a pack, i like the colors in the buds. Take care,,, Thanks Herb


Captain Expando
Thank you for your hard work and honest opinions throughout the run... one thing I wanted to ask you... on a 0-10 (0 = hard/touchy, 10 = simple/no fuss) scale, what do you rate her overall ease of growth?

happy holidays br0 ~


Active member
i think zeppelindood is the breeder who made the seeds with his "Swan Song Seeds" company......

those pics look amazing :yoinks:


Thanx a lot everyone. Yes this was made by zeppelindood "swan song seeds".

Zepp. I would say in veg a 6-7 doesn't need a ton of nutes. During flower 10. I fed it every watering full strength with out any probs. Always with a little runoff. Gave it a 2week flush. An inexperienced grower shouldn't have probs growing it. Peace and *bong* :friends:


Hi Dev, Certainly sounds like a nice potent cross. I actually love the sound of it. Excellant growing skills and pictures make your report a treat to read. Thank you.


Thanx smokey. Glad you liked it. I'll have some more up in the next couple months. Peace and *bong* :friends:


i'm most likely going to pick up a 5pack of these from seedbay. you said they got real stinky toward the end? they stretchy ?


Bubblegum Specialist
That's what I like to see. This project looks like it was meant to be and it honors both REZ and myself when someone works to create a new and wonderful strain from our work. Thanks Zep. You show your dedication to your work and you must have good karma. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to your beautiful and wonderful creation. :D BOG

I have a load of work... :wave:
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:sasmokin: Damn fine report bro! I very "pretty" plant as my wife says :yummy: Great taste great high and once you get the nutes tuned (thanks Dev!!) Its easy as hell to grow! THANKS 4 THE GENENITICS ZEP!! :yummy:


Bushy old grower.... devil lock? aint that a song from the classic misfits? hehe


Captain Expando
Hold the phone fellas... Sour Saver isn't done yet, v1 momma is loaded with seed from BX2.5 and the 3rd and final BX will be at Seedbay around February. Here are the two domiante SS 2.5's that I have pulled 40+ runs :D

Sativa: I've only seen 2 of the sativa phenos, very dark vegetation, stinky and more strech than the mix pheno... hasn't been taste tested yet.

Indica/Sativa Mix: This is the prevalent pheno and not by chance, this is why I worked this cross, and it paid off.... thank you BOG and Rezdog.

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