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I finally have a guerilla tree!



OK, she's more of a bush thanks to lot's of Fimming, but I'm counting her as a tree, I've never had anything like this & I am just very happy about it.

The rundown: Tilled the soil about 6" down in middle of April, all I added was some espoma Plant-tone, and some water crystals. The native was pretty good, a little clay based but still nice & it had some worms in it. Then in the beginning of May I brought in 30 bagseed seedlings, 1/2 went to this plot & 1/2 went to the one right next to it that had no survivors except runts from the nute burning that I decided to kill off. I had lot's of losses thank god, since the 3 left at this place are almost overcrowding, lol. Slugs/Snails and Nute burn killed off most of the seedlings, yes I went hog wild with the Plant-tone.

At the beginning I had to weed 'the garden' alot as the native veg was outgrowing these girls for a bit, not a problem now, lol. I have watered them ONCE ONLY, but I have top-fed them a bunch of times to the point of showing burn on the tips, all with the espoma. The last trip when these photo's were taken I think I gave my last feeding except for some molasses I will give them starting in a month or so. I switched it up this time, I top fed with a bunch of the plant-tone as usual, then threw down a bunch of bone meal for the P they will need soon, then covered it with worm castings to hopefully break down the bone meal. After that I threw the mulch back down & spread 1/4+ bag of the plant-tone around the native veg to get it's cover bigger & greener (I've been doing this all along)

Fertigation FTW! And oh yeah, the best part!! She and her two sisters have all shown sex as girls, yah!!

Here she is a little under two months ago:


And just the other day:



Good luck & happy farming yall!


What strain is that?

Unfortunatly I have no clue, I was given 1000's of seeds from "bomb mid's" aka mexican schwag brick weed. If you grow that stuff out you can get some amazing stuff or some mediocre stuff, the reason it's crap to begin with is because they let it get seeded and then process it poorly (no cure, fast dry, compressed into bales). Its main downfalls are not knowing it's finishing time (These should be fine on that end) or it's mold resistance (crossing fingers). I've always said that, at least in my experience OUTDOORS, the quality is more in how it's grown than it is in the strain. Not to discount strains though, it does make a HUGE difference, but for guerilla growing purposes for profit I see no need in having the latest & greatest. This year was actually my first year buying seeds, so far I've been most impressed with Mandala's stuff.
i ran lots of the mandala lines last year completly organic and tthat wweed was STELLAR .. my favorite of the mandalas was the statori, man #1,kalicharica.... and the man#1 was the first to be ready 4 harves 4-6 weeks b4 everything else.. just my 2 pennies shrpshooter


I had to dig this up to find the dates on these pics, I can't believe the stem has grown so much in 2-weeks!! I can't even give them enough food anymore it's un friggin' believable! That stem has DOUBLED in size in two weeks. I got a panic attack the last 2 times I was there, one time it was BADDD & I almost passed out when I was walking away after doing what I needed to do. Expect some crazy pics when I feed them in a few days, I had to give up on the all organic, but next trip will involve dumping an entire bag of ewc around them & hitting them up with some more MG.


Active member
very nice :)
they grow sooo damn fast sometimes your like wow :O
dont slack on the feeding and be sure to show us how they come along :D


Will do. Today was a good day, I had another spot that had massive slug damage that I gave up on 2-3 months ago, there was one or two crappy little plants left. On a whim I went back there today, I was shocked to see a stretchy 6-footer doing awesome. I couldn't even get in to it or around the corner to check for others because it is surrounded by thorns as far as the eye can see! It was a beautiful sight though & made my day, I'll get some fresh pics up next 'rounds.


Will do. Today was a good day, I had another spot that had massive slug damage that I gave up on 2-3 months ago, there was one or two crappy little plants left. On a whim I went back there today, I was shocked to see a stretchy 6-footer doing awesome. I couldn't even get in to it or around the corner to check for others because it is surrounded by thorns as far as the eye can see! It was a beautiful sight though & made my day, I'll get some fresh pics up next 'rounds.

Well I snuck in to the forgotten spot from the other way last night right at dusk (couldn't bring camera, will soon though) and I was greeted by a 5-foot male, ripped him out and kept going when what do I see- A 8' monster!!! She is a beautiful girl that looks so wild surrounded by thorns 1/2 way up her! She was never topped, never watered, never fed, never visited except once after planting, and if I go by stem size she is my 2nd best plant!! I added no soil, no perlite, nothing but crystals & some zoom vegetable! The one I saw earlier in the day is also a female, and she is about 6' but nothing like the 8' one.

I'll be staying away from those for another 2-months though, she is surrounded by thorns but they tramp down & leave trails very easy. My season is turning around thank god, I put in alot of work and then was really dissapointed, but I'm starting to realize that as long as I keep to my security protocol & have no mold I should be in for the bumper crop I had planned for, thanks mainly to the inspiration & tips I've learned here. If everything makes it out & I get zero mold I have at least 5 lb's coming, maybe the 10 I was shooting for!

Happy farming everyone!


Well-known member
Looking nice growing guerrilla is great, but my last harvest got ripped so have to give the guerrilla vibes a break till next year at least. Looking forward to watching those girls flower!


She is looking good, staked her for hurricane and wrapped her in gorilla tape. The other two got leveled by wind the other day, but it just dropped them and they are pulling through fine, hopefully it helps them with hurricane coming. The big girl is FLOWERING HARD! Will try to get some daytime garden shots but it is hard, plus the hurricane is no good, not much cover here.

Oh and they have been getting alot more water & food then they need lately :)




Well flowering pics are here already, she is an early flowerer for sure, it's harvest pics I don't know about, between wind & snails (See my other thread) I just don't know anymore, it's been a long season that's for sure. I love the trees this spot grows but it has it's problems also, I love it to death but not sure I can take it next year, I will at least have to run an auto crop then a later crop to break up the problems.

Oh and for some reason I realized I am stupid for giving up on the other two plants, they are monsters & still might make it, the issue is mold & snails because they split BAD from the wind, they are alive but laying on the ground which is not good for mold or snails. I think attempts to tie them up will be futile, but I will give it a shot along with guerilla taping them next visit.

On to the pics, starting with the 'smaller' ones, noptice they are ON THE GROUND!





Hard to believe this is one plant, she only has one monster branch laying on the ground luckily, still spitting out buds though.

Mother Nature is a bitch. Good luck with salvaging everything. Good pics too. Everyone usually shows perfectly happy outdoor plants. Outdoor plants take a beating. Nice to see you've got some colas standing strong.


Thanks, I think I could do some pretty amazing stuff if I could do it in my backyard. The ones on the ground might have some mold problems, but the wind that put them there should help that, I think it will depend on the weather really. They grow right back upwards though. It would make my season if I was able to fill this one 'garden' with nuggets, because that's what I envisioned when I tilled the soil in a 5' x 10' area, and allthough it has it's problems & I expect to not pull much, when I stop stressing & stand back & look I realize I have that area almost filled with nugget.

I keep wanting to give up, but even if this season is a total loss I have learned SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH more than in past seasons & am ready for next year already.


Sorry no picture updates, but she is doing AWESOME! She definitely appears to be the same strain that I just harvested a qp plant of, she is just a little later than that one (Which was WAY early) probably due to her size. It has very sativa dom leaves, finishes early, has a great calyx/leaf ratio, and is probably the best smoke I've ever grown!

Anyways, went there yesterday & have great news to report, I think the snail situation is under control, the 2 plants on the ground are growing back up & starting to flower hard, but the big one....... my oh my....... she is filling up hardcore with shittons of nug, I think there is like 10 2oz cola's and another 20 zips of small cola's!! She is definitly putting out OVER a pound!

I gave the big girl what will probably be her last feeding, I also gave some to the girls on the ground & surrounding veg. I was in a pinch & used miracle grow for roses along with mollasses instead of the mgbloom & molasses, but I think the rose + mollasses will be very good. Yeah you know your plants are huge when you need to trek in a 5-gallon bucket just to give 'em nutes!

Harvest in 2-weeks!! I'll be taking all of the big buds first and will wait until it's all trimmed until I go back for the rest & feed the other 2 girls. I really don't know how I'm going to trim all of this, it's almost to much, rofl rofl rofl :)

Happy harvest everyone!


argoagro, congrats on a successful guerrilla grow! For very little oversight, those ladies are looking exceptional! I'll try to check back in for a smoke report - I'm sure it will be MUCH better than the schwag from which the beans came; some of my favorite bud is the result of old bagseed.


Thanks, It ain't out of the woods yet though. Towards the end they've gotten a bit more attention, two other plots nearby were ravaged by the snails. Overall though it hasn't been much work except it's a bitch getting water to them, needs to be done on a vehicle & ridden to it at night/dusk. Good moonlight is the best.


Well the battle of the snails continues! The last few trips I've only gone over them REAL quick and nabbed maybe 5 each time, this time I went over them good and got about 30! Also laid down some more IronPhosphate pellets.

So the middle plant is done for, she was the last girl to start flowering & she was just starting to look good, noticed some yellowing & saw the trunk has been eaten through all the way around like many other plants in the vicinity. The other girl on the ground is starting to BTFU and she looks SOOOOO BOMB! Really looks like blueberry in her flowering structure, I'll have to get some pics out there soon.

Anyways I took 2 of the (10? 15?) cola's early today since shit weather is coming. Trimmed 'em up, wet weight is 140 grams, my geuss is an ounce total. Can't wait to take down the rest, I am really not prepared for the amount of trimming I will have ahead,so I am going to take down in stages to stick with the 'ole "What you can when you can where you can"

Here's the 2 cola's I snatched from the "Guerilla Tree" that I am now calling my money tree, lol.


