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4K Trays from Flower Forward



Thought I'd show some shots of new place. Unfortunately its in a rental so I wanted to go as simple as possible, easy to teardown, without really touching the place. This is what I came up with.

A walk down into the basement. Just Gear, Poly, and Plants.

4000w Dimmable 1K Lumateks / not on super lumen yet, but planning on it. Daystar ACs with Can Fan Max 8 pulling through Can 100 and pushing through the 4 lights and out.

Planned to flood 6x6 blocks in the entire room, but ran into some trouble (1st time with rockwool) and luckly I had some coco plants to fill the space. GH Flora Micro/Bloom (head recipe) in the coco and Lucas ratio in the rockwool tray. 1 tray coco is still handwatered / the other 2 are open end 1/4" line.

Here we are at a few weeks into bloom. Hoping for a nice one.

:thank you:


Well-known member
whas up cheeb- very impressive! what strain/s?

how you like your ballasts? any interuptions with cable t.v. or radio?


Thanks for the replies.

whas up cheeb- very impressive! what strain/s?

how you like your ballasts? any interuptions with cable t.v. or radio?
strain is all the same - afghani mango / at least thats what the cut was called when given to me.

To be honest I think the ballasts are knocking out some AM radio / or at least making static on some stations. No effect on cable tv / internet that I'm aware.

I tested the AM radio thing in my vehicle in the driveway. Car was a good length away from where the ballasts are located in the basement. House is on a large lot and I tuned to the clearest AM radio station I could find..went inside and flipped the lights on and sure enough it damn near made the station all static. It caused some stations to have minor static, but knocked some out completely. Pretty scarry stuff... but does AM radio ever really come in 100% clear?

I really cant see it being a huge issue unless you just happen to disturb some old persons' AM long enough to cause them to dig into it deeper and make some phone calls or something. I dunno. I'd like to hear more about this subject.

My 1K dimmable lumateks are the most recent units.

Hoping there are no serious HAM radio enthusiasts nearby. :hide:


That RFI/EMI issue is the #1 reason why I'm still on core & coil magnetics.

Can't wait to see more.


update for anyone thats interested. Not the greatest photographer, but here is where they are now...11 days later then previous post with pics.

no additives are currently being used, but I may start them on some bloombastic right around now..

Got lazy and didnt prune up 2 of the 4 trays. Both of those trays have practically stretched into the lights and I'm out of room. The trays that were pruned are much more uniform. So here they are in one mass nonparticular order. :dunno:



Any guess on yeild? Also, I didn't notice how many plants?

I like how the tables and light are in a straight line that makes cooling those 1000's pretty easy.


Very nice looking for 11 days growth especially keep it up! I use core and coil magnetic because of the cost over time versus digital ballasts. Most I ever have to spend to fix my magnetic is $20, where I can't open my digital and reflow a broken solder or replace the fan when they go out. Anyways, things look great!


Any guess on yeild? Also, I didn't notice how many plants?
Work2Much, no guess on yeild. I HOPE I can manage 1.5lbs per 1K light, but thats strictly what I'm wanting. I've learned to not really dwell on it too much - it always ends in disapointment. If I set my expectations really low I can only be pleased at the results.

9 plants per 1000w light - so typically 36 under 4000w.
This round however I have 36 on 1 tray (making 63 in room total). They were intended to fill the entire room, but I had some RW issues and a bunch of spare coco plants caught up to fill the remaining 3 trays before he RW tray was filled in.


Work2Much, no guess on yeild. I HOPE I can manage 1.5lbs per 1K light, but thats strictly what I'm wanting. I've learned to not really dwell on it too much - it always ends in disapointment. If I set my expectations really low I can only be pleased at the results.

9 plants per 1000w light - so typically 36 under 4000w.
This round however I have 36 on 1 tray (making 63 in room total). They were intended to fill the entire room, but I had some RW issues and a bunch of spare coco plants caught up to fill the remaining 3 trays before he RW tray was filled in.

Thanks. I don't think your being unrealistic about yeild. 1.5lbs per is doable.

Have you ever seen Pico's coco bed's grow? You have the same type of space and setup which reminded me of Pico's. I'd love to run coco beds on raised tables, almost infinite lateral root space makes the plants grow that much more. No pots, just lots of roots and big buds.


Looking good, thats a crapload of plants. I definitely think your idea of end yield is in the ballpark, although dont try to get your hopes too high, then you wont be disappointed if you get a little under, and you'll be really freaking happy if you get over that. Haha. Anyways, looking great! Anyone feel free to stop by my grow, link is in my signature. Comments are greatly appreciated.


Update - and I'm totally bummed.

I'm having some odd what I believe to be a genetic issue. I've experienced this once before in an entire room and thought it was a light schedule issue that I accidently screwed up.

I grew this strain out a few times no issues - and now its fucking with me again - in a different house entirely.

Tray 1 - All good - only slight signs of the issue, but really progressing through bloom just fine.

- -

The other 3 trays looked great up until week 4-5 and now have stretched out a bit with odd growth - colas are NOT really forming and its looking to be a total shot in the foot.

As you can see from the pics my colas (or what should be) are not developing properly - not swelling and not connecting.

Both the good tray and bad trays are getting the same food (lucas - head recipe). The good tray has had a bit more wind on it and maybe a tad more pruning, but other then that everything is pretty much the same.

I'm leaning toward a genetic flaw as I've been told by a few others with this strain that they dropped it for similar reasons. Not sure as it really hasnt been explained to me, but I THINK I'm seeing what they are talking about 1st hand.

I feel like I'm wasting a few months while flushing 15-20 grand down the toilet. Totally stressed about this and have the next round vegging which I'm terrified will do the same if I procede with them to bloom.

Any thoughts or advice.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Damn Cheeb. I had this same problem with my ECSD and could never figure out what the deal was with it. Half of the room got fat and chunky like normal and the other half did just that. Small Buds with lots of spacing between the growth and the tops never got swollen. I read as much as I could to figure this out and could never find an answer. I don't know if it was a mutation or what but I finally just got rid of all of them.

I would throw them all out and if you know someone with a decent strain and possible healthy clones. I would spend the money to buy them. No point in growing these at all.

I'm not glad to see someone else going through this, but at least now I don't feel like I'm crazy. Wish I had something more positive for you.


Gotta update my thread.. my worst grow to date.

This grow came down an utter failure. Trimmed up my 1 decent tray a week or so early because I came home to find my plants fell over due to lack of weight in their pots. Was the only handwatered tray and I didnt make it to water them in time.

Other trays are sitting in a pile dried waiting for me to pick through and salvage some of the decency that is there. Might try to off the entire batch untrimmed to my friend (also grows) and let him work through it piece by piece - foxail by foxtail. lol Whatever he decides to give me is A'ok with me because trimming this shit is not worth MY time. If that doesn't go down I guess I'll have to make hash until my arms are jello.

- although I had a bit of heat I do not blame this one of myself. Its definately a genetic oddity that shows its ugly face - possibly triggered more so by a little heat - but my winter grow did something very similar the grow before last. More foilage/ less foxtailing - but no bud development regardless.

On a good note I do have 21 beautiful ladies (new strain) flowering in a 4x8 tent under 3 600w using Blumats - things are looking perfect. Will try for some pics.

- -

As stupid as it may seem I'm running this variety one more time. I already have the vegged plants.. I just pulled a decent harvest from the same clone in which the oddity didnt show - I'm pretty sure its because we applied a small dose of dr. nodes (paclobutrazol) to control stretch and then hit them hard with bloombastic. The paclobutrazol may have helped, but we did pull a heavy harvest even having to toss some due to bud rot. Dont like using the paclo, but going to try it here to see if I can make something of these already veggers - no other clones availabe at the moment.

Got some new moms vegging to supply gardens of the future. Thanks a TON dude!

LUI (legends ultimate indica) (sweet tooth#3 x ortega)
Blueberry lavender (blueberry x lavender)
Lemon-G13 (reeferman's love potion)

Can hardley wait to get back to growing some what looks to be great genetics.