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Bc's RockLock pc grow..12/12 from seed

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
here we go on another adventure!!! I wanted to try 12/12 just to learn and maybe get some nice buds too:jump:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I am using my tried and true pc again..works like a charm!!This will be my third grow and RockLock (80% indica and 20% sativa) is the plant that I am growing...
This is the pc case I use in the link below...
there is 172 watts of cfl with 11,560 lumens...3-40 watt bulbs and 2 26 watt bulbs....
I have 3 passive intakes with 1 120 mm 251 cfm Nidec fan for exhaust..sounds strong huh?! IT IS!! Too strong...I am buying a good speed controller tomorrow..same one used in big grow rooms but I have it modified a little..there is also an 80mm fan blowing on the lights..
Pureblend Pro Bloom every watering and BigBud and Carbo-load once a week..I used BudBlood 2 days ago and pistils are already showing!!:thank you:
Its day 21 now so here are some pics

she is starting to bush out now...

happily sun bathing:)

and the best for last, pistils!!!:thank you::rtfo::groupwave:
hope you all join me!!!
take care


Well-known member
That's a very healthy plant. Looks happy. I'm going to keep an eye on this one.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I was starting to wonder if you were going to make a new thread. This will be good :tiphat:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Ha pulling up a front row seat before they all go, shove over scrubz, lets pack that bong and on with the show.



is it okay to connect both a 120mm pc fan and a 80mm pc fan to the same 12 volt dc adapter ? or is that a bad idea ? im trying to cut down on the amount of things i gatta plug in and power strips haha.
is it okay to connect both a 120mm pc fan and a 80mm pc fan to the same 12 volt dc adapter ? or is that a bad idea ? im trying to cut down on the amount of things i gatta plug in and power strips haha.
as long as your adapter has more than enough amperage (A, mA) to run those things, it should be no problem. the amperage should be shown both on the adapter and on the fans.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
yeah,the happyguy(hey bro!!) is right..for example..walmart sells a 600mA adapter..as long as the total of BOTH your fans amperage doesn't go over 600mA, you are a happy man..
2 of my fans amps total .54 which is perfect because my walmart adapter is 600mA which gives me a little lee-way...any more than that then I'd need a stronger adapter...
Thanks everyone for joining the show!!! Means alot...
Day 22 and she is growing fast..I read that if you cut the side branches off, the main cola will be bigger? Is that true?
I'll be back with pics shortly..
Thanks again..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure...:thank you:

the pistils are there, everytime I take a pic, they disappear:artist:

she is really growing fast now...do I start counting bloom weeks straight from seed or just when she shows pistils?can anyone help?

I'd like to chop all those smaller shoots to get a bigger cola but is that true?

nice and shiny green :tiphat:

well, thats where she is at on day 22...
what do you all think?
thanks everyone..
dammit she is beautifull, just let her do her thing, she is gunna grow into an amazing plant! also, i can see the pistils :p

have a look on my page, i built a surprise XD

take care,



shes looking absolutely amazing. cant wait to get my pc case going! still workin on it as i type!

whats the biggest yield you've gotten ?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph!!Nice to see your ladies are coming back too ...
Thanks Breezy1!! I am really looking forward to seeing your pc bro..
Thanks abcdef!! Great to have you on board!!
Feeding her way more has helped immensely..
8 weeks to go and I'm hoping she'll get lots bigger..alot of people say yields will be tiny but I want to prove that wrong..I've seen quite large plants grown 12/12 from seed...time will tell..


bushing out nicely:bow:

brewing up dinner:tiphat:


future cola:) that bud blood is amazing stuff...
Its day 23 and lots of pistils are shooting up everywhere...the show begins!!
thanks everyone!!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Forgot to mention this..
the nute solution/water is always right at 6.5-6.6 so after feeding her tonight I checked the runoff and it was 5.94!? strange huh? the plant seems quite happy too..
anyone else have input on this?