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new clones infected, powdery mildew? (pics)

real ting

The grow room is all new, with no preexisting plants. The clones that were brought in have this powdery dusty stuff on the leaves, I took some pics so you can see. Is this powdery mildew? From what I've been reading it's impossible to kill completely, is that correct? If it's not powdery mildew what do you think it is? They are supposedly pre 2000 dj short blueberry clones, not that it matters much. Thanks in advance for the help.


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I mean it looks like mildew, not impossible to kill just a bitch to deal with.
you have a few options:
spray with neem oil, dynagro has the cheapest brand buy it on amazon.com if you're hydro store has another brand. $20 for 2x as much as you'll pay $60 for in a hydro store
second you can get a sulphur burner, they work wonders and will prevent pm
if your humidity is to high it's easier to get. a dehumidifier will help
lastly get Eagle 20EW it will prevent pm if used in the veg stage.

now that you got it, a burner and neem is what you need.
and find out what ph pm does not like, you can spray water like this to help.
oh spray them with water it will help anyways, do at night.

real ting

Does dipping them work since they are clones and small anyways? Is it enough of a bitch that I should just scrap these clones and find better ones? I don't want to have it come back when they are flowering and have to burn sulfur forever.


There are FOUR lights!
Those are some crappy looking clones. It looks like someone took a clone
from the middle of your clone. Maybe plant those outside, and get some nicer ones
for inside.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Does dipping them work since they are clones and small anyways? Is it enough of a bitch that I should just scrap these clones and find better ones? I don't want to have it come back when they are flowering and have to burn sulfur forever.
sulphur is a preventative. pm is airborne and in saying that you can get it at anytime of the year.
wash your leaves and use a neem oil it should get rid of it. it is not that prevelant this strain is probally resistant to it if kept under control.
if it's there it's there, pulling leaves will not help.
kush's have pm problems they are more susceptible to it in my experience. They will be covered and hash bud will be clean

real ting

Yeah it was dumb to not look at them more carefully before taking them. They really stink pretty strong too, reaking up the whole place, much stronger than any clones or vegging plants this size i've seen before. Would the powdery mildew do that? I'm thinking I might follow your advice and just axe em.

Those are some crappy looking clones. It looks like someone took a clone
from the middle of your clone. Maybe plant those outside, and get some nicer ones
for inside.

Naw I think that's just pistils, looks like it in the picture though.


Active member
real ting,

It sure looks like PM. Don't laugh but I have a cheap and pretty good method of getting that stuff under control. 10% cows milk!! You can use raw or regular milk up to 30%. Mix as much as you need, fresh and spray it on once a week until your local conditions improve. It won't kill it off but it will help prevent it from spreading. PM attacks when certain conditions are met, and some plants get it worse than others. One thing about the milk is it won't harm YOU. By the way, don't wash it off, let it drip dry and get the undersides of the leaves as well. Best not to go over 30% milk as it will begin to smell. I use 10% and it works for two weeks per spray after which it will begin to spread again.


Active member
pm for sure and use greencure from a hydro store....got rid of all my pm

also threw an ozone in the room to make sure it doesnt come back

real ting

Did you get those clones from PO (a dispensary)?

Never heard of it, but they are dispensary clones.

Hit em with eagle 20ew as per krunchbubble's recommendation, bleached the room, PM appears to be gone. They are doing much better, still a little shocked from the whole ordeal.