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Iolite vs. Glass Vapor Genie


I received my Iolite two days ago, and my Vapor Genie yesterday. So far I can say I'm happy with both, but I'm sure like me you're wondering what to buy. Here are my reviews.

Iolite Portable Vaporizer - using the clear rubber tube + mouthpiece
  • only heated vapors are inhaled, no fuel
  • solid construction does not necessarily look like paraphernalia, but is a little awkward
  • gets hot and stays hot, but device is cool (enough)
  • once it is on, take a slow drawn, 15-20 second hit a couple times a minute
  • constant vapor temp remains fairly cool, and a bowl lasts 5-10 mins

  • better for use by one person than in a group
  • because the temp stays at 190 F, it takes 5-10 mins to get the most of that bowl with lots of hits, and it is tough to know when it is cashed.
  • first hit or two will have visible vapor, subsequent hits are pretty transparent (but still tasty)
  • getting in and out of the herb chamber, and filling the butane is a little more complex than the usual bowl and bic
  • slower

Vapor Genie
  • solid construction is beautiful and sits upright on a flat surface
  • ceramic heat diffuser allows you to use a lighter for temp control, and works great!
  • easy to stir vapings, and know when you've cashed the bowl
  • easy to see the vapor coming out of the bowl
  • faster

  • still inhaling lighter fuel, must use the lighter quite a bit
  • since you control the temps, it is easy to scorch your throat on an over-sized hit
  • obviously smoking paraphernalia

Given that that the Iolite is more expensive, I think the Vapor Genie is the better value, but it is also the more crude device. The Iolite is less likely to cause over-toking, but you might be wondering if you're getting the most of your herb.

Smoking the commercial I've got at the moment wasn't doing much for me anymore, but both of these vaporizers have stoned me to the bone...I can't wait until I've got something nice to throw in there.

I hope this helps you choose a hand held device! I love both of these, but after two days, I think the Vapor Genie is my first choice.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Great reviews! I haven't tried the VG, but I love the Iolite (as you well know..hehe).
Im almost leaning towards the vapor genie, because
the iolite is so expensive
has so many parts to break
can't control the heat well to my own desire
have to go buy Vector for iolite unless I want to risk it clogging, which is a pain in the ass(would rather just suck a lighter)
more bulky and fragile (have to worry about it on trips)

The vaporgenie seems
like it is much more reasonable of a price
much less likely to break (even if glass)
much more sturdy
and basically, it gets the job done w/ out the immense hassle of the iolite (breakage, usage, warranty hassles)

I'll wait for precision portable vaping, that is a long time off judging by the iolite's performance
(although really, the iolite is pretty great overall)
For now, the vapor genie will do the trick

Thanks so much for the reviews guys, they helped, I haven't been in the vape market for a while

Only probs with the vaporgenie are
a) their glass one looks goofy and like a crackpipe
b) the solid ones you can't see through which I like, for cleaning purposes
c) their bowls are a lil small
d) the wooden ones look even goofier than the glass ones (what were they thinking?)

Just ordered the glass vaporgenie, hopefully a friend can customize it so it doesn't look like such a lame crackpipe.
Will let you know how that goes:)


I don't think it looks like a crackpipe, but I'm sure you'll be very happy with it.

It does take some getting used to, but after only a few days on the vape I can feel my voice sound better when I sing and my lungs are clearing out. Huzzah!
Ok, first day, used it out on the bike trails, it was great.
Really seems like a handheld box vape but easier if anything!
It's good bc you can control how hot it gets based on how hard you pull (like a box vape) & it's fast
I don't think I'd have patience for the Iolite in that regard
Stirred it with a live birch branch bud, straight as an arrow worked like a charm!

What's also nice is that the heart of this thing is snugged in a conventional gong joint...
So the plan is to have someone make a double gong joint so the pipe can be ditched,
but the heart of the vaporgenie can be adapted to any gong joint...bubblers, bongs, etc.

It'd be nice to find a source for those silicon carbide ceramic diffusers
Once you find those all you need is a gong joint and the rest is freedom!

But anyways, so happy to have this thing! Very cool & soooo handy...
Thanks again for the reviews KJ & downlow, they really helped in deciding


The Vapor Genie is getting much more use, but I still do like the Iolite at times. Using the Vapor Genie has me going through a lot of lighters, and the refillable butane ones don't work as well as the bic.


Using the Iolite, letting it remain idle for longer breaks when the bowl has been going a while allows it to get fully hot and vaporize the buds to the maximum extent.


It'd be nice to find a source for those silicon carbide ceramic diffusers
Once you find those all you need is a gong joint and the rest is freedom!

I wonder if you could just take one of those porous ceramic bubble makers that the hydro guys use for their rezs and cut it apart with a silcon carbine blade angle grinder. Plop a slice of that ceramic in the bowl of your favorite bong or pipe and voila: improvised vapor genie.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

make sure to use Vector Quintuple refined butane fuel in one of those blue pencil flame lighters with your Vapor Genie. Very clean butane burn and of course those dense vape clouds attainable only w/a Vapor Genie.

I get vape exhales that rival milky bong hits.......

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