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CGE (Closed Growing Environment) /w a generator

Well, if anyone has ever seen me on this site before (Which you probably haven't)
then you know that my goal is to move out when I become an adult and grow massive amounts of dank buds.
I dream big. 900 pounds a year. *chuckle*
But seriously.
I'm not joking.

My latest inspiration among the seemingly endless accumulation of grow articles is this one:
Part #1 http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/3268.html
Part #2 http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/3368.html

At this point I'm in the planning and saving stage... But hey, you gotta start somewhere right?

Anyways... I NEED HELP PLANNING!!!!!

The first order of priority is a generator.
Being that I live in Florida (which is apparently crawling with DEA) stealing power is out of the question!!!! And paying for power...
If I built a grow similar to whats portrayed in the articles above I'll be using in excess of 80-100kwh of power a month!!!

The only option is a generator and I won't take no for an answer.

So let's get down to specs.

1. It has to be able to carry a running load of at least 80k watts so...
preferably a generator with a startup of 100k since 80% seems to be the recommended amount of strain to put on any power supply.

2. It has to and I can't stress this HAS TO BE DIESEL! I live in what seems to be the fattest fucking place in the world
because you can't go 1 block without seeing a Wendy's Mc D's or BK. But, this could work sooooooooo well in my benefit!!! I'll explain:

One word: Biosdiesel

*Hey this kid might be onto something after all*

Biodiesel is about 50-80 cents a gallon.
And seeing as I know a guy who makes it my supply is limitless. I bet I could even buy his whole supply for a wholesale price and get it even cheaper.

3. The guy mentioned (BC hardcore) recommends using a specific generator if you use this method.

"The best type of generator engine, according to Hardcore, is an overhead valve engine with cast iron sleeves in the cylinders."

I've tried to find these, but I haven't been able to find one that meets the power requirements and runs on diesel -__-

So, my marijuana warriors...

Our first task is to find a generator!!!!!

I used to have this green toy tractor that had two buttons on it.
One made a sound like an engine.
The other said "Let's get to work"
I pressed that damn button so many times it eventually sounded like an old Black Sabbath LP played backwards...

So in memory of my green toy tractor...



grow nerd

I stopped reading after a few sentences.

How much money do you have saved up right now? What is your goal? ETA?

You better hurry the F up 'cuz once the legalization comes on full blast it'll be real, real tough to make an easy living.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I read more of the article than your post. Actually I read most of it. The first thing you should do is learn to grow. Just a few plants. Find out in person what a male looks light and pull it. Continue flowering the females and harvest 2 months later.

As for your dream, most get rich quick schemes aren't. They take about 4 years to accomplish. However drug trafficking falls just outside this standard philosophy, but only because it's illegal most places. In the legal states, it's more difficult because of the regulations. Add the competition and you're back into the get rich quick scheme.

So, like most, you'll have to break the laws and risk years of imprisonment. But this is where the money can come in fast. An experienced grower with the infrastructure already in place for a 1 pound grow can easily snatch up 50K per year harvesting 4-5 plants a month. These people have already been at it for 2-3 years, have set connections, and have already perfected their system.

There's a story about this guy, browndirtfarmer, you can find it on youtube. The ending is a bit sketchy. I don't think he made enough to get out of the red that year. But it's a story that will tell you what you're up against. It covers everything from ground work to irrigation to harvest. It's pretty much a must watch for people interested in this field of work.

For a real shot at 50K this year, you should look at growing outdoors. The idea is to grow as much as possible as safe as possible. For me, I would also include getting out from under the 25 pounds as fast as possible, meaning to sell cheap 1K to 2K per pound. Sitting around waiting for the phone to ring and selling 1/4's and 1/8's is not for me. Maybe you like the idea of the 230am phone calls from a dude looking to get a dime bag. I don't.

I can;t find an ending here, but I think outdoors is your best shot for a quick turnaround.

Good Luck. Keep it safe!
The first thing you should do is learn to grow. Just a few plants. Find out in person what a male looks light and pull it. Continue flowering the females and harvest 2 months later.

For me, I would also include getting out from under the 25 pounds as fast as possible, meaning to sell cheap 1K to 2K per pound. Sitting around waiting for the phone to ring and selling 1/4's and 1/8's is not for me. Maybe you like the idea of the 230am phone calls from a dude looking to get a dime bag. I don't.

I stopped reading after a few sentences.

How much money do you have saved up right now? What is your goal? ETA?

Please read at least the very end of the beginning post so that the question I want answered can get rolling.... (About the generator)

As far as money goes I have about 10k saved at this very moment.
A generator for the size op I want is about 20-30k
I plan on moving out in about 1 year. So if I save every dime I'll have at least 20-25k.
I know that lights, ballasts, and hoods will set me back about another 25k. (For a 50 light set-up)
So basically I need 75k and I think I'd be able to buy all the necessities
as well as fine tune my grow by building a fiberglass enclosure (for the CGE)
replacing old windows, installing a security system, and buying grow controllers
(Timers, CO2 controllers, etc.)

I realize growing on such a large scale would not be a very wise decision
and even still I will probably not have the funds by the time I move out to acquire all the equipment.
So, I plan on investing in a smaller generator and lighting system (Maybe a 5k watt set-up)
I will do this for 1-3 years depending on how well the grows go and how much profit I turn.
I figure in this amount of time I will gain more than enough knowledge through trial and error to anticipate and deal with any future problems
I will also make my connections during this time to get rid of my finished product and enough profit to buy my dream set up and possibly a house?
If I use some of the profit for a down-payment that is.

I realize if you read the above statement that you are thinking to yourself "IS THIS KID GONNA GROW IN A RENTAL???"

The simple answer is, yes.

Not to worry though. I live next door to a super cool hippy dude who owns multiple properties in my neighborhood that he rents.
I've already asked him about acquiring one.
He said he would be more than happy to put me in the house and give me a good deal.
He is completely fine with the fact I will be growing in the house. The reason being: He used to grow there *SCORE*

This house would be an excellent place to grow for 3 reasons.

1. It's block and has room for expansion.
The fact that I will be running a generator will produce a lot of noise.
A block house will dampen this noise dramatically. (much more than a wood frame would)
It is also much stronger and impact resistant. Basically no debris from a hurricane will punch a hole in my wall and invite spying eyes
or release suspicious odors.

2. I've lived in this neighborhood since I was two. Everyone here loves me and would never suspect a thing.
The majority of people who live here are always home.
They are a security system in themselves and will detour anyone who thinks about ripping off my nice-ass house.

3. Probably most important.... The dude is a hippy...
I would never grow in a house that was a rental. Unless it was this one.
This guy doesn't care and wouldn't stop by for any uninvited visits.
Even if he did he already know's what's going on.

Hope this answers any questions and leaves you with a million more. All I can do at this point is plan and get insight from elders. So keep em' comin


grow nerd

I (again) didn't read past the first few sentences, but if you have $10k saved up then I suggest you not wait the year and go blow it up right now. Then in ~5-7 months you'll have enough cash to do what you want.

Why are you so dead set on a generator (sorry if I missed it)? Do you know what type of resources it'll take to properly run a large generator-based setup? It's far, faaar north of what you're capable of saving.

I have a special place in my heart for / about generators. But based on the first few sentences of yours that I've read, I don't think that's the route you want to go.
The reason is because power is monitored. Digitally. You can't get past the energy spikes that a veg and flowering cycle produce. Especially on this large of a scale.

Unless you generate your own power....

I've already researched the generator and it will not cost as much as you think. Mainly because it will run bio-diesel
I will be in the res until the first crop is sold. After that I will have turned a profit.

You should read the whole of my posts.... I think you would actually enjoy Grownerd it and I shortened the first tremendously.
You will probably find a lot of things that will get you thinking and improve your opinion on my idea.

The reason I don't do it now (Mentioned in the first post) is because I live with my pops and cannot move out yet.


You want to run a generator 'cuz you're afraid your first op will be shut down by power bill monitoring?

I could probably sit here and write a book on why you have an incorrect understanding of how things work in this game and how your plan won't fit in / will never materialize (I'm as far from a nay-saying hater as they come), but I don't have that kind of patience and will just tell you:

Good luck, sir.

(Here's some free info: you'll need a decent 6 figure bankroll saved up to run the type of show you're talking about.)