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Successfully cloned a AF


New member
Maybe that's no new thing, but it works. I'm going to post no photo, because it wouldn't proof my words. Just try for yourself, you have nothing to lose.

It worked with an Auto Ak47 from Lowlifeseeds.

After i thought about it, it was no surprise. By crossing more and more genes of the regular ak in the plant, the chance became higher to transfer the genes for cloneing.

(sry for my weak english ;) )


it can be done, but the point is, there is no point doing it. you cant delay flowering so you will just lose the time it takes to root which could better be spent leaving it on the plant to flower.


...and you cant keep an AF mother ;)


how u work that out ? autos are autos as they flower under any light 24/7 18 /6 ect ect how can u keep a mum if its in flower after 20 days ?


seems like there would be no benefit at all from doing this, although it is really neat it has been done :)

Flying Goat

Begging your pardon, gents...

I am new to the AF world & am wondering if there might be any benefit, if one were totally unconcerned with time to maturity, of taking an AF mum one were very fond of... taking a clone, reverting it to limited light & some cold so as to slow development, then re-introducing it to warmth & light gradually?

Please educate me on this... I have done this procedure thousands of times with regular cannabis but just can't seem to get my head around the auto-flower premise...

Is it that they are given just-so-many days to live & then self-destruct, or what?


vicious bee

They will slow down if cold. I know this from experience. They will if cold take longer to finish but they will also stop growing if cold.
I used some Supergrow root tonic (Indole Butyric Acid, Naphthalene Acetic Acid) on a Diesel Ryder and it delayed flowering by several weeks. I sprayed it, I believe, twice. The experiment needs to be repeated but I haven't had space or time. Maybe this winter. Also need to see if using root tonic you can clone a portion of a fully flowered plant.


It would be nice if you could some how add a chemical/nute to any non-af plant to make it start to flower. The new genes in growing dope yet to be discovered :eek:.


My understanding is that autos evolved in colder climates with short growing seasons as a survival response. Grow, flower, seed, die before the season ends. While dropping the temperature will slow the growth it won't stop it. I saw this for my self last year with some Mi5 that I started late in the season. Since creating your own seeds is so easy with autos I see little benefit to trying to preserve a mother.

I did have an unintentional experience with topping autos when one of my goats ate the tops off of two of the Mi5s. It kept them in veg for about a week longer while the tops regenerated. That leads me to believe that it might be possible to take a cutting from the top, root it and create another plant. But again, seeding is so easy why bother?

Begging your pardon, gents...

I am new to the AF world & am wondering if there might be any benefit, if one were totally unconcerned with time to maturity, of taking an AF mum one were very fond of... taking a clone, reverting it to limited light & some cold so as to slow development, then re-introducing it to warmth & light gradually?

Please educate me on this... I have done this procedure thousands of times with regular cannabis but just can't seem to get my head around the auto-flower premise...

Is it that they are given just-so-many days to live & then self-destruct, or what?



I was under the impression that they came from somewhere where the seasons are consistently warm. This would explain why most of the bud you get from 'sensi' gardens in the tropics have seeds, because some sativas are more prone to being a hermaphrodite because of the lack of males and prolonged flowering seasons.

Another defense in my opinion would be flower early to finish the life cycle faster in hopes of increased chances of pollination. But neither explanation totally makes sense. I've had males flower with 18/6 before, that were not auto's. So the gene must be in the genetics somewhere.

Can someone enlighten us on this autoflower debate? To the search button I go!



ther is a use i had a plant that i choped and then revegd then choped then is now reveging agin and it has never seen anything but 12/12 just femove all pistels and the growth that has not sprouted pistels will then reveg untill it has enough hormones to bud again
its like 12/12 from seed mj will not bud till its ready
ive been suggesting for ever to you af growers if you take a clone from an af with no pistils or you remove them the clon regardless of light cycle will vwg till its big enough to bud wich will make it bigger than just one branch it should almost get the same size as the mom
and lst also pospones flowering if done in flowering so you can get more out of you af



ive been suggesting for ever to you af growers if you take a clone from an af with no pistils or you remove them the clon regardless of light cycle will vwg till its big enough to bud wich will make it bigger than just one branch it should almost get the same size as the mom

I cloned Masterlow AF's my first season doing the same thing.
Remove the sex...
Exactly the same as you would with a tomato or geranium.
(gardeners know all the tricks..)

And you simply keep nipping the buds out until they reach the height you want...then let them go.

I haven't tried to keep an AF Mom using that method..
But..I logic says it Would work.

For myself I prefer straight from seed..simple..just like ME..

But a hell of a useful trick in an emergency.

Have a great weekend...:smoke out:



I cloned Masterlow AF's my first season doing the same thing.
Remove the sex...
Exactly the same as you would with a tomato or geranium.
(gardeners know all the tricks..)

And you simply keep nipping the buds out until they reach the height you want...then let them go.

I haven't tried to keep an AF Mom using that method..
But..I logic says it Would work.

For myself I prefer straight from seed..simple..just like ME..

But a hell of a useful trick in an emergency.

Have a great weekend...:smoke out:
yup master gardener here thats were i learned to remove sex


About 5 yrs ago i did testing on cold conditions and the effects on the AF trigger. HBnet had a shit load of info me and others put on that site,, to bad it is gone now.

Cloning AFs is really all pointless, as it is VERY hard to completely stop the flowering process once it is started. Cold TEMPS 55 degrees F or less at all times slows the trigger of Auto-Flowering, this was proven in 2 different test using a control that was grown from the same AF seed stock and normal temps of no more then 79 degrees at all times.

The control of 24 plants was grown indoors in a climate controlled chamber ranging from 70-79 avg.74, degrees at all times. Flowering began for males and females Day 17-21, and finished ripening Day 56-63.

The 20 plants grown in the cold temps ranging from 45-55 , avg. 51. degrees F at all times. These plants where the exact same seeds that where used in the control. Flowering began for males and females Day 35-45, which is an 18 to 28 days delay in the AF trigger, BUT ultimatly they began to flower and continued to do so at a slower rate making the total flowering time longer. Total growth cycle of these plants ranged from Day 80-90.

As for the cloning thing of course you can clone it, it is cannabis and it will take root but it will continue its life cycle, entering flowering, the only thing you may accomplish is delaying the flowering process a bit incase you need to wait for some pollen to arrive that you wish to use. But other then that, there was early study on some chemicals used to delay the flowering process, I dont remember what those Chems were and I lost touch with the person that was doing the work on this. I will let you know when and if I find it.

ICC. P.S. There was one very interesting result in the testing, the Quality of the colder temp grown plants was better then that of the indoor plants grown fast. But I have an entire theory behind that aswell but that is another thread.

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