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Pink Russian


Active member
if this lil' russkie tastes like she smells, ill keep her for my jars....i suprisingly havent found many weaknesses....to me she smells of sweet plums, as opposed to the blackberry spice of her sisters.......with easily twice as much goo as my dark purple phenos......and the most prodigious yield yet......she was barely a foot tall when flipped........a drawback of this strain is lack of density, but this ones got hard-boiled eggs..............nf
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lovely nate... good growing... i want a pack meself... plumbs you say? put up a smoke report when you can... :smile:


Active member
this herb is a treat to smoke.......an adequate but average high.......but her flavor is that generic "fruit punch" flavor we saw as kids........you know the "red" flavor of hawaiian punch?......it seems to linger particularly long in the nasal passages.....i can "taste" the flavor for a good five minutes just by closing my mouth and breathing it......this must be a really "cherry-AK dom" BR, considering the yield, structure, and flavor........of course i elected not to clone her.....doh!.......although i saved the 3 or 4 female pollen sacks that resulted from light leaks........thanks for looking/listening!........nf



What nice purpling Nate, makes me wonder why it's called Pink Russian.


Active member
its not, smokey........she's a Subcool Black Russian from seed.........thats just my stupid pet name that came from her overall look while growing.........as loose as people seem to be with changing names and not crediting breeders nowadays, i guess i shouldnt do that................by the way, im lovin' your S.Cough Smokey......respect as always....nf


Ahh, that would explain what I was seeing. That is some fine looking genitics.


Active member
natefrog, that is a true beauty you got there, some of the prettiest overall buds that Ive seen up on the boards. too bad you didn't clone her, you should have revegged..... oh well
peace and pot
Very beautiful. I wanted to get some black russian, but they're all gone. Apparently "double purple doja" is it's replacement, but I haven't seen any grow reports yet. Very nice indeed, Nate.


Active member
thanks guys........so much to try, i decided not to clone or reveg........ah well........i have 7 tiny pollen sacks i carefully picked off her and stored......so she's not totally gone........Subcool's camp says she was truly rare.......and as these buds cured i kicked myself more n' more...aint that how it works though?.........perhaps the Cannabis spirits want us to keep trying new wonders.........nf

here's a couple new, cured shots of my last bud...........she just packed a ton of nugs on this skinny branch..........my wife swears the smell is raspberry iced tea...........nf

Looks beautiful nate, nice trim job on it too. i'm always amazed by how many flavors pot can have, it's truely the greatest plant on the planet.

thanx for sharing.
