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New here. I've been trying to find a respectable forum to join and I suppose this would be said forum. I'm currently growing and I hope that I may find some reliable resources and good advice from other growers and smokers alike. :)


Hello ithinkiam, this is the best forum on the 'net! What is your current setup?

Glad to have you!


I am using my closet space to grow. It's about 2' x 4'. Air is circulated well throughout the space as there is no door on the closet. To keep light out I have been hanging two thin blankets across the opening. (I know this is not the best method, but I have a curtain on my window that keeps light out during the day so I believe this combination works just fine. And it doesn't matter now anyway as I've started a 24 hour cycle.) I try to keep the space as open as possible. I am in my room often so I believe that the plants are at least receiving a generous amount of CO2.

This is my first time growing, btw. I tried to do as much research as possible so that I could have the best shot at it, but having a successful crop, I have learned, really depends on what you can physically provide for the plants. And unfortunately I was/am low on cash so I've decided on 3 120 watt bright white compact fluorescent bulbs. I have 3 six-week-old plants each in their own 1.5 gallon pot. (I believe this size to be too small to mature the plants but I haven't transplanted them into bigger pots yet because I want to wait until they show sex so I know which to keep.) Also, another note about lighting; Each plant is underneath one lamp. And I know I need better/more light BUT right now it's the best I can do cost wise and space wise.

Um. I germinated the seeds in jiffy seedling soil? (Not sure of the name.) And once they sprouted I transplanted them into peat pots. (I had 10 sprouts to start, which I eventually chose the 3 I currently have from.) When I transplanted the peat into the larger pots I used miracle grow potting soil. I have also used miracle grow's flower food (That blue stuff you mix in water.) with about every 2nd or 3rd watering. I haven't used it recently as I was told it could be bad for the plants and make them taste bad?? Idk. They seemed healthy to me when I was using it. But now for the past week or so I've just been watering them with purified room temp water.

I also have some foil pinned up and hung around the plants. haha. It is reflective, right? And that's a good thing, right? Hmm. lol

I feel kind of frustrated as I am waiting for the plants to show sex. They are about 10 inches tall right now. I've been iffy with keeping a consistent light cycle, which I know has probably stressed the plants. :( And this is why I've decided to just keep them under light 24 hours a day.

Once, and hopefully when, a female shows I will only be growing her. Or if there is more than one, I suppose I can grow multiple plants.

I water daily or when needed. I spray them a few times a day as well. I've tried pinching them to promote stem growth but I'm not sure how much it has actually benefited. Sorry if this is just sounds like rambling! If you have questions or advice I'd definitely appreciate it! This is a picture I took a few days ago of my babies:


So yeah. I know I'm not an experienced grower, but I take this seriously.


Hi ithinkiam, You might want to take a clone of each, label them and put the clones directly ( even before rooting if you wish ) into a 12 hour cycle so they sex right away then you will see your female(s). Gotta go, but I'll check back to see if you post your progress. Good luck.
looks like a nice setup, IthinkIam. good luck with your grow! there are plenty of experienced growers on this forum so i don't doubt that you'll find the info. you need. :)


So, I began feeding them again today. They are still on a 24 hour cycle. I am excited and feel a lot more comfortable now with working with my plants; this forum has been so helpful. :)

I'll have to do some reading on cloning. Thanks!

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