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Bokashi for beginners: what is it, and what can it do for me?

mad librettist

Active member
The carbs are not bad, but the recipe, which calls for adding carbs, is for bran.

You would just have to adjust it. I bet someone out there already does.

mad librettist

Active member
Why not?

Man you can use newspaper. I just don't have specifics for you. This is bokashi for beginners lol I am not an expert.

You just need a vehicle for inoculant.


Active member
OK thanks,Now I have EM1 now and lets say I make the bokashi,How much mix to how much stuff .Like 3 gallons of fish parts 1 gallon of horse shit 2 gallons sea kelp .Now how much Bokashi ?

mad librettist

Active member
Are you just making a big batch?

I think you can skip the bran altogether. The bran lets me keep dry and stable inoculant around. But if you are making piles I don't think it matters.

Could you ask on a bokashi board and let us know? That should be part of the guide.
been reading alot about bokashi lately and i'm in the process of getting rdy to make my bucket (got bran).I'll be burying mine in my veggie patches ^^

The liquid apperantly makes a great feed when diluted 1:100 not read about foiliar but maybe weaker ratio than the feed?

Edit: Also the liquid can be poured neat down drains/sinks/toilets ect to keep them clean


It sounds like the archetypical japanese sexual perversion though.
Person A:"I'm heavily into Bokashi lately..."
Person B: "Well, uh, nice meeting you, havetogo..."


Alchemical Botanist
Anyone else have any reports on their bokashi experiments? I just got done making my first successful Lactobacillus culture and was going to scale up from my mother culture and start a bokashi bucket.

Great thread Mad Lib :) thanks


Active member
Nice thread well done ML.

More on the liquid waste please, uses for it other that tipping down drain...

mad librettist

Active member
to be quite honest, I aim for zero runoff, and I just chuck it down the drain, after sniffing it. Leaving bread out before adding it, and other little tricks helps moisture stay not too high. I aim for the same moisture content I aim for when fermenting the bran.

(I sniff the runoff because I am an oddball and I enjoy the smell in a weird sorta way.)


Thanks ML.
I read the link that Coot put up and they add other stuff besides just molasses and EM... could i add anything to make it better?

mad librettist

Active member
yeah, you can add azomite or some such trace mineral source. You can use part kelp meal if you want.

But is it better? Bokashi is pre-digested compost or worm fodder. Sort of an accelerant, it breaks down so fast.

Anything you are adding to it you can add somewhere else, such as adding rock powder to the worm bin when you feed it bokashi. I'd keep it simple. And then again I always throw in a pinch of azomite. Man, this is imprecise, funky stuff, almost more on the culinary side of things than compost science, or what have you. You are making pickles.


so my experiment has begun. I will be back in 2 weeks and let you guys/gals know how it went.


Im fermenting some wheat bran that has the EM1, molasses, & water, but my house temps are only around 60 degreesv(and its raining outside). Will this be a problem???

mad librettist

Active member
Im fermenting some wheat bran that has the EM1, molasses, & water, but my house temps are only around 60 degreesv(and its raining outside). Will this be a problem???

not a problem, unless you are impatient. It will definitely take longer. Try to get it some warmth. Avoid drafty windows, etc... I don't know where but there are charts somewhere with estimates based on temp.

Maybe set it near a register with a blanket, or by the baseboards?

I have old school radiators, next batch I make will be by the radiator with a blanket covering both.


i have it covered with some blankets but it never gets warm. i put a small heater underneath the blanket for a hour or so, but the heat never stays long. i tried googling it, but cant find the chart. Anyone know where to look?

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