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vine ripening...


there is window of ~2-8 weeks for plant to show re-veg traits... -leaves usually take on more waxy sheen.
-small leaves next to remaining fruit seems to extend out from shoot/flower... this shoot making more branch, to form growing tip...
-new root growth... ok to dig out plant to check for new root growth.

prefer veg 24/0, 22/2, 21/3, & 20/4...
any light watt work, for this method. but light time best if over 20hrs/day...

most take between 6-12 weeks to reach peak of flowering/fruiting, where many on these boards harvest...
if, for this tech, take 8 weeks for avg standard flower time...
once plant reach would-be maturity (visual, &/or loupe for check glands)... (approx [~] 8 weeks)... instead of harvesting plant...

turn lights back to 24/0... for 1 week...
then 22/2 for 1 week...
then 20/4 for 1 week...

no need to flush, & keep feeding, but only low formula, ~1-1-1,
no flush required... also, add 1/4 tsp/gal magnesium...

so, noramlly 8 week strain, is being harvest in 11 weeks...

w/in this span, if any color is to be had in genotype/phenotype, this is when it will be expressed.

plant takes on entirely different character...
more flavor, more color, more reproductive gland development...

key is to know strains time-line... ea strain has gestation period, before starts growing mutated leaves... waxy-shine-coating of leaves sign of new-growth coming soon.

want to pick fruit prior to actual hormone shift that make re-veg occur... but not too close to normal harvest time... this usually ~2 weeks, or so... other visual signs are small leaves next to fruit become slightly burnt @ end... but still waxier than @ end of 8-week cycle...

the stem, shoots & branches get increasingly woodier, flowers frostier, deeper aroma... color 1st appear around edges of leaves, then on fruits themselves...

the limbs should be very woody in 2 weeks, & should dry in 48-72 hours in moderately warm conditions. & all should snap, mostly due to full maturity of woody-shoots/branches, etc...

this method not for gardener in need of fruit immediately, or rushed.
method not for gardener that has not ran cut @ least 2 times, & preferably re-vegged same plant...

this due to 'window' between presumed harvest moment & moment just prior to re-verting to vegetative growth. that is when decline in fruit found... if wait too long, until actual new veg growth begin...

can be done in whatever containers flowered in, & in same flower room, if really enjoy total fullness of fruit & not hurry to consume, or whatever...

harder to know how long to go before taking, if have not re-vegged that cut.

in any event, plants will vine ripen if lights taken to 20+ hrs day, & take on additional characteristics, maybe not there in regualr 12/12 harvest...

more aromatic more filling for the appetite:D

maybe, done this using only water, work much better w/ light nutes... ~1/5 stregth bloom nute + light epsom salt. ph~ 6.0, +/-.2.... w/out nutes plant may perish, or not continue putting out glands...

in same container, roots may be damaged, etc... so, :yes: to dig out plant, slightly prune roots, & replace into container w/ slightly fresher media... holes in bag/container to see new root growth+++... but not necessary...

if dont want to have entire flower room full of vine-ripening fruit, reduce container size by 1/2, root-prune minimally, & place, say, 5 gal plant in 2 gal container... move to veg area, ~ 2-weeks...

18/6 ok, but it is longer light 20+ that seem to deliver best result...

fruit from this method make plant take on different terrior altogether from regular harvest... much drier after pull off branch; can almost consume right off branch, like peach, or orange to perfection... not much drying @ all required...
& more for palate & body/head;)... if never re-veg, maybe do w/ 1 branch of 1 plant, & compare to regular harvest...

dry 48-72 hrs in ~72*f/>50% rh, no rush... stems should 'snap'...

just a tech for the :artist:that seek to bring out all that can from their fruit...
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nice read. Very interesting at least. I always considered that letting the plant perish naturally in the soil would be the best way to harvest, gonna have to try it out

Carl Carlson

very interesting. i will definitely try this out in the future.


This sounds really interesting. I recall reading about a guy in high times named the wizard, who swore by the same method. Everything is dialed over here and I like the tastes I get now, but am left swearing there is still something missing. I was also wondering are the cuts taken going to show different characteristics, than the mom and eachother? I have seen cuts taken from flower wich is just the guys method, and they do get way more branchier ,not to mention the strain is just amazing and dominates everything. Thanks for sharing. PEACE:tiphat:


I'll have to admit your posts are tricky to read, seeing as you don't use complete sentences. Your posts like this. Left out words like "The". Make hard to read. See what I saying?

But this is great info, so I read it a few times until I got what you were trying to say. I harvested a sativa a little premature... When reveging the bottom of the plant I did notice the calyxs swelling and ripening under 24hr light. This does work.

Someone on here once posted about ripping up the plant, setting it in ice, and light depriving it. While I think some of that stuff is extreme, It could be enlightening to test other forms of stress.

This is actually pretty easy to experiment with if you reveg anyways. If you're worried about loosing your crop harvest the top 4/5ths of it and try these methods out with the popcorn bud.

PS > Why vine ripening? Isn't that when you cut off all fruit except the crown bud?


Active member
It all depends what you like.
For me, amber means it has already gone too far.
Mostly cloudy is the highest THC content, and that's what I like. When I see a little amber, I chop.
I have left plants to "ripen" on the vine out of necessity when I had to leave town suddenly right before harvest.
They were too much "couch lock" for me.
To each his own...
I hear 'couch lock' all the time. I am a one hit wonder and grow for for MY tastes... lite, heady and taste/smell. Reveging has been poo pood on most boards, yet I did anyway. 12/12 from seed has been poo pood on most boards, yet, I do it any way. CFL , same, LED...


*mistress* speaks, I feel, to the the artist, connoisseur in me so I am impelled/compelled to try this... on my 'totally retarded, mostly mutant, Durban Poison.

Built/building my Rock my Socks off Box and will keep tabs/record what does what.

Thanks *mistress* good thinkin'

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