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pH Drop


New member
So I just brewed up my first batch of EWC tea to use for my aerocloner. I've got a lot leftover and decided I'd throw some in the veg res as I've read about all the benefits from its provision of beneficial microbes. A cheap aquashield/hydroguard I figure.

I've noticed in the past couple of days, not sure if it started since I added the EWC or not, that the pH drops considerably within a short amount of time. It used to be the opposite. I would pH my res near 5.6-5.7 and let it rise to about 6.0. That was the norm. Not sure what to make of this new trend. I wasn't sure if this is normal of Organic hydro or the use of EWC tea. Any insight? Thanks.


New member
I forgot to mention that I also used some in the flower res as well. I just took pH and the same thing appears to be happening, a drop from 5.8 to 5.4 overnight. I'm attributing this phenomena to the EWC. Can anyone explain to me what is going on? Is this normal for EWC..good, bad?
I forgot to mention that I also used some in the flower res as well. I just took pH and the same thing appears to be happening, a drop from 5.8 to 5.4 overnight. I'm attributing this phenomena to the EWC. Can anyone explain to me what is going on? Is this normal for EWC..good, bad?

What sort of water are you using, TooChill? Is it RO or distilled? If it's tap water, what's the natural pH without anything added? What's the ppm? Finally, EWC is full of humic acid, so that could explain the drop to some extent.

I add other organics to bring it all up again. With that I refer to stuff like fish emulsion, kelp, sweeteners, and beneficial bacterias. Heck, I have trouble keeping pH *down* more often than keeping it up.


New member
What sort of water are you using, TooChill? Is it RO or distilled? If it's tap water, what's the natural pH without anything added? What's the ppm? Finally, EWC is full of humic acid, so that could explain the drop to some extent.

I add other organics to bring it all up again. With that I refer to stuff like fish emulsion, kelp, sweeteners, and beneficial bacterias. Heck, I have trouble keeping pH *down* more often than keeping it up.

I'm using RO water with a ppm of about 50. I'm sure it was something with the EWC. I'm used to having to keep it down as well. I got a little freaked because last time I was having issues with constant pH drop it was due to a form of bad bacteria or pythium. It finally seemed to level out and stabilize though. I didn't put anymore EWC in the res. I think i'm going to hold off on incorporating Organics into my hydro set up until I get a few successful harvests going with what I know. Organics is an entirely new realm to me. Are you growing Hydro Pray4Pistils?
I'm using RO water with a ppm of about 50. I'm sure it was something with the EWC. I'm used to having to keep it down as well... Organics is an entirely new realm to me. Are you growing Hydro Pray4Pistils?

Yep, I'm doing ebb & flow in hydrotron-filled buckets. I routinely mix organics in after I bring my FloraNova base to about 2/3 normal strength. My philosophy is that a sterile synthetic set up is easier. However, only Mother Nature provides the complete package. So, I'm happy to throw in stuff liike: alfalfa pellets, EWC, fish emulsion, molasses, coffee grinds, my own urine, kelp meal, humic & fulvic acids, and then beneficial bacterias of various sorts. A bit of Hygrozyme keeps the slime away, but that's it for "anti" additives. The whole thing bubbles and froths and can gain about 1degF in temperature during the process.

Then, it all calms down but pH will ultimately surge to 6.8 if I don't knock it down with acid. So, *this* is the big challenge for me. I attempt to keep it in check with as little phosphoric acid as possible. This stuff really does work the best over time, but I prefer citric acid to keep as much synthetics out of the mix as possible. (I also don't want a phosphorous unbalance/toxicity.)

Anyway, my advice to you is to bump that pH up with *more tap water*. Bubble that water aggressively and you'll see pH rise. If your pH is still down, then try adding more organics to bring it up. (Balance the RO vs. tap and synthetics vs. organics to establish the pH balance you seek.)

Right now you've only got EWC in there, right? Well, add some molasses and other organics. That number should jump upwards and fast. All that beneficial microbial life will keep the nasties from flourishing, so you won't need H202, bleach, or other killers. It'll add to your bud's taste and aroma. Then, you can switch to pure organics during the "flush" period (feeding right to the end but getting rid of the synthetic nutes). That is, if you do it correctly, of course! :biggrin:


Active member
not enough oxygen... my brews hit 7-8ph and will fly back to 6 or 7 after an hour of ph'ng to 5.6 id say ur res doesnt have oxygen.

OR... u used minerals with alot of bacteria(bacillis somthings) there influance is to lower the ph. and there colony has exploded (also good) please dont throw h2o2 in there....

what did u brew together?