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Computer repair shop/grow bust


natural medicator
Just wanted to post this up because I've read of it used as a cover. Just want to warn everybody to stay safe out there.

John Pless; NewsChannel9 : Chattanooga News said:
John Pless

When Hamilton County deputies found out a computer repair business was a front for a marijuana growing lab they "had an app for that," a ride to jail.

"It's wild, isn't it," Mitch Allmon said Wednesday night.

The bust happened next door to where Allmon and others lease space for small businesses on Middle Valley Road. Hamilton County deputies found out the Computer Repair business run by 54-year-old Steven Fisher was a front. From the outside it looks legitimate - with computers, parts and tools scattered around the front office.

But it's what's in the back, what we can't see, that's catching attention. Allmon said when Fisher moved in a few months ago he noticed something odd.

"I saw him building the room inside the building
and asked him about it, he said it was so he could keep his computers at an ambient temperature," Allmon said.

Investigators said there was an elaborate marijuana growing operation complete with grow lights, fans, vents, air conditioners, fertilizer and more than 100 plants.

Deputies came to the business just after 8:00 a.m. Wednesday on a burglary call. One of the neighbors saw the glass door had been shattered open. Once deputies went inside they found a lot more than computers.

Allmon said he saw officers bring all the plants and equipment outside where some of the potting soil still litters the ground out back.

"Some of them were three feet tall and the tops of them were gone, don't know how tall they were before somebody cut them off," Allmon said.

Apparently the burglar snipped off the prime parts of the plant - the sticky, juicy "buds" - so they knew what they wanted in the shop.

"It's strange, isn't it, what drugs will make people do," Allmon said.

Officers from Hamilton and Catoosa counties went to Steven Fischer's house in the Rossville area and arrested him and his wife Janet. They are charged with manufacturing marijuana, conspiracy and felony possession of drug paraphernalia. They also found more drugs and a Mac-10 machine gun.

While processing Mr. Fisher investigators found out he is wanted on charges from in Florida. Authorities are considering making this a federal case.

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It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
"It's strange, isn't it, what drugs will make people do," Allmon said.

Allmon is a douche. and i guarantee that he's the one that ratted/ripped :joint:



DAM-IT~~~The ole burglary/break in bust........................"It Could Have Happened To Any Of Us"~~~~ALWAYS been one of my major concerns.
(Why I got Security---AMERICAN PITT BULLS)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Cops sometimes will bust a window or break into your grow location to gain access under the pretense of "responding to a burglary or break-in" if they cannot obtain a warrant any other way or get probable cause, etc. They will have one of their local snitches or someone who works with them under the table do it under their close watch which is all the more reason to protect your grow by having shatter proof glass/ storm windows, a fence around your property with no trespassing signs, video cameras, and dogs. I know of several people over the years that fell victim to this easy raid tactic and it all could have been prevented had their grow been properly secured in the first place. I feel bad for the dude, best to him and his family who are now victims of the war on people...um..uhh..drugs. They really made this world a better place by taking his pot plants and throwing him in jail. :joint:


Maybe I am to skiddish but I would have called it off here.

"I saw him building the room inside the building and asked him about it, he said it was so he could keep his computers at an ambient temperature," Allmon said.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Ouch, too bad for his misfortunes. Someone knew about the grow and knocked him off, shame really. We'll the guy wasnt lying about the room, MDF rooms for servers are kept at an Ambient Temperature with low humidity, ironically just like pot.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
aint that a bitch,seems like the cops broke the window then took some nugz before bustin the guy...poor dude was 57 too..wow is all i can say.


"It's strange, isn't it, what drugs will make people do," Allmon said.

stupid mother fuck !! its the money not the drugs!!

I'll bet some fucken crack heads jacked that shit and traded it for rock.....my best guess

I dont thing pot heads are bold enough to pull a B&E like that