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what do you think of my scrog? Too big? with pics!!!


Hi All, this is the first time scrog. AK 47. 2 plants in 50liter buckets. been veg for 9 weeks now it is first day of 16/8 slowly going into 12/12 by next week. I have not pushed the plant down for 2 weeks now hoping will get more height ( longer bud) .
Just wondering what do you think? too long on veg?

its feeding on complete earth juice range 100% organic/ Black molasses /400w.

Oh and check out the side project. clones just rooted in DWC 2ltr ice cream box. 1 week veg then bud

Any feedback/ ideas are welcome.


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yea i know im thinking worst come to it I can cut it. but yea was hoping for some good news.
any one gone to this full before budding yet?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would flip em yesterday ;)

dont know how stretchy that strain is. it doesnt matter if you get them quite high above the screen as long as you have the headroom, and with a 400 you should get about a foot of penetration at least.



To much veg IMO. I ran into the same issue and I just pulled my screen for this round; I flipped when they were about same height as yours and about the same density... (1K HPS, 6'x6' Aero table, x4 per SqF)

If I was you, I would pull the screen and start 12/12 ASAP. There is no need for transition, they're gonna stay in veg for a few after you switch anyway, plus you don't want then to get much taller. Taller doesn't always = more bud. Outdoors, yes, but not indoor. Once in 12/12 I'd redo the screen if you are going to use it at all.

What is probably going to happen is your plants are gonna stretch like crazy. They'll stretch naturally at they flip & then because you have them spaced pretty densely that is going to cause them to shade each other and they'll wanna reach for the sky even more so. The more light power you got on 'em the better, because it will penetrate deeper into the canopy but still not that much.

Remember with indoor you have a sweet spot under your light. In my case (1K HPS) that spot is probably around 18" to 30" under the light. The idea is to have as many bud sites within the sweet spot and anything below gets trimmed, and anything above gets bent over to stay within the that range.

So what happens when you let em veg too long is that you just end up with a whole bunch of stem underneath that sweet spot. You want all the available energy coming in from the leaves to be directed towards the most productive bud sites, so trim everything under the sweet spot.

By all means you can get a good yield out of what you have going, but it is going to take some work. You are going to have to juggle maximizing the energy input to the productive bud sites by trimming the junk buds and use precise positioning to maximize light exposure and prevent the buds from shading each other.


yes, flip immediately or end up with something like mine. The 2nd pic is old, they're still stretching under the 1k. Most branches are 20" or more above the screen level. Oops.


wow first off thanks for all your quick response. it is under a 400w light. HPS i think. Its the budding (red light). I dont have a problem with height there still another 1 meter of head room that I can still move the shade up. Im just worrying mostly about bud rot or mold.

One more question is when should I start cleaning/pruning the stuff under the screen? Before or after the stretch?
thanks guys great help


Active member
Yikes! Flip em 12/12 yesterday! I agree 100%; time for lights out.

And if you don't have any Bushmaster, you might want to get some today. If this is a stretchy strain, you are about to see those plants get a fair bit taller mighty fast. Bushmaster will help control that - but it needs to go in your rez right now and remain in there for the next 2.5 to 3 days if you are going to flip them now (1 ml of Busmaster per gallon for 3 days in the rez. Then dump your veg nutes and switch to flower nutes.)

I'd let the stretch come along before you prune. I think you'll have to do a major prune at least twice, but let em stretch a bit before you do it, imo. Not too much mind you, because as the stretch comes in, the plant will fill out, fight for light whenthe light you have does not penetrate - stretch some more - and the whole thing cab become an unwelcome feedback mechanism. So a "bit" before pruning means... a "bit". Not a lot.

You will have to do a major prune more than once. The question is twice or thrice? imo...


IMO you vegged too long but you can still tie the plants down if it gets too close to the light, i wouldnt cut anything bro... LST LST... tie Mary Jane down with some kind of string and tame the that slut if she gets too wild. lol:whistling:


Active member
nice start so far!!! They look very healty!

Good luck with your grow! Can't wait how this goes...


Thanks guys yea I still have over a meter of head room. Im going to go onto full 12/12 tomorrow.
Hey fatigues, when you say abit before pruning would you say first prune after first week of bud and 2nd prune in 3rd week?
and Kwed, you say lst ,dont cut- do u mean dont prune? I dont have a problem with height so would you still do more lst and which direction would you lst to? if i lst the stuff under the sweet spot to the side wont that shade over other bud site?

I just a little but confused or may Im just a lil wasted lol sorry if I dont get what you guys are trying to say but the feedback and help is create guys. thanks so much.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would let the colas grow straight up if you have the headroom - lsting them makes them take up more horizontal space.

prune under the screen after a couple of weeks of flower - doesnt matter too much.

you can easily grow with a dense canopy as long as you have good ventilation (check my 250 grow diary)

hey i dont mean to threadjack but i figured this would be a good thread to bring this up in...
im attempting to do a scrog as well but i want to sex the plants before i weave them into a screen...but they dont show sex until 12/12 then its too late already to weave them into the screens...what do i do? i know someones going to say just use clones instead so dont mention that.....


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
plants will show sex before you put them to 12/12 providing they are mature - and you want big plants for scrog anyway. otherwise stick them to 12'12 and fit the screen as soon as you find out.

having said that clones are easier to scrog than seed plants because the growth is a little more even. i find that with seed plants it is harder to divert the growth hormones from the tips so the canopy is never quite as even

i am a bit of a perfectionist though :)



Eugene Oregon
I have a nice idea.. switch to 12/12 then after the first or second day cut them straight across to the highest node.. that would mean you would get two big ass nuggets on top?


looks good to me , healthy .
Dont worry to much about the scrog now , You can use the scrog to tie your plants down if you need to . enjoy the 12/12 :)


Hey pistel, why dont u make a clone from the plant u got now, leave them on veg let them grow into the screen. You will be able push them back down after they pop through the screen. sex that clone and then u will be able to see if u have a boy or girl.
U may want to take say 10 clones so u know at least one will live
ive got a nice mother i just need to build a seperate chamber for her so i can flower out what i got in the cab now...then my next run will be from clones....
i need to come up with a super simple super cheap mother box, short of using cardboard lol...

another question bout scrogging, do you push the growth tips back under the screen to come out another opening or do you go over the screen and back under....im a bit confused...


Active member
Dont try weaving unless you got a real bendy strain bro'
pull back under through the same hole it grew up through & move to the next location & repeat! Let em come up say 3-4" before you pull back under, you will see the new shoots & future Cola's further down that paticular branch/lateral, then it will all start making sense or it should do!

BTW - Most of the training should be done in the veg stage (70-95%)

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