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Oakland Grow 32 1000w HPS


Hey guys, this was my old job out in California, though i would just show off. It is a RDWC made of 6" PVC, 4 systems of 55 plants each with a 100 gal res each.


























Damn son! I read in your other thread you got jacked, mind if I ask what precipitated that? Good luck in CO, keep that shit low key this time!


It was our landlord actually. Instead of just getting the rent, he wanted the whole schebang! Thats all probably still going on down there, we all just got screwed out of it, and he hijacked all our equipment and changed the locks, threatened to call the cops. We had someone involved with us that was on probation out of state, he used that as leverage to get us out. We took all the plants out last minute and sold about 150 of them on craigslist! Shit was hectic!

Seed Buyer

From the looks of it....you should have wrapped him in duct tape for about 8 weeks then sent him off w/ a chunk of the cash. I always say "Its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"! On a serious note, we can always move on and cut more clones. Thanks for sharing the photos!


love machine
ICMag Donor
damn that one hell of a show Greenmopho, sorry to hear about the shady landlord. You can always built another one,

thanks for sharing those photo


thats a pretty impressive undertaking you had going there. Sorry about it not working out.
Mind if i ask how much $ you guys had invested into that op??


shut the fuck up Donny

How far did you get before your landlord took over? Were those the last pics before the shit went down?

Man, where I'm from, if he tried to pull some bullshit like that I can promise it would not of gone the same way. Should of grabbed a digital voice recorder, get him blackmailing you on tape which makes him just as guilty, then politely tell him that if he shows up at your place again he will be limping out.

How long/often were you flooding those 6 inch blocks for? Very interesting set up.


Overkill is under-rated.
Wow, that's a nice looking setup man, sorry to hear how it turned out. Were all 32 on at once or was it a flip? What were your power bills like?


It was about $70,000 invested in there (not of my money). We rocked all 32 on at once, there were no dividing walls to seperate them. We had some issues with the PVC with root balls getting just massive and along with loose pieces of rockwool, it would clog the pipes at times. Probably would of been better to use a coco type medium, or baskets. I've also seen in books people using a trapezoidal shaped pipe, so as the roots grow down there is more lateral space for them to expand and the water to flow through. In the flood & drain trays we would only flood once per day. Moving into the PVC setup, we started with a almost continuous flood, and started breaking it up, hour on, hour off, until we were only running about 2-4 times per day. We never got around to the power bill, because this building wasn't metered at the time and the power company knew about it. The meter reader would come once per month down to the basement, and see there were no meteres, and they would just average it out based on previous usage records. We were sucking back some serious power, we blew a few breakers a few times, had one flash and burn on us, shoot sparks out of our box.

Those were basically the last pics before shit went down. It was a legal medical grow, and as I said, we had someone in our camp that was already on probation for growing, that was travelling back/forth illegally to help us setup. All it would of taken is 1 phone call for that person to end up in prison for min. 2 years, proof of black mail or not. So it was basically our bad to of been the initial ones to break some kind of law and be in the wrong, it then only took another step or 2 for a weary business man (who doesn't even smoke!) to take advantage. Can't blame him, probably 1/2 of our society would of done the same. Oh well, like you said, we can always cut more clones, move on to bigger dreams, I'm back to a humble bedroom/basement grow, within my legal state limits, of course!

And he'll get whats coming to him....after my 50 posts, you can pm me for the exact address to this place, and his home address, if your interested....um, only for research and educational purposes of course....hint, hint, its right around the corner from the old campus of Oaksterdam University.


flashbacks of irish-webbie tubes from cw/overgr*w...;)...

any 1 recollect the gardener that hung the pipes from the ceiling?

so that there was no tables, buckets, or benches underneath anything... just large drain pipes suspended from ceiling, by ropes/chains? draining to external res... nice to have nothing on floor... just plant & light:)

was that c*nn*b*s world, or og?

enjoy your garden!


I'm a big fan of RDWC systems, but keeping your res cool & aerated is a MUST! I am now doing a modified version of blazeonup's RDWC in the black 5 gal buckets.


These seem to work good, and basically give the roots all the space they need. I also like working with hydroton over grodan rockwool, you don't get the nasty fiber glass itchies, and you don't have green algae to deal with! The plants have space, and I can move the buckets around a bit and get around them. The limitation of the PVC systems was once they started getting huge, how do you get back there? Also, the 5 gal buckets, you can just pull up the lid to check the roots, you can't do that with rockwoll cubes in PVC. I also love that each bucket has its own personal air stone!


This is what became of these girls after shit went down...moved em to my bedroom on tarps, cut em down to clones or sold em as moms on craigslist!



Just found these pics on my iphone the other day....better to not keep 'em on there!


Active member
Damn, looks like it was a really nice room... It boils my blood hearing about that shady landlord bullshit.

Keep growing.