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Astrology for Growing


Original Editor of ICMagazine
It's hard to believe that this place has no astrologer on tap for all the growers~!

I have some interesting prognosticators working for me, and would like to share some of their stuff with you all, especially at this end of the year time of craziness.

I'm not spamming the place! Just want to mention some resources before I share some of the condensations distilled therefrom.

Happy Holidaze!?:xmasnut:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
There was this lady calling herself Maya Del Mar who created a place called Daykeeper Journal on the web, one of the first. She has passed away, but her daughters keep the place going, growing and expanding it into something awesome...several of the top writers share their stuff here, and an excellent daily guide for all can be found there. Totally west coast USA style. Soma and I used to share her stuff when I lived in AMS.

Then there is Susan Miller who writes as if everyone is female and works in a Manhattan skyscraper with family in the burbs. Good predictions can be found if you laugh off the style.

Robert Hand seems to have decamped to Switzerland and his totally clinical site allows you to input precise date and time with birthplace to get an accurate chart (printable) and reports, guides, interpretations, consultations, etc. Just like a Swiss clinic!


spoke to micki dahne (sp) when I was young. she was unreal!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Henry Seltzer

Henry Seltzer

But this guy Henry Seltzer who may be here today but gone to Maui, has it down, he knows the real deal. I quote:

"Transits to the U.S. Chart USA

Last month as we discussed the New and Full Moons of November and December, it seemed obvious that just as there had been many troubling news stories surfacing around this beginning and mid-month time period in recent months, in November too further revelations would follow. These stories center around the various hypocrisies that are currently going down in American (and Western) society. Are we hard at work fixing the environment or just talking? Are we a nation that bails out the poor and those not covered by health care or are we perhaps (dare to say it) a nation built mostly for the rich these days that bails out Wall Street first? Then there is the military presence that could build up in Afghanistan (and that continues in Iraq) and that has been discussed for many weeks now. Is our military presence in these regions designed to help the people there and protect us from terrorists or to help ourselves to important resources? Time will tell, but it does seem like the lessons of Vietnam were only imperfectly learned...

Last month the 2nd and the 3rd – around the time of the Full Moon – provided these stories...

From National Geographic:

Unless humans act now, seafood may disappear by 2048, concludes the lead author of a new study that paints a grim picture for ocean and human health.

According to the study, the loss of ocean biodiversity is accelerating, and 29 percent of the seafood species humans consume have already crashed. If the long-term trend continues, in 30 years there will be little or no seafood available for sustainable harvest. See National Geographic."

Just an example.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
But very interesting indeed also is the Time-wave stuff from Terrance MacKenna, who has sadly since passed on to another dimension ruled by psychedelics...

"The timewave calculator displays a plot of novelty over a given timespan. It takes as input a beginning date, an ending date, and a target date. The plot’s domain extends from the beginning date to the ending date; the target date is marked on the plot and the novelty scores for the target are displayed on the left for each number set selected.

The number sets are derived from one of three sources: the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching, the Huang-Ti sequence of the I-Ching, and Ben Franklin’s magic square. "

Not to mention that the timewave calculations always end in 2012...


I'm having a hard time figuring out what this has to do with growing...

Ok, the sun and [conversely] the moon obviously have effects on how a plant grows, and there's a lot about astrology that makes sense, especially for growing, but none of your quotes seem to have anything to do with that...
First you need to see a guy like this:


So you can go over things like this:


Then you leave and he is like this:


And you feel like this:






I'd be interested in learning what planetary alignments influence organic matter on earth.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Well I was getting around to the growing part soon, just wanted to see if ANYONE was slightly interested or not.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Well we know Neptune is the planet of the unconscious, things to do with water,

Perhaps when Neptune is aspected by the moon is affects growth?

One 'Goddess' states this:

"From ancient times, some gardening practices have been based on Moon phases. The Moon affects plant growth through its pull on water. Plants contain a huge percentage of water in their make up, and they respond to the tidal pulls of the Moon.

Generally, the best time to plant is just before the New Moon and during the waxing phase. The waning Moon through to the balsamic phase is clean-up time -- weed out dying plants or overgrown beds, rake paths, trim, burn or compost debris.

However, some plants do better when started during certain Moon phases. For instance, during the New Moon, plant flowers, shrubs, trees and such garden vegetables as lettuce, chard, spinach and others whose primary value is in their above-ground parts. As the Moon grows full, it draws the plants up, enhancing their growth. Root crops, like potatoes, turnips and onions like the dark of the Moon.

This is further complicated by the effects of the Moon Signs. When the Moon moves through certain signs, it becomes more barren or more fertile. In general, plant during fertile and semi-fertile signs, keeping in mind that below-ground plants flourish during barren signs.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
From my own personal experience it seems my sprouts always come out more vigorous when started with the moon in Cancer, Taurus and Libra.


Hi Payaso!

Very good topic and well perhaps some growers or farmers will share their opinions about it. I will try to get everything together and give some input. My family is working that way for many years, not with cannabis, lol. Damn that would be great. But with all vegetables, fruits and other flowers we work with. Also when we cut trees we look for the right time.
For me using these methods is a normal part of my life. When I was a young child my grandma learned me lots of things about gardening after the moon and living in a peacefull way with nature. Most old cultures worked that way. Until business and scientists ruined everything.

I had lots of times in my life, when I questioned that.Perhaps cause I wanted to b a rebell, like most childs or teens, but getting older and making more experiences brought me always back.

Now I have my own business. I am a winemaker and do everything in a peacefull way with mother nature.

Payaso, I hope to find the time to give more specific answers. But my english sucks, well not really, but I need so much special words and it would take hours to do a good and helpfull read.

Lets say this. Find your own way in this jungle. Read get educated, discuss and always make your own thoughts.

I don't know much good books in english, or any website. But I use the Maria Thun calender. perhaps she has published something in english. Or Alex Podolinski. He's one of the most known guys in this kind of business and managed very big field projects in australia.

Also a very interesting thing would be the miasmen or miasmatic theories. i hope thats the right english word.

Look for biodynamic gardening aswell.




Original Editor of ICMagazine
Tolpan! Greetings and thank you for replying!

I have been studying this for awhile, and you are welcome to read along as we journey thru time.

There is much biodynamic grape production going on here around the lake where I live. Vineyards are everywhere in this county, and area, many more becoming organic - or starting as organic.

There is a long tradition of planting by the phases of the moon and the varying seasons according to the sun cycles, I am interested in extending this knowledge to harvest, nutrient use, watering schedules, etc. using an astrological basis for this.

I have known some older folks doing this all their lives...quite happily and successfully.

Thanks for the interesting tips you presented.



Garden Nymph
The Moon Garden thread helped me immensely...and I agree about germing during Cancer (3rd Quarter) which, by the way, starts Dec. 30 through the first week of January next year.

Thanks for the interesting bits of info, Payaso! :wave:
Great thread Payaso...
I acidently deleted my post hehe
but i would like to say i agree with much of what you are saying.

The mass of the planets, and the space in between is greatly linked with our microcosm view of the world.

The tidings of the moon this month are great for changes in nature.
Ebb and Flo!!!



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Great to see you all here, I will post more as I research this. It's getting to be really interesting.