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5% or more CBD. Where are they and are they being shared/preserved?


Active member
Hey All,

Haven't seen anything on high CBD strains for a bit and was wondering what the deal was. Are there any projects in place to bring these genetics to the different states?

Anyone have any experiences with any that they'd care to share?



The most readily available testing that we have is how it affects ourselves.

Creeper .. if the strain has a distinct creeper affect, onset of the buzz 30 to 45 min. after consumption and effects last four hours or so, then there is very likely a usable CBD content.

Industrial hemp has had it's THC production repressed. As a result of that other dannabinoids have been elevated.

Two strains of Industrial hemp have been identified in a UN report as having a 5% CBD content.


Someone here was kind enough to ship me some Finola seed. I hope to make an extraction from it and blend the result with a high THC strain extraction. This should provide some of the missing cannabinoids for medical application.


Land race indicas that have not been tampered with by outcrossing are usually high CBD plants.I believe that is what is missing from modern strains as a result of focus on THC. A lot of folks seem to remember "our father's marijuana" being quite good and very effective despite the claimed lower THC content. I believe it was the higher CBD:THC ratios in the old land races.FWIW there are some really excellent genes in mexican bagseed that can express very good medical properties. Sorting through hundreds of seedllings is not feasible though.
I remember BGS tried to become a med oriented seed company but the breeder was a drunk and would not listen to any one telling him that ultimately high does not equate with ultimate medicine ( not to say they did not have a few very good crosses). I would love some Kahzak or Ukraine genetics as IMO they are the least fucked with by modern breeders and are likely to have a good CBD profile.
Too bad no one can get a cut from GW hortipharm's CBD component plant for making Sativex My buddy Bob Clarke supervised the breeding of a strain that produces 96% CBD in it's profile that would be a HUGE boon to med breeders.


Active member
Too bad no one can get a cut from GW hortipharm's CBD component plant for making Sativex My buddy Bob Clarke supervised the breeding of a strain that produces 96% CBD in it's profile that would be a HUGE boon to med breeders.

I hope someone somewhere has a cut (i mean, come on). I tried some sativex recently and it was truly amazing medicine for head and body, my crohn's was gone for the few days I had the bottle. ASD problems were lessened too anxiety etc gone. This stuff needs to be out there.


I hope someone somewhere has a cut (i mean, come on). I tried some sativex recently and it was truly amazing medicine for head and body, my crohn's was gone for the few days I had the bottle. ASD problems were lessened too anxiety etc gone. This stuff needs to be out there.

Sir Guy was one of the only people who has listened to our conclusion that whole plant extracts are the only truly effective cannabis therapies and that fractional components only do a fraction of the work.
Hortipharm has a strain which produces 98% THC in it's profile and one which produces 96% CBD. These are extracted and blended in a proprietary ratio to produce Sativex.
So ya GW's amazing medicine is simply a tincture of whole plants and is making them millions.
PS Immature bud produces CBD in quantity which it metabolizes into THC so the right strain at the correct harvest window will produce significant CBD with rapid drying to prevent decarboxylation.


sandstorm, cbg...

especially tall pheno... all body. purple-black leaves, green fruit... sk*nky...
short pheno never get over 18" tall, even under 4 wk 1k veg... purple fruit, green leaves... h*shy.
ideally, grow out entire pack. select for purple fruited male. 1 green, tal fem, 1 short purple fem.

the f2's & f3's & f4's should be full of cbd... this should provide plenty of anti-epileptic, anti-convulsive effects. more motor response than psychological response...

this should provide you w/ plenty of scientific data relavant to all of the structure relationships & activities of the c*nn*binoids. very detailed text.

Structure-Activity Relationships of the Cannabinoids

enjoy your garden!


Active member
sandstorm, cbg...

especially tall pheno... all body. purple-black leaves, green fruit... sk*nky...
short pheno never get over 18" tall, even under 4 wk 1k veg... purple fruit, green leaves... h*ashy.
ideally, grow out entire pack. select for purple fruited male. 1 green, tal fem, 1 short purple fem.

the f2's & f3's & f4's should be full of cbd... this should provide plenty of anti-epileptic, anti-convulsive effects. more motor response than psychological response...

this should provide you w/ plenty of scientific data relavant to all of the structure relationships & activities of the c*nn*binoids. very detailed text.

Structure-Activity Relationships of the Cannabinoids

enjoy your garden!

This is definitely interesting and the pdf is highly informative. Thank you.

Whiterasta said:
PS Immature bud produces CBD in quantity which it metabolizes into THC so the right strain at the correct harvest window will produce significant CBD with rapid drying to prevent decarboxylation.
THIS actually looks Doable and may have a chance with strains I already posses.

Would you happen to have a link to additional advice on how someone like myself would best research the genetics they have? Possibly a number of strains that it's been done with already? How the heck do I check for maximum CBD LOL



This is definitely interesting and the pdf is highly informative. Thank you.

THIS actually looks Doable and may have a chance with strains I already posses.

Would you happen to have a link to additional advice on how someone like myself would best research the genetics they have? Possibly a number of strains that it's been done with already? How the heck do I check for maximum CBD LOL


All seed bank strains are semi- stable hybrids with short pedigrees that are often incorrect, no offense just the legal issue with breeding fully stable "strains" requires far more plants than can be openly bred in the western world.( hortipharm grew fields of plants in the thousands to produce their stable strains) however there are some older strains that have been preserved and are what I call meta-stable in that seed is almost all one phenotype with only minor variation in the plants.Just my preference but I like federation's cotton candy or did the last time I bought seed yrs ago.
As for checking for CBD look for the plant that gives you a calm relief from symptoms with minimal heart rate increase or changes in BP. It may or may not be very potent but the buzz will not be anxious or buzzy at all as CBD antagonizes THC reducing the negatives of THC alone.Also look for something with extended effects CBD is effective for many hrs so a plant that only provides a short relief period is noot likely very high in CBD. otherwise Iam not at all sure how much reliable analysis of various strain profiles is out there so I think much of the analysis will fall to your own receptor system.


only real way is to grow out, select for desired fruit characteristics.
btw, th* also produces anti-convulsive properties. can get complex the manner in which the structures react to ea other & merge in final fruit...

the link goes into great detail, w/ specfics. very scientific, w/ many of the researchers devoting entire careers to this field.
environment may also affect certain c*nn*binoid developments/expressions.

still... only way is to select & refine selections (lines) via own palate.

enjoy your garden!


Sir Guy was one of the only people who has listened to our conclusion that whole plant extracts are the only truly effective cannabis therapies and that fractional components only do a fraction of the work.
Hortipharm has a strain which produces 98% THC in it's profile and one which produces 96% CBD. These are extracted and blended in a proprietary ratio to produce Sativex.
So ya GW's amazing medicine is simply a tincture of whole plants and is making them millions.
PS Immature bud produces CBD in quantity which it metabolizes into THC so the right strain at the correct harvest window will produce significant CBD with rapid drying to prevent decarboxylation.
I thought CBD was prooduced by Thc degradation according to the cannabis grow bible cbd is usually found in higher % in plants wich are harvested as late as possible within there optimum harvest time usually they say to harvest when around 50% of your trichromes have turned amber if you were to wait till say 75% or more are amber then the cbd content will also be higher. It also states that immature or very early buds actually contain high contents of THC-A wich is a non psychoactive cannabinoid which becomes thc as the plant ages and molecules are released from the thc-a so that it becomes Thc . To further back this up it has been shown that when making hash from popcorn buds that by placing the kief in the oven at 220 degrees the heat will cause the thc-a to break down and release a particular molecule from it to become thc I would say it is probably true as I have seen many documentaries that have show the process of making hash and it always shows them taking the nearly finished product and placing it in wet cheese cloth wrapping and burying it in the hot ashes surrounding a a fire pit . I have made bubble hash and it is very wet when you finish it but in no way needs to be heated to dry as it drys very fast because the trichromes do not disolve in water it seperates very fast and usually is dry and ready to smoke arund 8 hours after completing the process. As I dont have the book with me right now I cant be 100% sure that it was CBD they were reffering to and not CBN. When I have a chance to look it up I will post any corrections I find but I am fairly certain that CBD is produced by the break down of thc so is found in higher quantities when the plant is harvested as late as possible.


Active member
I thought CBD was prooduced by Thc degradation according to the cannabis grow bible cbd is usually found in higher % in plants wich are....

I think you're mixing up CBD with another cannabinoid, I think it's CBG but not sure [edit-turns out it's CBN], that is a precursor to to both THC and CBD but CBD is not a precursor to THC no matter how long you leave your buds they won't produce more CBD it's dictated entirely by genetics. Greg Green is printing old info, well actually the research is new and his book is old.



I thought CBD was prooduced by Thc degradation according to the cannabis grow bible cbd is usually found in higher % in plants wich are harvested as late as possible within there optimum harvest time usually they say to harvest when around 50% of your trichromes have turned amber if you were to wait till say 75% or more are amber then the cbd content will also be higher. It also states that immature or very early buds actually contain high contents of THC-A wich is a non psychoactive cannabinoid which becomes thc as the plant ages and molecules are released from the thc-a so that it becomes Thc . To further back this up it has been shown that when making hash from popcorn buds that by placing the kief in the oven at 220 degrees the heat will cause the thc-a to break down and release a particular molecule from it to become thc I would say it is probably true as I have seen many documentaries that have show the process of making hash and it always shows them taking the nearly finished product and placing it in wet cheese cloth wrapping and burying it in the hot ashes surrounding a a fire pit . I have made bubble hash and it is very wet when you finish it but in no way needs to be heated to dry as it drys very fast because the trichromes do not disolve in water it seperates very fast and usually is dry and ready to smoke arund 8 hours after completing the process. As I dont have the book with me right now I cant be 100% sure that it was CBD they were reffering to and not CBN. When I have a chance to look it up I will post any corrections I find but I am fairly certain that CBD is produced by the break down of thc so is found in higher quantities when the plant is harvested as late as possible.

Im sure its CBN that is the product of THC degradation not CBD, as far as i know CBD levels have to be present in the genetics ...and ill second cannabiogens sandstorm for probably high CBD content maybe the ACE collective/or charlie garcia could chime in with more info on that one...
Hydro-soil, I too am very curious about where to find strains high in CBD count. If you come up with anything plz PM me. I'de even take some industial Hemp if I can get ahold of some.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
I thought CBD was prooduced by Thc degradation according to the cannabis grow bible cbd is usually found in higher % in plants wich are harvested as late as possible within there optimum harvest time usually they say to harvest when around 50% of your trichromes have turned amber if you were to wait till say 75% or more are amber then the cbd content will also be higher. It also states that immature or very early buds actually contain high contents of THC-A wich is a non psychoactive cannabinoid which becomes thc as the plant ages and molecules are released from the thc-a so that it becomes Thc . To further back this up it has been shown that when making hash from popcorn buds that by placing the kief in the oven at 220 degrees the heat will cause the thc-a to break down and release a particular molecule from it to become thc I would say it is probably true as I have seen many documentaries that have show the process of making hash and it always shows them taking the nearly finished product and placing it in wet cheese cloth wrapping and burying it in the hot ashes surrounding a a fire pit . I have made bubble hash and it is very wet when you finish it but in no way needs to be heated to dry as it drys very fast because the trichromes do not disolve in water it seperates very fast and usually is dry and ready to smoke arund 8 hours after completing the process. As I dont have the book with me right now I cant be 100% sure that it was CBD they were reffering to and not CBN. When I have a chance to look it up I will post any corrections I find but I am fairly certain that CBD is produced by the break down of thc so is found in higher quantities when the plant is harvested as late as possible.

CBN (Cannabinol) is produced as THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.

CBN levels can be kept to a minimum by storing cannabis products in a dark, cool, airtight environment. Marijuana should be dry prior to storage, and may have to be dried again after being stored somewhere that is humid.


I also remember somebody talking of an easy way to compare CBD contents; using some kind of purple coloring on iso extract, it was a few days ago on IC... but i don t recall any more details...



There was a post about this before, from what I remember Pops or something like that had a wealth of information, maybe you can search for the thread or he will chime in.


c*nn*bidiol, on of the major c*nn*binoids found in c*nn*bis, is shown to be devoid of any psychotomimetic activity in humans. (citations) but it possesses significant anticonvulsant activity (citations). plasma profiles of of cbd following an intra... dose are similar to th*...

...cbd, like th*, is extensively metabolized (cit.). hydroxylization is a major metabolic pathway & occurs primary @ 11 position. the 11-0h metabolite is further oxidized to form dihydroxy & carboxy metabolites...

...after smoking, cbd is quickly absorbed into systematic circulation. the bioavailabilities of cbd avg'd 31%... coadministration of cbd w/ th* may alter thc's effects (cit.). it has minimal or no effects on plasma levels of thc, however, suggesting that there are no apparent pharmacokinetic interactions (cit.).

...the results of... limbic afterdischarge investigations also demonstrate that *hc & cdb exhibit different neuropharmacological properties....

...in contrast to t*c, cbd (0.3-200mg/kg) only depressed the afterdischarge... in summary, low *hc doses & all cbd doses yielded depression, whereas relatively high *hc doses produced concurrent excitation and depression of the limbic afterdischarge...

enjoy your garden!


Big Bang from Greenhouse is advertised as having 1.5% CBD. I heard this in another forum on another site.

Greenhouse is the only seed company that I know of the lists the % of thc, cbd, cbn. Great White shark is the one that they have listed as having the greatest amount ( % ) of CBD out of all of thier gear.


Active member
You don't really see the CBD, CBN, or any other Cannabinoids ever mentioned with any of the Seed/strain descriptions from the breeders.


Well-known member
you don't see the cbd posted too often, i have searched around as best i could
if memory serves, i saw a number of results claiming northern lights would have a 1% cbd
i also saw results for white russian that claimed 2%
don't remember the sources, this is just to the best of my memory