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Watering cycles


Active member
Hey everybody!!! I need to figure out watering cycles for my ladies. I have a basic drip system. 2 slabs of coco with 4 inch coco cubes holding 1 inch rockwool cube. Last grow I had the timer set for 1 hours on then 2 hours off. The chick at the hydro store said I can't over water them... :confused: is this true? I am using FloraNova and Superthrive on these 6 MK Ultra clones.

Thanks for the help!


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Well I tell ya vta, I don’t grow that way but I do grow hydro and know some what about it ~ as far as the cycles on the timer goes I cant help ya there but I does sound like that’s to much ~ the chick at the store was and is right, over water is another way of saying that your smothering your plants to death!! Plants have to breath and constantly socking them will smother them out!! Rockwool and coco slabs will hold water pretty good so you don’t want to over do it…………….some of the more experienced growers will help ya out on this one but that is my …………… :2cents:


Forget the chick at the store.......... for growing info anyway haha.
Depending on how much youre drippers emit which are often about 2ltrs per hour you Ware giving them each 12 ltrs per day....STOP RIGHT THERE...LOL...
i give my rooted clones once in the wetted slabs about 100ml per day for the vege week. for the first week of 12/12 i increase each plants daily dose to 150ml/day the second week 200ml/day 3rd week 250ml/day 4th week 300ml/dy which is maintained up to harvest. i reckon my plants do better when i give them small amounts often. i divide the days water into as many small feeds as the digital timer and the drippers make possible.
my dripps do 30ml per minute so on week 2 they get 5 feeds of 30ml per day
which is 1 minute every 2 hours starting when the lights go on
by week 4 they get 10 feeds of 30 ml which is 1 30ml feed every hour for the first 10 hours i dont water near lights out to reduce humidity


Active member
Thanks everyone! I had thought it was a little too much. I'll go with the 12 liters a day and stop the night feeding. Thanks again! You guys rock!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
....12ltrs a day is still too much friend....ill put it this way, my 5 foot plants in 16 litre pots only use 4 litres each A WEEK...... A good way to keep an eye on the water amount is to have a dripper in a measuring beaker, so you can see presicely how much is coming outta the end of the emitters every watering. im working out a similar system in my mind at the moment mate......you need to check the rating on the emitters and see how much they let through per hour, then divide it by 60 so u know how much flows in a minute...that will give you a starting point for how long to set the pump on times for....then you want figure how often...... then you need to go to the shop and scowl at the chick for giving bad info LOL.

Having said that a pal of mine just sets them for one minute every hour, and fucks with the flow regulator to adjust the amount they get, so there are different ways of doing it.
Best advice would be to get a good book...
Happy growing mate


Active member
Peter…I’m such a stoner. I just reread your post; I had thought you said to give them 12 liters a day. Damn that OG Kush.

After reading Harry Gypsna’s and your post AGAIN I think I get it now…LOL

I’ll see exactly what they are putting out and adjust watering accordingly. Thanks again you guys! Here are some pics…



Plant Manager
wow...i've been wanting to see a coco slab grow ever since i saw them at the shop. I'll be watching with enthusiasm over here....good luck!!

vta would you mind keeping us updated on how the grow is doing???
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Active member
I would love to post updates. I will start a new thread soon. This is only my 2nd grow so we’ll see how these MK Ultra’s turn out. My 1st grow was Ortega and Hindu Kush…the Ortega was out of this world.

Bubblegum guru eh’…I am going to get some of BOG’s and Rez’s strains next. Would you recommend the Bogglegum or the Lifesaver for a newbie? I figured I would give soil a try on the Sour Diesel and follow Rez’s recipe. Here are a few more shots...



Plant Manager
i looove bubblegum soo i'd say bogglegum 10x out of 10 lol. I am getting ready to do a full bubblegum run...Bog's, Bogglegum, Serious Bubblegum, THSeeds bubblegum, and some bubblegum f2's I found on seedbay. I should find a keeper in there somewhere. lol


Active member
sunnyside said:
I should find a keeper in there somewhere. lol

I sure hope so with all those great beans. lol The first time I had bubblegum was in Amsterdam about 6 years ago. It was the best smoke I had on that visit. Some of the clubs in So Cali sell what they call bubblegum but I have not had any near as good as the stuff from the Dam.

Good luck on your project! :joint:




Very nice setup you got there and the plants look as good as they should.
If they havent rooted into the slab i would seperate them a bit more so each
plant has the same amount of space/volume in the slab for the roots. also they could be big plants and could need more space for airflow n growth
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Gotta also acount for your environment conditions , how warm it is underneath those lamps etc. Coco holds a grip of water so just keep an eye on 'em . Plants DO communicate with ya , just gotta know HOW to listen !


Bubblegum Specialist
Bogglegum is really easy to grow, yields very well with low odor and the taste is very kind for a bubblegum variation. Try it. BOG

We have a 2 fer deal at seedbay for bogglegum and bmr at a bargain price making them 40 a pack so get them both. :D


Active member
BOG…Thanks for the input. I have read tons of threads in your forum and I can’t wait to try your ALL your strains. I am in the process of setting up a safe addy. So by the end of the month I will get some Bogglegum, hopefully the 2 fer will still be around. I am also getting some of Rez’s strains. I am so happy I found this site! What sold me on you 2 breeders is the fact that you post here and help our your customers…not to mention the fact that your strains kick ass.

Big Toke…I checked out some of your threads and I think I am going to try your system next. You really have it down. I can’t believe the tree trunks you get! I have been reading up on DWC over at OG…but you seem to have the best system I’ve seen…and the results, WOW!

Peter…Thanks, it’s still in construction mode. Paint, Mylar and exhaust for the lamp are next. I don’t think I should move them at this point. I was considering spreading them out more but I felt that my light would not cover as well. 400w sun system. They have about 9 inches before they hit the bottom and the coco slab expanded allot. After seeing Big Toke’s roots I now realize the potential and that is why I will probably go with the bucket method next time.

Steel Savage…I keep the temp in the room at 77F. Gotta love that A/C. I also have a fan on the bulb, soon I will be exhausting the lamp heat.

Thanks for the word guys!


Yup , customer service here at IC is second to none . I highly recommend BogBubble .
Don't think you could go wrong with any of Bog's gear though!


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Big Toke…I checked out some of your threads and I think I am going to try your system next. You really have it down. I can’t believe the tree trunks you get! I have been reading up on DWC over at OG…but you seem to have the best system I’ve seen…and the results, WOW!
When the time comes I’ll be here for ya………

Dr Watt

Who What
VTA :wave: plenty of info here. There are big arguments for keeping you watering quantities and frequencies down to a minimum - mainly because this way they aren't overwatered.

When they are small you can hand water because otherwise in RW they can get a bit wet and then they'll frizzle up and look like they haven't enough water ! ONce they get going then run your pump every 4 hours for a few minutes each time of lights on - leave at least 1/2 hour free before lights off. Don't water at night.

The water you pump should be aerated for 20 minutes before the pump - use another el cheapo timer on your aerator. I don't worry about number of litres pumped - becaue I want my reservoir to mix properly (might do this from aerator) and I want to fully reset the RW environment with new nutes and pH. js.
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Active member
BigToke…Thanks! I have already started drawing up plans. Over the next month I will be in construction mode. I need to create an exhaust system in the room, so this is perfect timing. I still can’t get over the AK-47 you grew…amazing! I also just picked up Jorge Cervantes’ Indoor book. Thanks for the support.

Johnstreet…Thanks for the info. I have always run my air stone 24 hours. It doesn’t bother me to leave it running like that. I ran the pumps often the first couple days to get the coco good and saturated. Now I am only running the pumps for a few minuets a couple times a day.

Steel Savage…You are sooo right. Goodbye OG! I will be getting a couple of BOG’s strains as well as Rez’s.