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Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I'd just like to let everyone know I'm okay. Just having some very rough times at the moment. Living without power is the main reason I haven't been active in 3-4months. I was fired from my job yesterday 11-25-2009 due to transportation issues.

Anywho I'll be "MIA" for awhile, it shouldn't be another few months before I pop back on here. I'm working my ass off on trying to get my life squared away, I still have more seeds I intend to donate but I've put that on the back burner for right now. Obviously I need to help myself before I can help anyone else and thats what my focus is at the moment.

Hope all is well and take care.

Cookie monster

I hope things get better for you real soon Southern,stay strong and think positive.

Good thoughts heading your way.


no wuckin furries!
dont know you but thats rough...what a kick in the guts loosing the job too..i hope this is the bottom for you and things can only go up from here...the best of luck!!! .HH. =]-~


natural medicator
Hope you find a way to climb back on top quickly SG! Sorry to hear you lost your job.
positive vibes your way


stone fool
Times like this are tough, I have had a few. It helps to think of it as an opportunity to step up and improve yourself, focus, plan. work. These moments are the forge of life, where men are made, or not. Find yourself, we all have strenght, if we fight for it. Good luck.


A foot without a sock...
dont know you but thats rough...what a kick in the guts loosing the job too..i hope this is the bottom for you and things can only go up from here...the best of luck!!! .HH. =]-~

Well put HH and I second the sentiments.

Best of Luck SG


Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
man i just realized i havent seen you around on the irc in ages!
no wonder huh?
take care man, it all works out in the end

its even worse than it appears
its alright

this ones for you


Active member
Don't know ya but I'm sure everything will turn out better sooner or later.. Hopefully your taking it well, things can only go up from here!! :)

....I also recently lost my job for no reason and a bunch of cash and don't have much income, going to college, just quit smoking weed again due to my ongoing legal problems, not to mention a few other personal and other different problems. Things aren't looking to good for me either but I know things will turn around, hopefully things will be better by Christmas time. Good luck bro and I feel you


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Well I've found my bottom, I think.

Homeless and Unemployed. Ended up in a homeless shelter. Right now I'm staying with a newly acquainted friend.

Trying to find a job in this market is discouraging to say the least.

I don't know if my seed collection(afghanis, my F2s) will be recovered. A minor disappointment. I am taking a break from growing and abusing cannabis, maybe quitting all together. *shrug* I just know its no longer an option for the short term(6-12months?).

I know I can no longer abuse substances(alcohol, cannabis) in an attempt to tolerate my misery. I guess this is better to acknowledge sooner that later in life, or worse yet live my entire life in misery and regret.

I'll be around and semi active here, but in a different way.

Much love.

hey man i feel for ya... it's tough down south and even tougher when your a smoker... just remember it's not the Herb it's the state of mind... get your life together and get back to smoking (if that's what you want)... it's all about setting goals and making a plan... it might sound wack, but you gotta do the damn thing... stay safe


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I can pass a drug screen, I have no doubts about that. Just too many unemployed looking for a job.

I've acknowledged some problems that I've not wanted to face. I could keep trying to run from them, pay the misery forward, or I can deal with them.

I'm not slamming cannabis at all. I still believe it has great medical uses. I just abused the hell out of it. Moderation is key, and for me right now its all or nothing. Since my focus is finding my path in life, building my future, I cannot be hindered with an altered perspective. I can't change my past but I can learn to accept it and progress with my future, instead of letting my past dictate my future. I sorta feel like I've regressed, or at best my growth has been stagnant.

I can pass a drug screen, I have no doubts about that. Just too many unemployed looking for a job.

I've acknowledged some problems that I've not wanted to face. I could keep trying to run from them, pay the misery forward, or I can deal with them.

I'm not slamming cannabis at all. I still believe it has great medical uses. I just abused the hell out of it. Moderation is key, and for me right now its all or nothing. Since my focus is finding my path in life, building my future, I cannot be hindered with an altered perspective. I can't change my past but I can learn to accept it and progress with my future, instead of letting my past dictate my future. I sorta feel like I've regressed, or at best my growth has been stagnant.

Right on man i remember you from the canncom board days, and you have the same plan of action ive taken, ive had colleagues say why not just smoke AND ________. For important things i prefer to go in sober minded, get the job done the best and fastest possible with stable standing, then get stoned in celebration

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