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quitting cancer sticks support group


Bong Smoking News Hound
I wanted to start this thread for any one quitting smoking that evil cancer stick. Ive smoked since i was 9. thats how un regulated it is in the usa. so lets say around 20 years now. i just quit about four days ago. i have tried on several times now. over the years

this is my 10 th time or so and it gets easier everytime. Im currently using a nicotine patch. and i dont care if i have to use it for 20 years. its better than smoking. its the number one killer in usa. yet its legal. but why isnt marijuana legal? because they are full of SHIT.

but every corner u can buy something gthat causes over 100 different ailments. and we hit the black market for pot to ease it. or take there FDA approved drugs that cause more side effects than the problem u have.

They want our money in taxes and control population, and money for health care. fuck um. im quitting for ME. and i hope to here a good response and support here for everyone and anyone who is quitting or plans on quitting.

we can talk about plans on how too, how too keep on quitting, and when we want to smoke. we can read this thread to remind us how far we have come. so lets here it!!!!

F the goverments legal death.

peace, love, mind body and soul,



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
After the first week it will go away, it is the "one last cig" bullshit that keeps you going. Another way is to BUM them until you or they get sick of you doing it.

I have STOPPED but am never going to say quit because one week I might have a few and then go a couple months.

I get HOOKED when I go and actually buy a pack and toss that shit in my routine. If you can keep yourself from BUYING a pack and simply bumming them as you can then that really bad craving WILL go away whether you believe it or not.

It is only a strong craving until you realize you can go weeks or months without them. I think the real issue is when people feel they have to keep talking about how they can't be around them or how they stopped smoking so they can NEVER have one again.

That is your choice for sure but the addiction to NOT smoke just like damn AA for the drunks can be just as damaging. You can be in control of what you do and it doesn't have to be the other way around.

hope something in there helps.


Freedom Fighter
Bro...I have been smoking ciggs since I was 11 ('71)...and I feel it now...I KNOW it is going to kill me, but I continue--
I quit Heroin after 18 years...but I cannot quit Ciggs--:1help:

Lord Doobie

I'll tell you how I quit just about cold turkey after 32 years...I had heard tobacco was going to have a huge tax added so I knew this was a good time to quit. However, economics should be the least of your worries.

First, I went out and bought the roll-your-own brand like Top which is just tobacco (unlike taylor-mades which contain all sorts of chemicals and extra additives to keep you addicted).

Then I got all the way down to 3 roll-your-own ciggs a day over a few months. By taking a few puffs and putting it out, I still had the physical sensation of smoking. As it turns out, this physical business of smoking would be the hardest part to quit. I was always used to going out on the porch several times a day.

Then I went for the "final 3 days". If you can make it thru, you've succeeded. Friday, no smoking. Saturday was the hardest. I wanted to smoke but didn't. Then Sunday was still easier and made it all the way thru.
After the final 3 days was over, I knew I had made it. I had quit smoking.

You can do the same thing. It just takes a few tries. I smoked for 32 years. It wasn't really that hard once I got down to 3 roll-your-owners a day. No patches, no pills, no gum...just common sense.

My doctor said it usually takes a person several tries before they quit. This was my 3rd-4th time but this time, I used my own reasoning and methods. I had cut most of the additives/nicotine out of my system already and correctly figured I could quit from there.

Since I don't smoke anymore, this includes pot. I'm now looking into safe non-smoking methods like vaping.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It is always a good time to qiut cancer sticks. I give respect to anyone that does quit. I dont smoke them, but I have seen first hand what happens to people that do when they get old.

Go vistit a hospital and look at the people who have smoked there whole life. you will quit.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor

thats somethin to read right there ,i am also tryin to quit.its really hard,ive been smokin for like 24 years.right ow i smoke more then i ever have and i know i need to quit.does that patch make you sick if you smoke mj like it will iof you smoke ciggs while wearing it?
good luck man.

Lord Doobie

nah...the patch won't make you sick if you smoke while wearing it...the patch is a very weak dose of nicotine just so you buy a whole bunch of very expensive patches...I really don't see the difference between being addicted to ciggs or patches. With the patches, I think they're first trying to stop the behavior of smoking like I mentioned in my post above. You'll have to find something else to do.

my brother in law was so addicted, I figured he'd smoke the patch


Active member
My recipe for quitting smoking is to take some strong acid (very thick brown blotters in my case) and continue to smoke as usual for the duration. I swear I could feel the poison moving through my blood stream with every puff. I told myself just smoke as usual til the end of the trip then that's it. I felt like I spent 12 hours poisoning myself, next day went out got the patch and have never smoked tobacco since... going on 17 years. Never done acid since either now that I think about it. Don't miss the (nicotine) poison at all. In case fear mongering will help any nicotine junkies out there, I work in the greenhouse industry and used to work around alot of pesticides. I remember asking an oldtimer co-worker with a masters degree in chemistry what in his opinion the most dangerous pesticide in our pesticide storage room was, he told me nicotine for sheer toxicity. Take acid... see the truth... you are blessed that you have a non addictive alternative..

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I haven't had a ciggarette since the last Friday in May, at 7:20pm. I smoked a pack a day for about 13 years, and before that was just a recreational smoker. I just made myself a promise. I work in an environment where people are smoking all around me, which made it pretty diffucult. I used the patch for about a week, and didn't like the way it made me feel. It gave me anxiety and nausia. So I took it off, and delt with the nic fits. After a few weeks, it got better. The most addictive part of smoking for me, was the oral fixation, or the act of it.... not so much the nicotien. Its mind over matter. If I can do it, so can you. Just remember....... mind over matter!


Wanna Quit? Here's Help

Wanna Quit? Here's Help

1. Make a List. Yep. Of all the reasons you don't want to smoke. Just do it. Come up with as many as you can. At least 5. More is better. Not reasons you've been told you should quit. The real reasons that matter to you. YOUR reasons. Doesn't matter what they are. But write them all down on a piece of paper small enough to fit in the cellophane wrapper of your cig pack. Cutting a 3x5 card to size works well. You're gonna want to keep this list.

Keep the list in your pack of cigs. Read it every time you light up. Really reflect on these reasons every time you smoke. For the entire cigarette.

2. After a week or two change what you're smoking. Find another brand. Something you don't like as much as your regular brand. Keep the card in your pack. Continue to reflect on your reasons for quitting.

3. After annother week you're ready to change again. Now find a low-tar low nicotine brand, and keepinig that card in ur pack, smoke them for a week or two. Reflecting on your reasons for quitting is still essential.

4. After another week its time for annother change. Get some Ultra-lights.
If you're a regular menthol smoker get non-menthols. If you smoke menthols do the opposite. Keep your list of reasons. Continue to read them every time you smoke.

5. By now you're ready for the patch or gum. Set a quit date. Keep that card with your reasons nearby. You will be tempted to smoke. Quittinng is a choice. At this point you need to remember that having a cigarette is not the same as failing to quit. Keep a pack of those shitty cigs nearby. Keep the list with them. When/if you find yourself with a cig in your hand review your reasons for quitting. You will realize that your reasons for quitting are better than the cigarettes themselves.

6. Keep a toothbrush, Gum, Halls coughdrops, Whatever will help you satisfy your oral cravings in your pocket. While you're on the nicotine patch you're getting your nicotine fix. The patch gives you a chance to overcome the behavioral aspect of your addiction, while it gives you the nicotine that you're addicted to. Consider using sugar free alternatives when you're choosing gum/candy/coughdrops. You don't want to cause yourself any dental problems.

7. After two weeks or so on the 4mg patches reduce your dose. Keep the shitty cigs with your reasons for quitting nearby. Again, if you find yourself smoking don't use it as an excuse. Quitting is an analog process. You can't just shut it off. Forgive yourself and keep on quitting. Remember your goal, and the list of reasons you chose to accomplish it.

8. After a couple more weeks on the 2mg patches you should be ready to throw that pack of cigs out.

9. Congratulations! You've quit.

If anybody wants to start a support group I'd be interested in participating.

I really hope this helps... Quitting tobacco is one of the smartest things you can do for yourself.

After reviewing this list I realize that I neglected to mention Alcohol. It reduces your inhibitions and can really be a barrier to quitting. I found that I had to quit drinking to quit smoking. I swear, I would be drinking in a bar and find myself with a lit cigarette in my hand before I even realized what I was doing.

Also smoking herb is lots like smokinig cigs in behavioral terms. Get a vaporizer, and learn to love it. I did! :)


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Bought a QP of schwag and a 1000W grow light and quit buying ciggs.

New hobby, and some head stash - of sorts.

That was about 5 years ago.

I still have a working grow light and I don't smoke cigarettes or schwag.

It's not easy, I quit enough before to know I don't want to take so much as 1 puff - so I made myself a bargain - I can't take another puff till I am 80 and hopefully by then- I'll be smart enough to know better.

While it is rare for people die from quitting cigartettes, you can usually avoid the urge to kill them long enough for them to get away.

Good luck - -

Be cool and breathe deep as needed.


ugg i hate cancer sticks
quit back in july, started again 3 weeks ago
:mad: not even 3 whole months, and i LOVED not smoking
dunno what happened........
gonna try again though, best of luck to all you other quitters


Active member
I know not everyone can do this with their jobs and lives and such, but when I quit I got a few grams of full melt and proceeded to stay completely ethereal for 2 weeks. Every time a fit would come on for nicotine I answered back with THC and it worked. It was kinda hard coming of the hash and my lungs hated me then. Now, they and the rest of my being love me more.

Its a matter of will. You wouldn't die if you found yourself stranded on a desert island without cigarettes? Well, not for lack of nicotine anyway. I know that can sound harsh to folks who are addicted to substances (I've heard through those ears) sometimes though, you just gotta make a decisive decision and force yourself to follow through.

Healing vibes and support to all those wrestling with addiction. It can be a monster.


Bong Smoking News Hound
i love all the responses here. everyone needs support, friends, and tips from people who have quit. i fed up. im back to day one. but as said before. 4 cigs in one week is better than the pack and a half i was smoking daily. and my wallet thanks me. lets keep it up gang. maybe ill do something in my signature.... love ya peps. take care.

sac beh

I've smoked cigarettes for about 5 years: first 2 years pack/day now I'm down to around 5 cigs/day. I've tried quitting seriously 3 times. Every time what gets me is the trouble sleeping and the interruption to my work schedule. Yesterday was my 4th attempt, as I hadn't smoked (tobacco) all day cause I was feelin bad. Well, I couldn't sleep worth anything. I get nervous and can't relax. I have weird 5-minute dreams about smoking that wake me up. Bout 2am I decided it wasn't worth it, smoked a cig, and went to sleep. Sucks!

Really good herb helps me relax and not worry about the next cig, so I think I just need to find some that will help me sleep well and I can do it! Unfortunately because of my work schedule I can't toke up all day long to keep the cravings down.



You haven't failed at quiting until you decide you have.

You haven't failed at quiting until you decide you have.

i love all the responses here. everyone needs support, friends, and tips from people who have quit. i fed up. im back to day one. but as said before. 4 cigs in one week is better than the pack and a half i was smoking daily. and my wallet thanks me. lets keep it up gang. maybe ill do something in my signature.... love ya peps. take care.

Your attitude towards quitting is crucial. Remember that smoking a cigarette or two does not constitute failure. It is only a setback. If you falter, remind yourself that you're Human, forgive yourself for being imperfect, and go right on quitting.

Keep the faith.
Just Do it. Use joints of leaf to help you to give us this unhealthy habit.
Its for your own good. Drop the Alcohol too and you will feel a lot better.
The Legal Drugs are usually doing the most harm out there.
Every cigarette you have IS doing you Damage.

QUIT now so you can breathe easy tomorrow.


nobody likes a quitter in life.... just kidding I really hope you succeed in your endevour. I personally do not understand the craze about cigerettes, Idk if its my ADHD and my awkward reaction to stimulants, but I have tried to enjoy cigs before and hate them and hate the buzz they give... now MJ on the other hand


Active member
Here's a good reason. 5 bucks + a fu*kin' pack
Holy Cow! #5 - 45 bucks a week depending on brand!

Seriously, if you can quit for an afternoon, you can quit forever.

I did.


Cigarettes are fucking expensive. It's ridiculous to think how much I've spent on them. However, I don't see myself quitting anytime soon. It's a habbit that I just enjoy far too much for the time being. I wish all of you who are quitting the best of luck though!

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