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Some kind of deficieny ( I think) help is much appreciated!


SOIL: Lcs soiless mix (peat, perlite, wormcastings, and pelletized dolomite lime) I couldn't find powderd. Fert. Mix is Recipe #1 (Blood meal, Bone Meal, Kelp, Green Sand)

How long has this problem been going on?
the problem has slowly progressed last few weeks
What STRAIN are you growing?
serious ak-47
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
54 days into flowering
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? t
heir entire life (veg and flower)
How Tall are the plants?
3-4 ft.
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? flowering (54 days)
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
2 and 3 gallon
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
see above
What Nutrient's are you using?

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
I just water with bubbled tap and added molasses week 4 of flowering
How often are you feeding? water about every
3- 4 days
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? n/a
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? n/a
How often are you watering?
every 3-4 days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
430 watt
What is the distance to the canopy?
2 ft. ish ?
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
50 ish
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
lots of air flow
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
I supplement with CO2, 1000-1300 ppm
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
sort of
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
wet to dry cycles
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
bubbled tap
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?

Hi, I am using LCs soiless mix (peat, perlite, wormcastings, and pelletized dolomite lime) I couldn't find powdered. Fert. Mix is Recipe #1 (Blood meal, Bone Meal, Kelp, Green Sand) I think the problem is stemming from the fact that I used pelletized dolomite lime instead of powdered. I originally thought this caused a cal/mag deficiency so I thought that if I watered with bubbled tap and blackstrap molasses (from week 4 on) that it would make up for the deficiency, but it doesn't seem to have cured the prob. I was watering with bubbled tap and 1/2 tablespoon of molasses per 2 gallon jug. The problem has slowly been getting worse. The leaves are affected and the buds seems to not be filling out and putting on weight like normal (I have grown this strain many times, but used promix instead of peat as my base) The hairs are turning red before they are really swelling up. You can see the buds look whispy. My heat was a problem for a little while, not extremely bad though( I supplement with CO2) but enough to get a little leaf curling here and there) I don't think the heat is the factor though. Any suggestions would be MUCH appreciated! I want to cure this problem ASAP, because I normally take them down around 70 days. Thanks everybody!
pics below: (of different plants of the same strain AK-47)


ahhh no one has any ideas what this could be and how I can fix it? My ladies need you.... It would REALLY help me out. I wanna try to fix this the best I can as soon as I can. Thanx


looks like nute burn too me. never used what ur using so not sure but when i have burnt a plant before thats what it looked like. does not look too bad plus ur close to being done.


It looks like a calcium deficiency to me but you said its not responding to Cal-Mag. The damaged leaves won't be fixed by the Cal-Mag. Is the problem still getting worse?


I haven't used any cal/mag yet, just blackstrap molasses. The molasses didn't seem to help the problem that much. I used 1/2 tablespoon per 2 gallon jug every water for about 2- 3 weeks, Maybe I wasn't using enough? A wierd thing about the blackstrap molasses I use is that on the label it doesn't list a magnesium content, but lists calcium 20%, Iron 20%, Vitamin A 20%. I have epsom salt that I could use to water with for magnesium, but have held out to see what others think.

The leaf curling is from the heat a few weeks ago, its not as hot anymore (plus I use CO2). I don't think this is the problem because I ve dealt with heat issues before and have never seem this type of browning on the leaf edges. The problem has slowly been getting worse.
Thanks for the replies so far! Any other ideas?


There what mine looked like a few weeks ago when i used some dodgy nutes, normal dose, it just fried them. I flushed and transplanted into bigger containers ( even tho they were in flower ) and they recovered


Well-known member
Whats bubbled tap?

And i think the pellets are fine...

CO2 raises the heat as well.

Try flushing them with distilled water....


I think I would just flush and give plain water from here out. If u start dicking with things now u may really cause a problem. I have spent plenty of wasted energy chasing a solution before. The only other thing i would add is that I have never had a deficiency or something that looked like a deficiency before that was not caused by too small a pot or roots sitting in to heavy a soil and not drying out between watering(not over-watering but suffocation) this is not a deficiency but it sure looks like one and if u start fucking around with that u will cause big problems. I have noticed that a deficiency is usually taken care very easily by just feeding. If the problem still exists then its something else.


plant pimp
Looks like nute burn. Flush your plant/plants in question and next time you feed them make it a lower dose.

Mr. Fantastic

Also if you don't know the TDS of your water that could be a big issue. Alot of tap water has a ton of Calcium in it which interferes with other nutrients uptake. Try giving them RO water that you can get at WalMart for like 35 cents a gallon.


I would agree with most, that it looks like nute burn. Also, keep in mind you are almost ready to harvest if your at 54 days, depending on the strain, it usually takes sixty days of flowering till harvest. Therefore, you should expect the fan leaves to start dying in order to transport the sugar from them to the bud. Dial in on pH or even start flushing those girls is all I can tell you. I agree with bobman just flush and after a week or two you will probably be ready to harvest any way. Also, your bud looks very orange. The general rule i have heard if you dont have one of those special microscope lenses to look at the the color of trichomes, is if 50% of the hairs have turned orange it is ready for harvest. Also, your pots might be too small like bobman said. Thus, just listen to bobman. I would Flush, harvest, and try again. By the way your bud looks very good. Will be amazing after you trim it.


I REALLY appreciate everybodys help, you guys are AWESOME! Nutrient wise I don't feed with anything, my nutrients are all mixed in the soil, 100% organic. I just water with bubbled tap (tap water that has been bubbled to evaporate the chlorine). I do eventually add molasses to the water around week four of flowering. And have used babbled tap with this strain before and have never had this problem. The wierd thing is I have basically used this same soil mix, same water regime, same strain many of times and have never seen this happen (browning on leaf edges). The only thing that I changed this round was the fact that I used straight peat, instead of promix in my soil mix (because I can't find promix around me anymore). My initial theory was that I know that they add lime to promix to balance ph, but I don't think any lime is added to straight peat to balance ph. So I thought that maybe that extra lime I used to get in the promix was the difference maker (for the better). And that maybe I didn't use enough dolomite lime in my mix to compensate. What you think? I never thought about the pots being to small. I've been using the same pots for quite a while too, but I did let my girls get a little bigger than I normal do? What to you think?


I would say on your next grow definitely use bigger pots for sure. Don't try and transplant now though. Just harvest and try again. You will still have a great harvest.


Yeah, I don't think Im going to let them veg. as long and get as big as they did this time. That and add some more lime in to the mix. That is all that I can think of. The harvest should be decent but I think this problem will definitely effect it for the worse. I was hoping to diagnose the problem so I could make sure it doesn't happen next round. ohh well....back to the drawing board I guess
Flush and harvest, your plants are done! The molasses may have rotted your roots, but regardless, they have kicked it, so to speak, so give em a good flushing and take them down.
I've never had good results using straight molasses... Sweet, or Carboload, yes.. or BannanaMana..... but pure sugars really messed my grow up. It looked just like yours!


Dr. Doolittle
Hello louie, I checked over your thread, like everyone here has stated about the cal mag issue, yes you do have cal mag deficiencies; the tan leaves is what is left over after the plant removes it's reserves. As for the leaves at the top of the plant curling inwards, this is due to heat, not radiant heat, too much dry heat on the leaves for too much of a extended amount of time, you must raise the light; you don't want anymore stress on your gals, they are trying to protect themselves from transpiring too quickly, the curlinwards affect is a clear sign they don't like the amount of water going through those leaves to keep it "normal" looking.

IMO,I do not see a nute burn problem,
The damage you see is done, it will not recover so you will have to look at the growth that is not affected yet and the newer growths, because the heat lamp is a cause your newer growth will get fried. Move that light up some more.

As for not giving them any nutrients, they are hungry for micros; with the pictures you posted I do not see any other nutrient related problem, except for the need for calcium and magneisum. It needs more calcium than magneisum though; so I would suggest giving it some with every time you water your plants. You letting your tap water sit out?

You defiantly need to get them some calcium and magneisum though... you have access to a hydro shop or are you on a budget?


Non Conformist
Hi Louie, it's too late to do anything now, but I think that they are rootbound and the soil is played out. A few things would lead me to believe this:

1. You have got two plants in a 3 gallon pot and you vegged them for a good while, so they're prolly purdy good sized plants. Btw, A good general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of soil per foot of plant. Also, it's always a good idea to transplant with fresh soil ( and in this case nutes cuz they're in the soil ) jus before flowering.

2. LC's mix with 20% perlite is kinda heavy, but you still have to water every 3-4 days.

3. That's why they're showing several different symptoms at once.

I'd also bet since yer amendments have been purdy much consumed already the sugar is jus burning them. Molasses is directly absorbed by the plant, so there's not going to be a microbial buffer.

Anyhoo, I hope this may have helped for future grows, good luck! BC


Thanks soooooooo much Dr.Stitch and BC! So it was the cal/mag deficiency after all. Would you advise using calmag this late in the game (I know it has a little bit of N in it)? And as for the micro deficiency, I have Age Old Organics Kelp, stored in case of emergencies, do you think I should use that now? I'm guessing no for both, BC you say its too late in the game. I actually only have 1 plant per 3 gallon pots, but I have a few that are 1 per 2 gallon. They did get way too big though, thats why the heat stress is an issue, I can't raise the lights any higher. I do have access to a hydro store if there is anything you recommend for this round (only about 10-14 days left) or next round. Now that I know it is a confirmed cal/mag deficiency, Im hoping that if I increase the amount of dolomite lime in my soil mix that it will compensate for this deficiency.