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here are my 2 girls - 20 days flowering, what do you think

i've been having some troubles with the yellowing.. i think its N def
but i am not sure ..could be a lot of things..growing weed in your closet ain't easy! lol
but i think they look nice
comments are welcome



Yeah they look like they need feeding mate

You feeding them anythin at the moment??

Other than that, looks good :) you should get some nice smoke out of them when there done

What strain is it???:joint:


way to early to be yellowing, your looseing weight daily , feed them asap and wait a few days, see if they green up.
I've started feeding just one of them the big lst'd one 6+2+4 vegg nuts cuz of the yellowing.
i fed her last week after a long time with no food because of major nut burns. i hope they will be ok
i think i see an improvment in the new growth witch is greener and darker but the older leaves are the ones that are yellow
Yeah they look like they need feeding mate

You feeding them anythin at the moment??

Other than that, looks good :) you should get some nice smoke out of them when there done

What strain is it???:joint:

strain is unknown man
and about the feeding i am starting to feed them now with very small amounts cuz my nuts are really powerful plants shows since of nut burns right away with these nuts


Active member
You've got yellowing on both old and now new growth - at least it appears that way from the pics, with more pronounced yellowing on older leaves. That would seem to indicate a mobile deficiency (that means it's a lack of NPK Mg or Zn) which is now serious enough that it is progressing to new growth, too.

Given the yellowing which is beginning at the leaf tips and edges, that indicates a progressing potassium deficiency, which is what you would expect to see during flowering in an underfed plant. Feed your girls :) They should perk up in about 4 days or so.
thanks guys i wasn't sure 100% if the problem is from a deficiency i love this place [=
so you think i should keep feeding ? for how long?
i feed 1ml for 1 liter of water
i fed yesterday should i feed on the next watering as well? or wait to the third watering


weed fiend
You've got a Mg def. Your pH is too low or your nutes don't have enough Mg.

Next time you water, measure the pH of a small amount of runoff. In soil, you should be in the 6.5 to 6.8 range. Swings up to 7.0 are ok. Mg will lock out below 6.5 and added Mg at this point won't help.

If you're using garden variety ferts, (Peter's, MG, Shultz) they usually don't contain enough Mg for cannabis. A magnesium supplement might help in this case, as long as your pH is correct. Epsom salts contains Mg. You can mix it at a teaspoon per gallon. Dolomitic lime also has Mg. It's used to buffer soil at the correct pH range. Most soil mixes use a tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil. CalMag is a fert supplement and can be added to boost Mg.

If you're using cannabis ferts there's usually enough Mg w/o supplements. In this case you're pH is probably too low.
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You've got a Mg def. Your pH is too low or your nutes don't have enough Mg.

Next time you water, measure the pH of a small amount of runoff. In soil, you should be in the 6.5 to 6.8 range. Swings up to 7.0 are ok. Mg will lock out below 6.5 and added Mg at this point won't help.

If you're using garden variety ferts, (Peter's, MG, Shultz) they usually don't contain enough Mg for cannabis. A magnesium supplement might help in this case, as long as your pH is correct. Epsome salts contains Mg. You can mix it at a teaspoon per gallon. Dolomitic lime also has Mg. It's used to buffer soil at the correct pH range. Most soil mixes use a tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil. CalMag is a fert supplement and can be added to boost Mg.

If you're using cannabis ferts there's usually enough Mg w/o supplements. In this case you're pH is probably too low.

hi man thanks for the comment

i don't have the option to : check ph , get my hands on epsome salts or this dolomitic lime stuff
i live in a distanced area \= so i have to compromise

i don't think the problem is PH related cuz this is my second grow and on my last grow i used the same tap water and didn't have these kind of problems, i am using HESI nuts its spouse to be good i think...


weed fiend
I've started feeding just one of them the big lst'd one 6+2+4 vegg nuts cuz of the yellowing.
i fed her last week after a long time with no food because of major nut burns. i hope they will be ok
i think i see an improvment in the new growth witch is greener and darker but the older leaves are the ones that are yellow

BW, I think your yellowing is due to Mg not N. Too much N will delay flower and can cause your bud to taste like chit. Right now your plants are concentrating on root growth and bud formation. Your veg nutes deprive the plant of the necessary P and K levels for healthy roots and buds. I recommend you continue bloom nutes with a N supplement (if it's even necessary.) Add to your bloom nutes about 1/8 to 1/4 strength. If the plant is nute sensitive, you may have to cut back on bloom nutes to make room for the N supp. Stop the N supp about 3 weeks prior to chop.

strain is unknown man
and about the feeding i am starting to feed them now with very small amounts cuz my nuts are really powerful plants shows since of nut burns right away with these nuts

In my experience, plants less than 10" tall only take about half the nutes a flowering plant two or three times as big does. If the tips of your fans are the only part that burned, this isn't bad for the plant, it tells you when to back off a tad. If you experienced burn when the plants were small, you probably need to up the nutes.

thanks guys i wasn't sure 100% if the problem is from a deficiency i love this place [=
so you think i should keep feeding ? for how long?
i feed 1ml for 1 liter of water
i fed yesterday should i feed on the next watering as well? or wait to the third watering

It depends on what you're using. Forgive me if I missed it earlier.

Chemical nutes - Feed 1/2 strength at first, ever other water. Adjust from there. With each plain watering, allow a little runoff to leach the chemical buildup from the soil. Use plain water for the last two weeks

I'm not familiar with liquid organic ferts. Check the label and see what the mfg. recommends.


weed fiend
hi man thanks for the comment

i don't have the option to : check ph , get my hands on epsome salts or this dolomitic lime stuff
i live in a distanced area \= so i have to compromise

i don't think the problem is PH related cuz this is my second grow and on my last grow i used the same tap water and didn't have these kind of problems, i am using HESI nuts its spouse to be good i think...

I hear Hesi is good. The ingredients in your soil mix will dictate the overall pH as much or more than your water. Peat is probably the primary ingredient in most mixes and is too hot for cannabis to absorb Mg w/o lime. Ferts usually lower pH even more. Lime raises it. Get the correct amount of lime and the rest is super easy. I live in the boonies and have to get most of my stuff online. One good thing about rural areas is tractor supplies and feed stores. They usually have lots of this stuff for farmers.

Since lime is an essential part of soil gardening, do yourself a favor and add humic acid to the list. With lime and humic acid, you can just abut pour whatever in your soil and be cool.


weed fiend
i couldn't find any results on dolomite lime in my country... so ill try to get some Epsom salts. you mean those salts people use in bathtubs ?

Yes. It's great for soaking sore feet also, lol.. You can use calcitic lime but you may need a Mg supp to go along with it.


Well-known member
You've got a Mg def. Your pH is too low or your nutes don't have enough Mg.

Next time you water, measure the pH of a small amount of runoff. In soil, you should be in the 6.5 to 6.8 range. Swings up to 7.0 are ok. Mg will lock out below 6.5 and added Mg at this point won't help.

If you're using garden variety ferts, (Peter's, MG, Shultz) they usually don't contain enough Mg for cannabis. A magnesium supplement might help in this case, as long as your pH is correct. Epsom salts contains Mg. You can mix it at a teaspoon per gallon. Dolomitic lime also has Mg. It's used to buffer soil at the correct pH range. Most soil mixes use a tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil. CalMag is a fert supplement and can be added to boost Mg.

If you're using cannabis ferts there's usually enough Mg w/o supplements. In this case you're pH is probably too low.

wow this is some very great info. thx.
Now I can use it to try and heal my plants.


You've got a Mg def. Your pH is too low or your nutes don't have enough Mg.

Next time you water, measure the pH of a small amount of runoff. In soil, you should be in the 6.5 to 6.8 range. Swings up to 7.0 are ok. Mg will lock out below 6.5 and added Mg at this point won't help.

If you're using garden variety ferts, (Peter's, MG, Shultz) they usually don't contain enough Mg for cannabis. A magnesium supplement might help in this case, as long as your pH is correct. Epsom salts contains Mg. You can mix it at a teaspoon per gallon. Dolomitic lime also has Mg. It's used to buffer soil at the correct pH range. Most soil mixes use a tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil. CalMag is a fert supplement and can be added to boost Mg.

If you're using cannabis ferts there's usually enough Mg w/o supplements. In this case you're pH is probably too low.

I'm with cheesebuds, great info man. The lower leaves on my lady has started yellowing, with this info hopefully I can nip it in the bud.

B.W, I've been using molasses from about two weeks in so mine must be ph. If you find yours to be mag def, maybe molasses might help. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=94653&highlight=molasses&page=2


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