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Mediumless Ebb & Flow SOG




This thread will detail a mediumless ebb & flow SOG in a darkroom 110l 600w HPS.

I have never seen anyone run this tray, but it seems perfect way to run a ebb&flow sog without the hassles of MEDIUM. 36 1.5" plant sites in a 3x3. Pop a rooted rapid rooter clone in and thats it!

Never have done a sog - going to pretty much try a root to fruit in this tray and see how it goes.

I'm hoping to consistently pull 36 easy to trim colas with the only growroom waste being plant material and roots to easily dispose of. 36 1L size colas would be nice.

Cuts are in the oven - stay tuned all!

I'm really excited about this method.



in for results, where did you get that tray, i may be interested in this if it works, and i dont see why it wouldnt!
Very interested, been thinking about this myself. Saw a little vid like this somebody did out of small tuperware(non marijuana related) called it a flood n aero or something. You get to experiment and see how few times to can get away with flooding it.


Hey - thanks for the replies.

The tray is a american hydroponics econo. the lid is a matching growell insert.
They are tought to find - most likely needing ordered. Hydro shops are not a fan of these as they only sell you the tray&lid once - they aren't getting the repeatable medium sales. I was actually suprised these still exist when I requested one and it didn't take me 6-8 weeks to get. Shop had it 1wk after I ordered it.

I plan on flooding often - maybe 15min every 1.5hr or so. Not sure yet. I want a rainforest like atmosphere in the empty space between the lid and tray. = fuzzy root mass/mat.

If I have to I will add areation in the tray and almost run it like a Shallow Water Culture system. In that case the tray would stay flooded longer, only draining every now and again to mix nutes, ect. I'm NOT HOPING to run it this way - I want to run it flood and drain with nothing but a small pump and timer.

This thread will most likely die out before I get a chance to update it. Clones have just been taken so it'll be another 2 weeks or so before the fun begins. Keep your eyes peeled for this thread to get bumped with pictures here in a few weeks.

I'm more excited about this then the 5400w show in my sig. !!

This is the plan.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
My prediction: It's going to work spectacularly. Been doing Ebb & Flow for years....things do well.....now you're hybridizing an aeroponic environment with straight E&F.....
Wouldn't mind knocking my hydroton out of the picture.....eager to see how you pull it off.
Good luck. :friends:
that looks great! im in the middle of experimenting with hydro and im using a mediumless dwc. i used a one gallon milk container fit with a airstone and airpump. i cloned and vegged in the milk container and the plant just sits ontop of the milk cap. 1st try at any hydro and there now in budding with no issues. i was worried about breaking the roots or the plant by not having hydroton in but soo far 4 weeks no issues.

good luck cant wait to see some results!


Looks really sweet Cheeb should do fine with a short/often fill drain cycle
My aero units run one on five off with a relay timer. Depending on fill drain times that ratio or one similar will work.Extra air never hurt LOVE the idea of never buying scrubbing rinsing hydroton ever again. I'll be watching this one. Got the DIY gears turning.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
like aeroponics. without the aero, and the ponics

I will be watching this, looks neat. What the tray cost ya? do they come in bigger sizes? or are we stuck with 1.5"
So do you get the roots started does it flood to the bottom of the lid I can leave my outside hydro off for a few hours before I see wilting can't wait for updates


I ran a 3x3 ebb & flood tray, looked like the tray you have there. I think that I'd flood the tray about every three hours or it could have been every 4 hours.

BUT, I also set it up with a water distributor with misters (but I now know that my pump wasn't strong enough to actually fully mist the solution) and it ran between flood and drain cycles for 15-30 min i think.


Active member
My regular ebb and flow gets crazy roots on the flood tray. There is no reason this wouldn't work if you shorten the flood cycles. Great idea! :party:


your going to need somthing in that upper table or the clones will dry out too much..looks like that top would be good for a aro setup in that tray...why dont you just run like 3 tubes down the middle with 360 degree misters and you would have a strait up arosetup.. unless your going to have a huge rez to get the water that high to start yoy may have to manual water for the first week or 2


thanks for all the replies.

The tray is a Econo 3x3 from American Hydroponics. The lid is the same.
The tray cost me $80 - the lid about the same.

GTB - I havn't installed the fitting it, but I "think" it floods right to the bottom of the plug hole.

Thanks for the link richierich. (you the same RR from the canna cabana?)

I see your talking about more flood frequencies happening using a recycle timer. I only have a 15min mechanical timer and would like to avoid buying a $100 minute capable timer if I dont have to. My shortest flood duration can only be 15min. Do you think I'll experience issues with the roots drying out in 15min AIR after a 15min bath.

I WILL NOT be adding any medium to the system regardless of how it peforms. As far as I'll be modding would be to add aeration and use it as a SWC setup. ..or as suggested make a spray manifold and run it as aero. Most likely SWC if needed as I already have an alita airpump and some silicone diffuser hose not in use. It would be an insane SWC.do

I do personally think/hope it will work used strictly as an ebb&flow. My only concerns are roots drying up when the plants are small and there is not many of them. Once the plants are larger and the mat has started I think the roots can handle the time hanging around in air.
