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One sativa from Dominica under 400W..


Hi folks.

I am currently growing one plant as the headline says and thought, that i would share the the grow with you guys.
I received these seeds from a fellow grower here in Finland who brought them from Dominica. It flowers some what between 16 and 20 weeks so i have a long road ahead with this beauty.

"So what I think we have in KC is an introduced veriety that has been in Jamaica for many years, but a 20th century introduction rather than something dating back to the first introductions of ganja to the island, I doubt any of those original sativa varieties still exist in Jamaica to be honest. However, I am told that Dominica and St Lucia are islands where they still grow old Colombian sativa lines - very old Colombian lines in fact, probably lost in Colombia now."

That was some info i found from another topic.
So i am pretty exited about this.:woohoo:

The plant is now in week 2 in 12/12 and it's growing pretty nice i think. It grows in soil in 5 gal pot and moved under 400W HPS yesterday. Before that it was under 100W CMH.

Feel free to ask questions and any help is more than welcomed because it's been a while since last grow.

I bet that you guys want also some pictures.:smile:


First day in 12/12 and it was 23.07...

Having some problems with my gallery so when it works again i'm gonna post a picture from yesterday.

I hope you understood my not so good english.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
understand completely

That plant looks great, I love your bondage method.

I will be back to check out the progress


Dr Dog: Thanks for the kind words. This is the first time doing some bondage with my girl. I like it alot and seems like she is also having some fun! But no more training cos i have to move her into a cab when night comes and it's pretty tight already. Also hoping that the strech would stay manageable.

Yeti: Thanks man! I was a bit doubtful when started this project but she is coming along pretty nice despite my poor skills.

Here's the picture wich i promised:



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Dr DogBut no more training cos i have to move her into a cab when night comes and it's pretty tight already. Also hoping that the strech would stay manageable.

My Thunks were in the 17-23 week range. After 23 weeks of 12/12 they were still in full blown stretch mode; They NEVER stopped stretching out. A locked plant can be a pain but, I'd seriously consider several dozen eye hooks in a line around the interior of the cab. You have not yet begun to tie and I suspect you'll rapidly run out of places to tie to if you don't plan now.


A locked plant can be a pain but, I'd seriously consider several dozen eye hooks in a line around the interior of the cab. You have not yet begun to tie and I suspect you'll rapidly run out of places to tie to if you don't plan now.

Rigth now i don't have any chance to tie it into the cab 'cos it stays only at nights there. At days it is basking under the lamp in my room.
I'm planning to buy a tent where i can put her and start some lst'ing.

Allready having some problems.
Leaves have started to curl up and they look canotes or a taco shells or what ever you want to call it.
The symptoms started a few days ago.
Temperature is about 26-30 celsius at the canopy. RH is between 45%-50% at days and about 70% at night.
There is also a oscillating fan blowing.


Do you guys have any idea what could it be?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Get your temp down a few more degrees and see what happens

Definately looks like heat stress. But plants looks super healthy otherwise


what's your nute regime?
what type of soil are you using?
are you moving this beauty frequently?

There are many other factors besides light and humidity, give as much detail as you can and I'll do my best to help out.

Good vibes, FM


Get your temp down a few more degrees and see what happens

Definately looks like heat stress. But plants looks super healthy otherwise

I lifted the lamp a couple of inches higher and temp is now 26 celsius max 26.5.
Let's hope this helps.


what's your nute regime?
I'm using biobizz's bio grow and biobloom. Im following the schedule but only using 3/4 strenght.

what type of soil are you using?
I use Biobizz's allmix which contains much nitrogen but the problem doesn't seem like a nitrogen toxicity.

are you moving this beauty frequently?
Usually at days she stays at same spot under the lamp.

I'm going to measure run-off next time to see ph.


Here's a little update for you guys.

I got rid of that heat problem. I have now a cooltube now so no more heat problems are going on. Thought also it could've been a mg deficieny so i did give her a dose of epsom salts.


There she is in her glory. Started tying again to get canopy even. I don't know do you get the picture what size she is from that picture. About 80 cm x 70cm and height is 35cm.

Maybe next time i can take allready pictures of the forming flowers. They are pretty small now but wait maybe another week.


I love my life
Any chance you can buy and install a dehumidifier? I think you'll get a lot more resin production and avoid potential mold issues.

Peace, :joint:

PS the h2o it pulls out of the air should be pure clean water ready for your girl


Any chance you can buy and install a dehumidifier? I think you'll get a lot more resin production and avoid potential mold issues.

Have to think about that. But maybe in later flowering when buds start to fill up.

I would like to keep humidity pretty high 'cos it's high in Dominica. Trying to imitate the conditions.

h^2 O

pretty crazy man. Good job. So should have smoke in what...30 weeks? 4 years? jk I'm an indica 9 weeks MAX or i smoke it kind of guy


Had to pull her down due to current circumstances.

I still have some seeds left so i must only wait for a better moment to start again with these amazing genetics.