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10k Watts, 10 Gal CoCo Pots, 30 Third Dimension


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
im all about the vertical grow, but with this new house, all brand new hardwood floors, couldn't risk destroying the floors building rooms inside of rooms, so i decided to try open bulb.
have 2 rooms, 5k watts in each one, open bulb. 30 plants of subcool's third dimension, 14 in one room, 16 in the other. all plants are in 100% canna coco in 10 gallon pots.:yoinks: they were vegged till they were 30 or so inches tall. i flowered them for 59 days. third dimention can be picked at 45 days, after that you risk nanners poping up. i just wanted to go a little longer to see how better it got. nanners werent a problem, minimal at best. some plants ended up being taller then me and with tons of bud, im sure i will have some one pound plants. tons of yoyo's were bought to keep these massive bitches up. everything is drying now, hopefully in the 15-18 pound range.



that looks fuckin killer my friend, I myself have always contemplated running bare vert 1k's with trees, i hope you smash those numbers.


run bare bulb 1k's. set up a little differently.

would lower @ least 1 of those lights to ~ the center of the plants, to get the center of the plants fully illuminated.

adding a sunmaster warm or neutral deluxe during last 4 weeks will greatly improve flower density, when mixed w/ hps/hps conversion bulbs.

uvb fixtures directly overhead plants may also increase reproductive gland production.

have not tried 10 gallon containers. only 4-5 gal. will have to go for larger containers in next fictitious/imaginary grow.

beautiful garden!


strain looks a lot like green crack! Great job man! They are huuuuge!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
thanks for the kind words, day 3 of trimming. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

PonicallyMade - i have both rooms hooked up to a fkd12xl, to much negative pressure! both rooms have a 10" airbox that i got for free, my boy owns a hydro shop.

purpledomgoddes - the lights were raised so we can start trimming, they were within 6-10" of the plants. couldn't improve on bud density, its rock solid like i used phosphoload or something.


Active member
nice, did you find the 10 gallons big enough? Id definitely lower the lights down into the plant to keep out the popcorn.
Krunchbubble, can u send me a pic or two of the OG Kush. That is what I am growing now (supposedly) I am just second guessing it. So if u could that would be awesome bro.
Krunch - appreciate the reply.

So a 12" fan PER room..around 2000 CFM I assume per room exhausting..

Is your intake passive opening? What is your outside (intake) air temperature to be able to keep these rooms cool with no AC or aircooled reflectors?

Have you tried smaller pots before?
I had a friend claimed he got no bigger yeilds using pots like yours..said the 5 gal were large enough.. claimed the larger pots just cost him more medium, nutes, ect. (not like it really matters or anything). Bigger is better in my opinion.

Id definitely lower the lights down into the plant to keep out the popcorn.
Antimatter - he already said he doesnt run his lights that high..just raised them for easier trimming as it sounds like he's cutting em up now.




Heard 3rd Dimension taste like piña colada. Hope you give us a smoke report! Do you have pics of when the lights were on during flowering?



Active member
i like this little lay out, seems like you hand water?

also you mentioned you have a 12inch fantech on each room.. is it just exhausting at night or do your rooms have passive intakes and your not running a sealed room?

hope you have a good a harvest:joint:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
mikeoldschool - yup, hand water, no runoff. yields and quality way improve with no runoff in coco. keep coco moist and not wet.

antimatter - 10 gallon pots were big enough. not sure if i will run 10 gallons again, harvest weight will tell.

PonicallyMade - i didn't word it right. i have 1 fkd12xl exhausting both rooms. i have never used an intake in the 16 years ive been growing. i believe your exhaust should create such a negative pressure, it forces air in any opening possible, i do use the house ac though. i do use smaller pots, but not in this system. in my vertical systems, i use 3 gallon pots and pull 2+ lb's a light easily. i dont know if i will keep the current system going, i want to do coliseum setup and will do 3 gallon pots. harvest will tell. i will post some more pics. im chopping them 2/3 the way down and letting the rest go a week or so longer, they need to harden up a tad, but not any popcorn.

down2grow - ya, thats what the description says, but it does not. cant really explain since i haven't smoked it in a month or so, but it is way different then anything ive smoked, very tasty, very fruity, enjoyment at its highest! no pics of when they were vegging, sorry, they were big though. smoke report coming soon.....

asher1er - yup, hand water on the knees. :wallbash: both rooms were crawling room only. each room sucked up 75 gallons a week. thanks!


Krunchbubble I'm curious about your handwatering method... I know elsewhere you're always talking about feeding three times a day with drippers and keeping the coco moist but not soaking, but here I'm assuming you were only watering at most once a day? So when you're watering in by hand for no runoff, is there a benchmark you're lookin for? Do you want the pot to feel as heavy as possible without achieving runoff? Do you want it to feel half full? I'm sure its something you just get a feel for but I'm curious. Obviously your plants didn't suffer from their lack of runoff so I look forward to your response.

Thanks, Oregonic


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
watered every other day, i would just put the wand to the pot and count to 15, sometimes 20 if they looked like they need it. the 15-20 seconds does not saturate the whole pot, just the top. and the coco wicks the nutrient to the rest of the pot. nudging the pots gives me enough info on how much to water. you can tell from the weight of the pot when you nudge it, it should not be lite and not heavy, hard to explain....
appreciate it guys.....:joint:


Thanks for the response... I'm sure many of the handwater-everyday-till-runoff growers (myself included) will be suprised by this. Surely the size of the pots had something to do with allowing you to get away with that though... 10 gals seem like overkill. I pulled close to 6oz off plants in 4 gal of coco and I certainly don't consider myself an expert. So it seems like you could be pullin similar yields to your current ones out of pots in the 5-7 gal range. But whatever, I'm sure you're a busy guy and the need to not water every single day was probably a motivating factor in your decision. I'll be curious to see your opinion on the 10 gals once everything is tallied up though.

Thanks again, Oregonic


Oh and I get what you mean about the pot weight... there is definitely a point where a pot has water but is too light, and one where it gets that realllllly heavy feel. So you just want it somewhere in the middle of those two...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i agree with 10 gal being overkill. i was going into a partnership with someone and they just kept lagging and lagging on getting the spot setup and the plants were vegging the whole time in 3 gallon pots. i said fuck it and went with another partner and noticed that the plants were starting to yellow from being to rootbound when we were setting up the new spot. i didn't think 5 gallons would do the girls Justice because they were so rootbound and about to go into flowering, so i went with 10's. i usually use 3 gal in my verticals and pull 8-12 zips a plant, but i have a feeling these girls are going to produce, they have that super"titty wiggle" when you nudge the plant, im sure some 1 pounders, well hopefully.
didnt want to go with hand watering, i was going to due a simple drip like my verticals, and im not sure why i haven't done that yet.....

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