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"Perfect State": Hybrid Weed Strains:)by rick


ICMag Donor
hay guys,,,see what you think about this

My goal is to achive perfect state through crossing my best plants!

Lateral Gene Transfer is any process in which an organism incorporates genetic material from another organism without being the offspring of that organism.........this is the same as when i outcross my IBL or "homogeneous" weed plants........is it not?

by contrast, vertical transfer occurs when an organism receives genetic material from its ancestor,,,,as with our classic regular BackCross or with my "Reverced Backcross" idea.....

what i am talking about is Allmost Transgenic Weed,,,,

Transgenic plants possess a gene or genes that have been transferred from a different species.......im allmost pozitive when i cross 2 totaly different weed plants, i am actualy trying to create a new species of weed, with the quantitative traits i wish it to posess,,,,,,,,,,then once i acompish that twice, i will have 2 different plant species again, an i will want to cross the 2,,,and so on,,,,

what i am doing is :::integrating DNA ino a plant genome by natural processes ,,to create "PERFECT STATE"

Varieties containing genes of two or more distinct plant species sutch as samS SK1 IBL witch incorperates Afghan -,Col,gold -Aco,gold,,,,,,are frequently created by classical breeders like sam who deliberately force hybridization between distinct plant species.....im not a classical breeder,.... but i can understand english.....an that makes total sence to me!....it even reminds me of myself with my crumby weed plants, an how i breed for quantitative traits an especialy the manifested phenotype it creates....i Create!,,, anyways ,il carry on

the term "transgenic plants" refers to plants created in a laboratory using recombinant DNA technology....... the aim is to design plants with specific characteristics by artificial insertion of genes from other species or sometimes entirely different kingdoms....i have a lab!,,,lol ,,,,a sh1ty crude 1, but still!...who needs "recombinant DNA technology" when my chosen sequence of alleles allready exists in the body of my projects ultimate framework ......the sh1t is allready in the cannabis kingdome,,,,look at the special clones like Cheese or ChemD, they are all varieations inside the same framework in allmost perfect state....all i need to do is isolate that sh1t then outcross.......job done i have my "PERFECT STATE"

Usually the term alleles is refered to as a coding sequences, but sometimes the term is used to refer to a non-coding sequence....... what im sayin is :An individual's genotype for that gene is the set of alleles it happens to possess. In diploid organisms like weed , two alleles make up the individual's genotype..."ya know what im sayin guys?"..it should be comon knolage by now,,lol,,,,,:)

makin seeds witch hold perfect state, is my objective!

simply laying the right genes ontop of eachother dont seem to work very well.....some clever lady called Barbara McClintock discovered transposons in her early in her career... clever bitch,,,,she won a nobel prize for that,,,i feel robbed...lol

The evolution of transposons and their effect on genome evolution is currently my feild of study

transposons are found in all major branches of life.....they may or may not have originated in a last universal common ancestor,,,, or arisen independently multiple times,,,,, or perhaps arisen once and then spread to other kingdoms by horizontal gene transfer.... while transposons may confer some benefits on their hosts, they are generally considered to be selfish DNA parasites that live within the genome of cellular organisms..... In this way,,,,, they are very similar to viruses. Viruses and transposons also share features in their genome structure and biochemical abilities, leading to speculation that they share a common ancestor.

Since excessive transposon activity can destroy a genome, many organisms seem to have developed mechanisms to reduce transposition to a manageable level..... bacteria may undergo high rates of gene deletion as part of a mechanism to remove transposons and viruses from their genomes......i theoize that is the reason for Genetic drift or allelic drift in our beloved cannabis

apparently eukaryotic organisms have developed the RNA interference "RNAi" mechanism as a way of reducing transposon activity. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans,,,,, some genes required for RNAi also reduce transposon activity......

so transposon`s get on my nerves.....and i dont understand RNA "yet"....my objective is to create PERFECT STATE,,,,,i think transposon`s need a bitch slap by rick

i cant be arsed writing any more ,,,,,do any of you guys want to say anything,,,,,,my head need hybrid vigor ,,,Lateral Transfer would be nice:)


The Tri Guy
If you do an outcross, then the results is the offspring of those parents, and canot therefore be considered lateral transferance of genetics. A parent is an ancestor, not all ancestors need to be dead or long in the past. 2 different strains of cannabis are not different species of cannabis. Like a poodle and a labrador are not different species they are different breeds, they are both still dogs. Like haze and afghani strains are both cannabis. A transgenic transference of cannabis, would be to take genes from apple trees and put them into the genome of your weed plant. Or in the example that was recently in the news, to take genes from a jelly fish and put them into a monkey family so that they glow in the dark.


ICMag Donor
if anyone has info on

Gene duplication and exon shuffling by helitron-like transposons generating intraspecies diversity

please post it or direct me to the info,,,,,,,,,,please,please!


ICMag Donor
would you say all cannabis is derived from a comon ancestor therfor its not classed as lateral transferance of genetics?

what i am doing is :::isolating then integrating DNA inot a plant genome by natural processes ,,to create "PERFECT STATE".......

its not transgenics,,, but its close ,,,,,no GMT?


ICMag Donor
i might say,,,,,,everything in life comes from a comon ancestor

the species is only the frame work,,,,how different do they need to be to create Lateral Gene Transfer ?


The Tri Guy
well to start with you need to be isolating individual genes, not crossing whole genomes naturally (NB by naturally I mean through the standard means of generating offspring, and even when using artificial techniques to generate pollen, the method of applying pollen to pistils is the natural technique of plant breeding).


ICMag Donor
well to start with you need to be isolating individual genes, not crossing whole genomes naturally (NB by naturally I mean through the standard means of generating offspring, and even when using artificial techniques to generate pollen, the method of appling pollen to pistils is the natural technique of plant breeding).

what would you say all the kids are doing when "outcrossing" an incrossing weed, atempting to breed for polygenic traits?


ICMag Donor
how different do species need to be to create Lateral Gene Transfer

what are we ACTUALY doing, when we say "I OUTCROSSED THE CHEESE CLONE"

it seems your sayin SK1 x Haze is not an outcross ,,,,,are you bro?


ICMag Donor
How to make Glow In The Dark Rabbits....And Ordering JellyFish Genes From The Internet

its now only a matter of time beffore we can pinpoint the indervidual genes responcable for the charicteristics for all of life`s creachers,,,as our maping of geneome becomes more precice, we have the power to make alterations around us at will



The Tri Guy
Hi Rick, man you are making me do some research reading aren't you lol. I love it. OK, lateral gene transfer, if I hadn't done the research, I'd think you'd been smoking too much if you'd explained it better. Lateral gene transfer isn't what I thought you were refering too. Its the process whereby 2 bacteria cells (for instance) transfer genetic coding to each other naturally. Not to their offspring through breeding, but the way we transfer knowledge to each other through speach. It's fascinating, and I didn't think it possible, but apparently it is. The process doesn't apply to multicellular species though other than through parrasites that live off of plants. So a skunk #1 clone planted next to your cheese clone wont turn into a cheese clone through lateral gene transference, though in theory, if you have parrasites living off them both, (spider mites?) there could be some transference present. This is not the same as outcrossing at all.
Now back to your earlier posts, yes I believe all cannabis came from a common ancestor. I'd say what you're doing is inbreeding through excessive stress causing epigentic changes to occur to at least one parent and possiblly all of the offspring for a few generations to come.
^quote "what would you say all the kids are doing when "outcrossing" an incrossing weed, atempting to breed for polygenic traits?"
A lot are pollen chucking, many are trying to use the work of others to make some quick cash, and a few are learning the art, even fewer of whom will become the cannabis artists of the future.
Lateral gene transfer in the truest sense does not apply to multicellular species such as cannabis, in a looser sense it does not happen to the level that you are talking about in multicellular species. What you are actually doing when you outcross or incross or backcross is breeding ie generating a new generation of offspring.
Anycross [IN MY UNEDUCATED OPINION] which involves crossing a breed with a recent ancestor, (say within the last 100 generations) is not really an outcross but rather a back cross. An afghani x haze would be an outcross, an afghani x haze ibl crossed to a haze would be a backcross. I'm not sure what sam used to create the skunk. A skunk x apple tree would be genetic engineering and gene implantation.


I'm not an experienced breeder or biologist, but I think you're referring to gene splicing, i.e. genetically modified cannabis.


Active member
sounds very very interessting to me but i dont really understand what you are actually trying to do - are you trying to creat a f1 generation that carries the genetical information of the parents so you got a perfekt IBL even out of hybrids? - or are you trying to combine the genetics of two diffrent parents which you actually choose? (simply said for example: you want the haze high in a 45 days plant ... (i know this is a bad example)) ...

if you are trying to modify the genes of the plant - how you going to do it?
ive read about the possibility of shooting microscopical pieces of gold with dead virus on it, which contains the isolated characteristics of the modification which is wanted, into the cell itself ...?
if you are trying to do something like that than you must have some serious lab!

sorry - i have to do some serious reading for understanding everything i guess!


what are the primary and residual objectives of the experiment?


ICMag Donor
to obtain a "perfect state" in seedform by using 2 select inderviduals,,,,,,combining certain inderviduals will result in predictable perfect results

the special clones we have like Cheese or ChemD are what i would call "allmost perfect state in plantform",,,,


ICMag Donor
Hi Rick, man you are making me do some research reading aren't you lol. I love it. OK, lateral gene transfer, if I hadn't done the research, I'd think you'd been smoking too much if you'd explained it better. Lateral gene transfer isn't what I thought you were refering too. Its the process whereby 2 bacteria cells (for instance) transfer genetic coding to each other naturally. Not to their offspring through breeding, but the way we transfer knowledge to each other through speach. It's fascinating, and I didn't think it possible, but apparently it is. The process doesn't apply to multicellular species though other than through parrasites that live off of plants. So a skunk #1 clone planted next to your cheese clone wont turn into a cheese clone through lateral gene transference, though in theory, if you have parrasites living off them both, (spider mites?) there could be some transference present. This is not the same as outcrossing at all.
Now back to your earlier posts, yes I believe all cannabis came from a common ancestor. I'd say what you're doing is inbreeding through excessive stress causing epigentic changes to occur to at least one parent and possiblly all of the offspring for a few generations to come.
^quote "what would you say all the kids are doing when "outcrossing" an incrossing weed, atempting to breed for polygenic traits?"
A lot are pollen chucking, many are trying to use the work of others to make some quick cash, and a few are learning the art, even fewer of whom will become the cannabis artists of the future.
Lateral gene transfer in the truest sense does not apply to multicellular species such as cannabis, in a looser sense it does not happen to the level that you are talking about in multicellular species. What you are actually doing when you outcross or incross or backcross is breeding ie generating a new generation of offspring.
Anycross [IN MY UNEDUCATED OPINION] which involves crossing a breed with a recent ancestor, (say within the last 100 generations) is not really an outcross but rather a back cross. An afghani x haze would be an outcross, an afghani x haze ibl crossed to a haze would be a backcross. I'm not sure what sam used to create the skunk. A skunk x apple tree would be genetic engineering and gene implantation.

Hay GMT,,,,im glad you like the new thread,,,,,expanding our minds through speach via Lateral Transfer ,,,,you likei me loci? eh?,,,i love you man......i feel like im sat next to you in weed uni,,shame we cant blaze-up together at brake time...would be fun

vertical transfer occurs when an organism receives genetic material from its ancestor,,,,as with our classic regular BackCross or with my "Reverced Backcross" idea...........do you agree with this?

are you sayin afghani x haze ibl is a true Outcross?.....if you say YES it is a true outcross,,,,shurly it is very similar if not the same as Lateral Transfer?

what makes you think multicellular plants are not subject to Lateral Transfer ?

sendin my transfer NOW!!:0

Jacky Treehorn

New member
to obtain a "perfect state" in seedform by using 2 select inderviduals,,,,,,combining certain inderviduals will result in predictable perfect results

the special clones we have like Cheese or ChemD are what i would call "allmost perfect state in plantform",,,,

Outcrossing is just introducing unrelated genetic material to a breeding line. It's vertical gene transfer (which occurs by sexual reproduction, crossing). Outcrossing is not horizontal gene transfer. Outcrossing is just the opposite of inbreeding, people outcross all the time with cross pollination. It is not lateral gene transfer. You can introduce a novel trait by outcrossing with an already transgenic plant - but thats not going to happen unless you transfer a gene via genetic engineering (which is not going to happen with cannabis and the average breeder).

As far as I know, most normal breeders of cannabis don't have access or the knowledge to scientific procedures for horizontal gene transfer..most techniques used in agriculture use recombinant DNA/biological vectors like plasmids to insert specific genes. Microinjection and Bioballistics are also used....these methods are the only way to do gene transfer and actually quantify what you are dong. I'm not even really sure what you are referring to when you say "perfect state". If you can't do genetic analysis then there is no way to quantify what you want to achieve. This is why breeders just use phenotype to go by with vertical gene transfer. You are breeding many different varieties within one species.