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Hey guys i am goin to take you guys on a pictoral of growing pot in massachusets by growing reefermans nigerian nightmare.
now i have vegged these under flouros for about a month now and they have been quite impressive with there rate of growth.
i have found a spot wayyyyyy out in the middle of nowhere and have found a beaver swamp and a small pothole pond off to its side. i have made three grow spots and have placed three in one , four in another, and two in the last. i picked two spots on the small pothole pond for the larger groups becuase it is really hidden by moutain laurel and gives a good openess for the plants to get alot of light. the other spot is on the side of the main beaver swamp and is more open to prying eyes.
now i have planted them into 5 gallon grow bags filled with Shultz potting mix, worm castings, and cow manure. it is early may now with nighttime temps dipping into the low 50s and upper 40s so we will see what happens in the next few weeks. i have also wrapped 10lbs test fishing line in a fence around the groups to keep the deer out and anything else that wants em.

well i just got back from the site. now to get in you have to hike in off the trail and your confronted with a swamp, bugs,stink, and every other reason not to go further. but in one spot there is a couple of rocks that you can cross to get to the other side of area without going all the way around.well after a 30 min 4 wheeler ride and a 10 min walk i start getting closer to my spot. i notice some old footprints and figure they where mine from last week..yeh right. i cross the rocks at the narrow in the swamp and walk mabey 50 ft and see that these footprints had led to some half ass digging. now mabey its other growers? or who knows what, but they dug around alittle and found alot of roots and left it at that. well from there you have to walk, following the swamps uneven edge, to get to my grow mabey 1000 ft from where they where. i get to the first site and find that these beans have the nice charecteristic to show males with this light cycle already! so i find in area #1 two males out of three and no males out of spot #2 it has 4 plants andin area #3 1 male out of the 2. well i moved the remaining female(?) out of area #1 and put it into area#3 with the other one. so i am down to six females i believe. now i dont belive the intruders found anything.....they probubly would have took them or moved them.......so i kept everything somewhat secure by shutting down area #1.as you walked in you could spot the 5 gallon grow bags pretty easily.and thats if your looking and walking in the right direction.
now i didnt water becuase its been raining alot here in massachusetts but i did put down slug bait. i just sprinkled its all around the sites and a little next to the stalks of the plants. they have grown about a foot going from about 8 to 12 in to about 2 ft tall. i will snap photos next time i forgot the camera this time. but so far so well!!!!!!!
nice to see you guys have dropped in sako and nice to see another masshole:)

this strain with the males showing sex this early could prove to be very valuable to outdoor growers in climates like ours here in the northeast.lets see what the females do now!!!!!!


Well-known member
not far from ya im in upstate NY and im gonna use the grow bags and put them IN the ground with a mix of bone meal blood meal some worm castings and some guano i got 3 bangkok betty(choc thai)and 10 grapefruit to put out


Sounds like your plants are doing well. I have the same kind of setup to get to my spot; walk through/along swamps, it stinks back there, wayy too many horseflies and mosquitos. Hopefully they'll stay safe and whoever's footprints those were didn't seem them. Good luck.

Good luck with the at least week straight of rain their sayin we're gonna have to deal with too.
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i have no clue where to get clones. you would be stupid to give out any personal info to strangers anyway.the rain is good right now becuase tey are still in veg so it wont matter. just remember to put your slug bait out!!!
well i just got back from a long hike to my plants....WOW THE MAY FLIES SUCK. its Memorial Day here in the United States....a day to remeber fallen soldiers and for most....a day to plant your pot crops. Now my photos sucked this time ( batteries running low) and the foliage is really starting to conceal them well. We took the dogs withh us this time and they loved it. All you have to say is "go for a walk" and they freak!
Well this time around i found six healthy plants soaking up the sun. No evedence of slugs or insect damage at all on the plants. Basicly there are on there own now. We have night time temps in the 50s and daytime temps in the 70s. They are about three feet tall now though the pics you can hardly gauge the height gain. In the plot of two i found one knocked over and it started growing on its side with all the branches becoming apical tips. all reaching for the sun.

and here is sharky all pooped out with such little hike. what a wuss. asleep on our ride home in the car.


Active member
I have some Nigerian going as well. Are you limited to fast finishers to for your area? I am in the PNW and we have to have shit done by First wk. of october at the latest. Mold is a big problem. I will have to post some pics of my plants to compare with yours through the season. Mine have some killer skinny ass sativa leaves, lookin beautiful. Great start look forward to the show.
ok i think this might be the holy grail of outdoor pot in the colder regions. so far this strain has shown only males and all the males have shown, so you only put out females. this strain has also a crazy growth rate.ok its been about 2 weeks since i hiked out and checked them. i checked sunday and was blown away.
still i have six females and all in good health. no brown leaves, no drooping, nothing whatsoever. they have gown from about three feet to about six..
i shit a brick.
i fertilized nothing. i really havent watered either. all i have done is spread slug bait out. thats it. man i am glad i have five seeds left. i am growing f2s next year if this strain smokes well. if it does........its everything youd want in a outdoor strain here in new england....believe me!



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
More NN's in Ma.

Still have these 4 inside, going to try to veg them inside til mid June, due to their extreme photosensitivity. The back left is a RM Nigerian IBL male I have revegging after it threw out balls 3 days outside! You can see where the NN's got that photosensitivity!
They will replace pulled males when they go out. RM has discontinued working w/ these, so maybe you'll wanna use those males. :wink: The knock on them is they yield poorly because they flower so early.

Hey, you guys should be posting in the N.E. Growers thread also! Don't be shy!

Peace, HL

little j

yes, finally somebody did these. where can i find the seeds now. as said rfman seeds doesnt have them. i cant find them. anyone with help and comments of course. i want to try these out.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Nigerian Nightmare is told to be very photosensitive.
Normally i dont think it will finish in Denmark under normal circumstances, where im growing, but ive been told it should start to flower fast outdoor when being kept under 24 hours of light indoor and then be put outside in the Spring.

Im planning to try just that this year.
They have been put in soil indoor and i plan to put the plants out around April 1. and see how they perform.
Hopefully a little like the picture above, but just half the size would also be nice.

i use soil prepared with peat moss and rabbit manure, compost and Canna Tera nutrients.

how they NN and my other outdoor plants ( Big Bud, Afghan, Deep chunk, Royal Dane, Lebanse 27, ErdPurt crosses and others) will perform outdoor in Denmark, 56 N Latitude, can be seen in my coming outdoor thread.