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purps sssc(super stealth sog cab)

whats happening...its purp and im here to present my cab plans and to get some opinions from all the great educated members here..first off let me say that i will be constructing this cab based off of dr buds sog methods to grow "budsicles" and to grow a few strains at once..variety is the spice of life:joint: so with that said, onto the images and plans for the cab..

I will be constructing a flower cab from an aquarium stand which will hold an aquarium on top for viewing pleasure as well as to mask the sound from the exhaust fan..in other words,Max stoner stealthyness:D
The aquarium stand dimensions are 33" W x 14" D x 30" H which gives me a little over 3 sq ft to work with.. I will start by showing the actual image of the aquarium stand following by the sketchup images..

The doors will be lockable and the cab will look totally normal from the outside..

Now onto the sketchup images:
Red= warm white bulb
Blue=daylight bulb
Grey=carbon scrubber
Yellow=intake holes


wanted to put intake holes on opposite side of exhaust but this would take up valuable floor space, so i think what im going to do is put a circulating fan in lower left corner blowing at plants to ensure nice circulation throughout the cab..open for suggestions here

[NOTE] this is just a rough sketch, the number of bulbs will be however many 42watters can fit without creating temp problems, and # of intake holes have not yet been determined.Also the type of exhaust fan has not yet been determind either but i know i want an inline just not sure how much cfm will be required for this cab..

So this is my rough sketchup and plans for my cab construction..Im open to any suggestions on what type of inline is most efficient and QUIET is main concern here, and also the intake situation..
Thanks for checkin my thread out..catch yall on the flip
i thought of somethin like this long long ago but never got around to mapping it out

great idea tho keep us posted thanks!

micro, oneq,thanks for droppin by..
So what do all of you think on the subject of mixed spectrum lighting..Have any of you really been able to tell a difference when using red and blue spectrum for flowering as to keep plants shorter..Or do you think i could just go with all warm white 42 watters and not even worry about using the blue spectrum??
thanks for the input..