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5800-watt bloomroom blowout



Good evening ICMag'ers. Bless the internet for providing us this cyberspace.

I am a medical compliant grower. I have constructed a 14x14.5' room in which I bloom my marijuana plants. I also have a veg room with two DR120 tents and one DR80, 4 x 400 watt and 1 x 250 watt for the DR80. In the system I am using, I take plants out of the cloner, and put them in the 5 gallon bucket they are going to spend the rest of their life in. In the tents, these buckets are fed by a recirculating drip system. I keep 8 plants in each DR120. I have room for 15 of them in my bloom-room, so the runt is always discarded.

Here you can see the bucket system. Drip lines, the buckets drain on to a hydro tray. The tents share a reservoir.

Here's my DR80 with some Alpha Diesel and American Dream seedlings ready to go into flower. You can see the powercloner on the bottom. 250w MH on a digi ballast.

After being veg'ed up, the plants are brought into my bloom room:

This room is really great. I'm running 8 x 600 watt, Ushio bulbs, Lumatek 240v ballasts. The lights are in hard ducting, they're vented with a 14 inch Can Max fan. There are 3 x 5 = 15 buckets. The plants are in lava rock. The lava rock bucket, that they were veg'ed in, is set in the bottom bucket. Each bottom bucket has 2-3 inches of water and an airstone on the bottom, a la Krusty Bucket. I have a 100 gallon res, 1/2 water chiller located outside the box, CPPM environment controller, dehumidifier, 18,000 BTU window AC, a Can 150 filter with a 10 inch Max fan on it. There is also a 4x4 tray with a 1000w Hortilux/Sun System 2 over it, left of the entrance. In this tray I will put 9 plants that were grown from seed, to search for new genetics.

Well, I harvested the plants you see in the picture. Here's one of the drying screens:

And some dried nug:

We got around to making some hash today. Rocking the Koblenz LCK50 washing machine with four of the 32 gallon Payload bags.

The washing machine is QUITE effective, I like it a lot

I put a grommet and some poly line out the bottom of my trash-can, it drains right outside!

And here it is, still wet (only 15 min old) but looking quite tasty.

Anyway, in this thread I will document the plants that I have in veg all through their bloom phase. Expect better pictures of my room once I can borrow a wide angle lens. Should be quite a show. Stay tuned.
Damn that an awesome bloom room. I've never seen anyone use so many bulbs on so few plants.
Any reason for such a setup? I'm curious, why the fancy design.
Damn that an awesome bloom room. I've never seen anyone use so many bulbs on so few plants.
Any reason for such a setup? I'm curious, why the fancy design.

it really depends on the wiring u use for ur grow room. if u run 220 u can use more lights with alot less amps. therefor u use the same amount of electricity and spend alot less money
by the way nice hash knifehits. can u pm me a link where i can buy those hash bags? i still screen hash the old fashion way. turns out really good but im a big fan of simplicity lol
it really depends on the wiring u use for ur grow room. if u run 220 u can use more lights with alot less amps. therefor u use the same amount of electricity and spend alot less money

What the hell are you talking about? I'm asking why so much light for the plants, and your talking about electrical work.. wow big disconnect there.
And I know about wiring, I'm an electrician.
it really depends on the wiring u use for ur grow room. if u run 220 u can use more lights with alot less amps. therefor u use the same amount of electricity and spend alot less money

that actually isn't true ... you use the same amount of watts, just less amps. same watts = same $$ for elec. the less amps means you can just run more lights on one circuit without blowing yourself up.

make sure u know what you're talkin about.

W/V = A

5800W/110 = 53A
5800W/220 = 26A

simple math, you get the point.


sorry mr tony and others
were not going to release a gpw average yet because there has only been one cycle and it was not up to par.

but stay tuned
that actually isn't true ... you use the same amount of watts, just less amps. same watts = same $$ for elec. the less amps means you can just run more lights on one circuit without blowing yourself up.

make sure u know what you're talkin about.

W/V = A

5800W/110 = 53A
5800W/220 = 26A

simple math, you get the point.

i missed the part where i said anything about wattage but i git the point. i guess i was just misinformed about usin less power. makes sense tho, good point..


New member
I really like that drying rack very cool. I've never had a chance to try hash for some odd reason, but hopefully i'll be able to make some soon

Cool grow room +rep!


as far as the lights go
it is logical.
more evenly spread light plus it just works you have a 3x5 grid of plants and a 2x4 vertical rack of lights

for any dimension
3x3 plants 2x2 vertical lights


no more goops or gimmicks for my drainage. redoing the bottom buckets right now, to be silicone-free.
