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new guy


New member
hello i am from the usa and have had my hands in a few exsparments been messing around for about 5 years


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup toby,good to see you found ur way here finaly man.this is a bomb ass site yo with plent of good folks that will help you all they can...you have a decent understanding of this thing we do already so im sure you will fit right in...and what the fuck is exsparments???? :muahaha: just kiddin bruh,you know i hadda fuck with ya. :joint:

...toby is a friend of mine fellaz,ive known him for about ten...years....shit maybe even longer,hes starting up some new projects.lets give him a hand and some knowledge.hes tryin to get serious with his program and step the game up a lil bit.he been at it for a minute,but hes tryin to spread his wings,and get on the next level...
he knows i am more then willing to help him out with whatever but with the circle we hang its better that we do it thru IC mag so that no one knows about what we do.you'll see him run any cut of mine that he wants so there should be alot of good goin down in his room.right now he wanted my sensi star (the ogre cut) but i think hes gonna get tired of that one fast....i did .LMAO.
welcome to IC toby.peace-T-


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

The only thing that troubles me - if you've got Tona at your disposal and still need advice, we've got our work cut out for us....



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lol strain...he has no idea of the dedication i put into learning and researching this plant we love so much bro...weve never had a serious growing discussion.after he sees what i do i think that will change though LMAO...if you met me ,im not the dude you look at and say...i bet he studies and reads everyday...lol....my closest friends have no idea of the inner nerd i have LMAO...
hes just meeting this side of me for the 1st time,the serious grow that shit the best you can part.;)
peace yo.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Haha, well, he's in for quite a shock. :D

(And it's OK to be a nerd, you don't need to hide in the closet. Well, it'd better be OK... or I'm boned.)



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor

The only thing that troubles me - if you've got Tona at your disposal and still need advice, we've got our work cut out for us....

Whats up tony! welcome to the site! You gotta bad ass teacher yo...Look forward to seeing Tonas apprentice work! Mine is snsstealth if you see him lurkin around. You guys can get together and badmouth Tona and I...lol
anyhoo, welcome:friends:
good vibes


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Whattup toby! Welcome to ICMAG. You're gonna love it here.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Welcome, toby!
Man, the big T is one of the best to be hooked up with. He is well on his way to being a fine mentor, and you have a ground floor opportunity to soak up the knowledge and grow (in spirit as well as literally) along with him.

Hope you find this place as much as home as we do.
what up toby .... welcome to ICMAG

i second (or third or fourth or fifth?) everyone else. a friend of tona is a friend of ours.

stay safe,



welcome to the boards man!
you are about to be in for the ride of your life, specially knowin Tona..:muahaha:
now hang on tight cause here you goooooooo..!!


natural medicator
Welcome Toby:wave:
You're one lucky grower to have Tona's knowledge and cuts at your disposal.
He hasn't told you just how good the Mango Haze is yet.....has he :joint:
hope to see some nice grows coming from ya soon!

be well

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I would try to find someone that knows how to grow...If you check out T's Oasis you'll see what a hack he is...

LMAO! Got one of the best grower's on here helping you. Take advantage.

And welcome!

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