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Great article for legalization, in mainstream media!


Active member
That is an exceptional article.

Law enforcement in that article know what they are talking about.

Love the "it doesn't cure immaturity" comment :laughing:
I'm going to do some research as to what we need to do to change this in our state.. I'll be postin so sother PAers can help if they choose
I've been posting under that article as Smiles. If you're from PA and would like to help me you can find an e-mail for me in comment # 87 I believe. I don't think admin would recommend risking it though..... Post some ideas here if you have any, we may be planning a PA rally, I don't know, I'll have to see what kind of support I can get.


I'm with you let’s start a new thread so we can keep it all together

I have been doing research the last two days on this

I have been doing research on PA but I cannot find a dam thing

Doctors in my neck of the woods will not subscribe meds for chronic pain anymore

All patient forms in the area I live now have printed on them top and bottom.

“This office does not subscribe medication for chronic pain”

The DEA went after a few doctors and now there all scared.

I have a damaged L2 L3 L4

Do we go for legalization Medical or Decriminalization?

I like Decriminalization in order to keep the idiots under control

This very well could be our chance

This issue has been eating me up inside for days
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Do we go for legalization, Medical or decimalization?

I want Decriminalization
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Just saw a medicinal CA user complain about all the talk of total legalization and how it should only be for medicinal use only. We recently had a meduser say the same thing to our faces, " You should only be using for medicinal purposes and have your card". Guess what, he's poppin' pills now wishing he had shut his mouth. -jeesh!
re: Do we go for legalization, Medical or decimalization?

Go for whatever you want. If it's medically available then we may as well make sure it's medically legal like tylenol. There's so many uses for hash oil it's unbelievable. It does so much for inflammation and skin problems, I think refining it would be a better way to administer it, it's not fake like marinol, it's just refined. That way it doesn't have to be smoked and it would create more jobs yet. If we propose it to be available similar to alcohol that would probably be the best way to introduce it. Even cannabutter. Economy is being held back by these stupid laws, If they would just let it go we would be back on top, ya know?
I have a flier

I have a flier

:kos:Here's a flier ready to be printed and posted, I left it mysterious to catch interest, make any changes you want. The formatted processor file is attached.


Do you know anyone with one of these diseases?

Crohn's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Neuropathic Pain
Alzheimer's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Tourette's Syndrome

It's likely that you or someone you know and care about has one of these diseases, but did you know that there is one medication that could help ease pain and associated symptoms of all of these and more? Did you know that this medication is a 100% natural plant extract? It also has no toxic limit for humans, has almost no potential for dependency, and studies of long term use consider it very safe.
Did you know that, after all the research effort, it's still a SCHEDULE 1 drug? That means it's totally illegal. What can we do to change this? We can educate ourselves! To get the facts go to


Don't let our loved ones suffer any longer, find and sign a petition today!

:ying:Smiles:ying: :abduct:


  • Did you know flyer.doc
    955 KB · Views: 21


just links and information i have found



Pennsylvania has 2 primary grassroots groups working to get ligislation in PA, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! PhillyNORML and Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana have a bill, The Barry Busch Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, based on the MPP's Hinchey-Roebacher amendment that we are urging our representatives to support. This topic was made to generate interest amoung Pennsylvanians to help in this effort. Anyone wishing to join a group and become active, contact my self, Aaron Riley, to get started today! [email protected]


Now you can search for your legislator by zip code or county! Just use box labeled "Find Members By" in the upper-right hand corner...


Thank you for taking the time to contact me about medical marijuana. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them.

Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug under federal law. As such, it is not legally recognized as having any acceptable medical use.

One initiative on this issue in the House of Representatives was an amendment to the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2008 to prohibit the Justice Department from using its funds to prevent states with medical marijuana laws from implementing those laws; this amendment failed.

H.R. 5842, the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, was introduced by Representative Barney Frank on April 17, 2008. This bill would move marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act and would prohibit restrictions upon states that permit the medical use of marijuana and its growth for that purpose. Currently, there is no companion legislation in the Senate.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.

If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit my web site, http://casey.senate.gov. I invite you to use this online office as a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.

Bob Casey
United States Senator

Thank you for contacting my office regarding medical marijuana. I appreciate hearing from you.

As Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, it is essential that I remain fully informed in all areas of health care policy. During the 110th Congress, we will debate various health issues, such as the complex question of managed health care and the Federal role in its regulation, as well as reforms to the Medicare program, including its prescription drug benefit. Among my top legislative priorities this Congress is the continued fight for stem cell research, necessary increases in funding for all aspects of biomedical research within the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, and ensuring the appropriate examination and refinement of the vital public health programs administered by the Federal government.

Again, I appreciate your taking the time to bring your views on medical marijuana to my attention. Your input is vital as I continue to press for targeted health care reform and urge Congressional leadership to make this reform a top priority. If you have any further questions on this issue or any related matter, please do not hesitate to contact me or visit my website, at http://specter.senate.gov.


Arlen Specter

Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-PA) on Marijuana Law Reform

Dear Ms. M….:

Thank you for letting me know of your support for the legalization of marijuana. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.

I am opposed to any efforts to legalize marijuana or any other illegal drugs. We have a serious problem with drug use and addiction in this country–one that is best addressed through tough law enforcement and compassionate help for users seeking to break their addictions. It is not legal to use marijuana or possess marijuana and I support the efforts of the DEA to enforce this law.

Again, thank you for contacting me with your concerns. If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dear PA4MMJ Members:

You may have received a previous email from me in which I mention that PA US Senator Arlen Specter is pro-medical marijuana. He even said he'd use it if it were legal. Sen. Specter has cancer and is undergoing up to 12 rounds of chemotherapy, so it's no wonder he's supportive. More information can be found at http://www.thebulletin.us/site/index.cf … _id=619045

Arlen Specter Sponsor Medical Marijuana?

Currently, the two medical marijuana bills in the US House of Representatives have no counterpart in the Senate. We need a sponsor in the Senate, and I can't think of anyone better than Specter. I have already called his office and asked if he has any plans on introducing something, and his receptionist said she was unaware of any plans, but she did take down what I had to say.


We need your help! If we're ever going to get this done, we need people to write letters to Senator Specter.

Action 1: Call Specter today! It takes five minutes and makes our medijuana a front line issue. All you have to do is mention HR5842, and ask that the Senator consider introducing legislation in the Senate that would be a counterpart to it. Also, mention PA4MMJ and our efforts to legalize medical marijuana in the state. They want to know these things! You can find telephone and office address information at http://specter.senate.gov/public/index. … eLocations . When calling, call his Washington DC office (the first one on there) to ensure consistency.

Action 2: Write Senator Specter a letter! PhillyNORML will be collecting letters this Thursday night at our next meeting, written by our members and supporters, and will mail/fax them to the Senator's office ourselves. So please, take 15 minutes and write to the Senator and ask him to sponsor a counterpart bill to HR 5842 - Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act. Remember to come to the meeting to drop it off! If you can't make it you can e-mail it in MS Word or PDF format to me at [email protected] and I'll make sure it's included.

Having this kind of support at the Federal level should make our job of getting medical marijuana legalized in PA that much easier. So please take 5 or 15 minutes to do this!

Thank you for your support,

- Derek Rosenzweig
PhillyNORML Co-Chairman
PA4MMJ Co-Founder
Web: www.phillynorml.org
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 215-499-5354


Specter Gets A Primary Challenge From Peg Luksik

Friday, March 06, 2009
Thirty-year incumbent U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter will face a significant opponent in next year’s Republican primary.

Conservative activist Peg Luksik has formed a committee and begun raising money in her attempt to unseat Mr. Specter, citing his socially liberal positions and vote for the economic stimulus package as the main reasons for her decision, stating, “Mr. Specter has completely lost touch with the people of Pennsylvania.”

Ms. Luksik is no stranger to Pennsylvania politics. She shook the establishment by almost defeating then-incumbent Auditor General Barbara Hafer in the 1990 Republican primary, garnering 46 percent of the statewide vote.

She also ran as an Independent in the 1994 gubernatorial contest, taking 13 percent of the vote. More recently, she was campaign manager in a nationally followed race to unseat longtime Democratic U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-12th, in central Pennsylvania.


smile i do not think the PA Attorney general will be of any help. there office is mainly for consumer protection.

I think it is best that we get people to contact there reps

also maybe we should contact Phili Normal and see what they have to say

I was also kicking the idea around about bumper stickers so the issue is out there

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Cannabinoids kill hospital superbug MRSA

Chemicals found in marijuana called Cannabinoids may prove useful in the fight against the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), new research suggests.

Results of a study by researchers in Italy and the UK has revealed that the five major cannabinoids in the Cannabis sativa plant are effective against different strains of MRSA. Two of the cannabinoids tested are nonpsychotropic, which means that they do not possess the mood-altering properties associated with marijuana. Furthermore, the researchers found that the cannabinoids kill bacteria in a different way to traditional antibacterial drugs, thus meaning that MRSA may not be able to develop resistance against them.

The authors write: “Although the use of cannabinoids as systemic antibacterial agents awaits rigorous clinical trials and an assessment of the extent of their inactivation by serum, their topical application to reduce skin colonization by MRSA seems promising.”

The study authors said that their findings highlight the need for further study into the antibacterial properties of cannabinoids: “this plant represents an interesting source of antibacterial agents to address the problem of multidrug resistance in MRSA and other pathogenic bacteria. This issue has enormous clinical implications, since MRSA is spreading throughout the world and, in the United States, currently accounts for more deaths each year than AIDS.”
Here it is,


Medical Marijuana Coming To Pennsylvania

Over the past several weeks, NORML affiliates have been working closely with Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia) to draft legislation to make the Keystone State the fourteenth state to legalize the physician-supervised use of cannabis.

Although this bill is not anticipated to be formally introduced until next month, mainstream media is already covering the issue. In fact, on Tuesday, March 24, the Philadelphia Inquirer opined, "Pennsylvania should join 13 other states in finally legalizing medical marijuana to allow seriously ill patients to potentially benefit from its use."

You can here an interview with Rep. Cohen on NORML's Daily Audio Stash here.

It is believed that Rep. Cohen's forthcoming bill will face stiff opposition in the Pennsylvania legislature. That is why Philly NORML is asking for your help today.

Please take a moment to contact your state elected officials and urge them to support common sense protections for patients who use cannabis therapeutically. While you are at it, please consider asking your representative to become a co-sponsor of The Barry Busch Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act of 2009. Philadelphia NORML has set up an online system to locate and contact your state elected officials by going here: http://www.phillynorml.org/involve/contact_officials/10

Finally, Philly NORML and Rep. Cohen are seeking local patients who would be willing to testify regarding their use of cannabis as a therapeutic agent. If you are such a person, please contact Philly NORML or e-mail the office of Rep. Cohen at: [email protected].

Thank you for your support of NORML's marijuana law reform efforts in Pennsylvania.

The NORML Team

Let's step it up PA! If you want anything proof read (VERY IMPORTANT FOR ANTI-STERIOTYPICS) you can post it here or send it to me at smiles4legalhotmail.com

If you need to know who your rep is visit

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